ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 (July 26) Results & Review (2024)

Ring Of Honor
Death Before Dishonor 2024
July 26, 2024
Esports Stadium Arlington
Arlington, Texas

Watch: HonorClub

Meet our reviewers:

Sean Sedor: The last few days have been on the rough side for Sean, as he’s been dealing with his second round of COVID. He’s through the worst of it, thankfully, and he’s ready to review another ROH PPV. You can find Sean on Twitter @SASedor2994 (he refuses to call it X) AND on Bluesky ( If you’re interested in some of his other escapades, you can watch him play the Formula 1 games on YouTube (just search his name), and you can also go to the Be The Booker forums if you’d like to check out his EWR Diary, where he plays as WCW (started in 1998, just recently finished up 2002).

Chris Colvin: Chris currently resides in an ORIGINAL SEC Conference state. He is happily married with children old enough that one of them has a child of their own. He is currently subscribed to every streaming service available domestically, but he prefers DVDs. He is definitely not up to date on the current storylines, but let’s face it, no one at ROH is either. He will be actively cheering for Leyla Hirsch and Atlantis tonight. This is Chris’s first attempt at this type of review, only time will tell if there are more in his future.

Death Before Dishonor 2024 Zero Hour
MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor) def. Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico)

Sean: These two have been wrestling all over the place on the indies and internationally since they were released by WWE. Interesting that they’re basically doing a version of the Maximum Male Models gimmick. Angelico and Serpentico got in more offense than I expected for a match featuring a debuting team, but on the whole, this was a perfectly fine match. Afterwards, Maria Kanellis came out on the ramp and applauded Mason Madden and Mansoor on their win. Her managing these two would probably be an upgrade, as that Cole Karter/Griff Garrison team has gone nowhere. **1/2

Chris: The Spanish Announce Project are the perfect team to feed to these guys as Mason Madden & Mansoor make their ROH debut. I have not actively watched WWE since 2017 or so, I am not familiar with MxM Collection’s previous work. They seem to be a cohesive team and SAP do a fine job of allowing Mansoor and Madden to highlight their offensive prowess. Good enough to open the preshow. MxM Collection wins. **3/4

Death Before Dishonor 2024 Zero Hour
Marina Shafir def. Angelica Risk

Sean: Nothing much to say about this one. A very quick squash win for Marina Shafir, as she’s (presumably) being set up to challenge for one of the two women’s titles in ROH at some point. N/R

Chris: I missed much of it as I was making dinner. N/R

Death Before Dishonor 2024 Zero Hour
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean with Trish Adora) def. Anthony Henry & Griff Garrison (with Maria Kanellis)

Sean: I mentioned Griff Garrison in my review of the opener. Well, he’s here teaming with Anthony Henry in a bit of a makeshift duo (Cole Karter isn’t here and JD Drake is out with an injury) as they face The Infantry. This got a lot more time than I was anticipating, but it ended up being a pretty solid match. The Infantry got the win following some miscommunication between Henry and Maria, and after the fact, we got a bit of a Heyman Special as Top Flight made their entrance while The Infantry were celebrating their win on the ramp. ***

Chris: I have been fortunate to see Anthony Henry wrestle many times in person, usually with James Drake as his partner. If his purpose with this team is to help Griff along, I am in favor of it. It is also great that Maria Kanellis made the show considering her current health difficulties. I hope this is a good sign for her. The Infantry are always a fun team to watch for me. Henry is such a great journeyman pro wrestler, his work is crisp and snug. Garrison has improved since the last I saw him. Bravo and Dean work great as the faces in peril. Dean and Bravo ultimately get the win after Maria interferes. Some great athleticism and offense by both teams during the meat of the match made this a fun watch. ***1/4

Death Before Dishonor 2024 Zero Hour
Top Flight def. The Outrunners

Sean: It’s definitely a bit weird seeing The Outrunners having more of a 50-50 match when they’re usually getting squashed on AEW television. After the initial opening exchange, The Outrunners isolated Darius Martin for a bit until Dante Martin made the hot tag. It didn’t take long for Top Flight to secure the win after that. A fine match that gives Top Flight a win. **3/4

Chris: I love the Outrunners as a mid-card jobber tag team. As someone old enough to have watched tag teams such as the Midnight Express and the Bodydonnas in real-time during their prime, the Outrunners tug at my heartstrings. Top Flight are one of the best teams in ROH/AEW when given the opportunity to work. For a sub-ten-minute match, there was a lot going on. Both teams were given time to work and it wasn’t a squash. Ultimately Top Flight won a perfectly fine match. ***

The Beast Mortos def. Komander

Sean: I’m a big fan of kicking off these ROH PPVs with a lucha showcase. Mortos absolutely leveled Komander out of the gate. Komander would attempt to fight back with a dive, but Mortos caught him, and then powerbombed him into Alex Abrahantes. After a flash pin attempt, Komander finally found an opening….which was quickly closed when Mortos tossed him into the top turnbuckle. Every time it looked like Komander was going to get sustained offense in, Mortos would brutally cut him off. Eventually, he got some offense in the form of a DDT while diving through the turnbuckle, a crazy rana off the apron, and his rope walk dive to the floor. It became a more back-and-forth affair from there, with both guys trading some pretty insane moves. Mortos would ultimately score the victory after an insane backbreaker and what was (essentially) an Awful Waffle.

This match kicked so much ass. Mortos is an awesome wrestler with one of the coolest looks out there, and was a total monster in this one. Komander also did an incredible job bumping around like a maniac for him. It wasn’t 100% smooth, but as far as openers go, this delivered in a major way. ****1/4

Chris: Mortos’s mask is so damn cool. ‘Beast’ is an apt name for him as he is a huge luchador. I’m always happy to see Komander in action, this is a nice way to start the main card. The match starts out with Mortos showing us his brute strength and Komander doing what he does best, aerial maneuvers. The match takes a turn when Mortos caught Komander after an attempted dive to the outside and swings Komander in a powerbomb into Alex Abrahantes and the barrier. A brief comeback by Komander leads to Mortos seizing control and tossing the much smaller Komander into the top turnbuckle. Komander hit a dive through the bottom rope from the floor catching Mortos in a DDT. Komander is really giving us a show tonight. These luchador matches in ROH always seem to deliver! At one point Komander hits an effortless ring rope walk to dive on the outside that has to be seen to be believed. It was as though Komander was floating through the air. When the match resumes in the ring we are given more explosive offense by both wrestlers including a swinging Mexican Destroyer by Komander and a hell of a spear by Mortos. It is nearly impossible to recount all the moves that took place in the final few moments of this match. Mortos ultimately gets the win after taking advantage of a missed top rope dive by Komander where he focused on Komander’s back for a successful pin. Rest assured it is worth your time to watch this.I went notebook on this one. ****

ROH World Tag Team Titles
Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) def. The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii)

Sean: While it sucks that Tomohiro Ishii isn’t in the G1 Climax, I love the fact that we’re getting him in the states for a few weeks. In particular, I really enjoy this tag team he’s formed with Kyle O’Reilly (they teamed together back at Forbidden Door). This one started out with a chop battle between Ishii and Bennett, and while Ishii got the better of Bennett, he did come away with some blood on his chest. O’Reilly and Ishii then worked over Taven for a few minutes before Bennet and Taven regained control.

After things broke down into a wild brawl on the floor, Undisputed Kingdom isolated O’Reilly after a pretty cool counter to his Nigel McGuiness lariat. He eventually made the tag Ishii, who briefly ran wild before Bennett and Taven cut him off. They connected with their Hail Mary piledriver, but Ishii popped right back up, which the crowd went nuts for! We got more exchanges between the two sides until Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher came down to the ring. This gave Bennett the opening to hit O’Reilly with a low blow and pin him with a small package. A deflating ending to what was otherwise a great match. Ishii and O’Reilly are such a fun tag team, and I don’t think Bennett and Taven get enough credit for how good they’ve been as a duo (for a very long time as well). I suppose the finish will lead to more interactions on AEW television between the Don Callis Family and The Conglomeration, but I don’t think they needed to do that finish in this spot. ****1/4

Chris: How could anyone not like The Conglomeration of Ishii and O’Reilly? They are the tag team I never knew I needed, and tonight, they are taking on the tag team I never wanted in The Undisputed Kingdom. Despite the gray in his beard, Ishii is still one of the toughest son-of-a-bitches around. This is evidenced by his bloody chest after a chop exchange with Bennett less than three minutes into the match. O’Reilly and Taven take this contest to the mat for a brief exchange before Ishii is tagged back into butcher Taven’s chest via knife-edge chops. Taven takes a beating from both Ishii and O’Reilly where he unsuccessfully begs off Ishii’s attack. Interference allows Taven to gain an advantage and tag in the rested Bennett. We get to see the toughness of Big Tom Ish when Bennett attempts to level him with a series of forearms, only fingers to the eye could back down the big man. Taven and O’Reilly are back in the ring after all four spent a few moments on the outside. When it is O’Reilly’s turn to take unprotected chops in the corner, the sweat is flying off his chest. Taven and Bennett have a control period where they continue to maim Kyle with their offensive prowess. Once the Stone Pit Bull manages to be tagged in, it is time for a suplex exhibition. Only Bennett interfering with Ishii could stop this onslaught leading to a combined Spicoli Driver and Taven’s knee leading to an unsuccessful pinning attempt by Taven. This match has woke up the crowd for sure. All four wrestlers are in the center of the ring for a forearm exchange where The Conglomeration regain control of the match. Ishii hits a top rope brainbuster followed by another brainbuster which would have ended it if it weren’t for Taven breaking up the pin. Unfortunately we are given a bullsh*t ending when Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher make their way to ringside to distract the referee resulting in a low blow by Bennett to Kyle O’Reilly. Damn it, the ending sucked the air out of my sails. Regardless, this was a great match for what it was. A quarter star deducted for the schmoz finish.***3/4

Texas Death Match
Leyla Hirsch def. Diamante

Sean: These two have been feuding for several weeks on ROH TV, with this being the rubber match (Leyla Hirsch won their first encounter, while Diamante won their recent Lights Out Match). This one got off to a crazy start as Diamante threw Hirsch off the stage through a bunch of tables within the first minute or so. They made their way back to the ring, and it didn’t take long before both women were busted open. After Hirsch connected with a German Suplex into thumbtacks, she went for a moonsault, but landed in thumbtacks herself when Diamante got out of the way.

After duct taping Hirsch to the ropes, Diamante smacked her in the head with a flip flop that had thumbtacks on it. She then introduced a set of barbed wire boards, but Hirsch would end up putting her through those boards with a Samoan Drop off the apron. This all built to a spot where Hirsch connected with a HUGE moonsault off a ladder to put Diamante through a table (which she was duct taped too). It appeared that Hirsch legit injured her arm on that big moonsault spot, as her arm got caught in the ladder on the way down. These two women absolutely killed themselves out there, and their efforts resulted in a match that far surpassed my expectations. That big table bump right out of the gate really set the tone for this one. I don’t know what it is, but women’s hardcore matches (particularly ones at the end of a feud) are always insane in the Tony Khan-verse. Screw the women’s four-way match….THESE kinds of matches are the big tradition in the women’s divisions of AEW and ROH. ****1/4

Chris: I am an unabashed Leyla Hirsch fan. Probably because as a vertically challenged person myself, I admire her ability to not let that stop her pursuit of her goal as a pro wrestler. The match opens on the runway with dueling chairs until Diamante is able to toss Hirsch off the stage and through tables on the floor. Diamante takes a millenia to set up a triple chair spot onto a prone Hirsch. This always takes me out of a plunder match. But, blood will always bring me back! We see a bloody Hirsch taking a beating from Diamante until Leyla is able to counter Diamante into a chair placed in the corner. Hirsch retrieves tacks from the outside as they cover the mat. An incredible top rope huricanrana type move by Leyla to Diamante lands perfectly onto the tacks. After more tacks are retrieved by Hirsch she goes to the well one too many times and misses a swanton to, herself, feel the pain of the tacks. Both women are bleeding at this point and Diamante has duct taped Hirsch to the rope while she delivers a belt whipping to her. A thumb tack laden sandal is driven into Leyla’s skull a’la gusset plates in a death match. Once again, Diamante is playing musical f*cking chairs on the outside where she sets up chairs topped by barbed wire boards. Okay, Leyla made the construction set up worth it by hitting a killer backdrop sending Diamante into the barbed wire and through the chairs. Pretty damn cool! I hope Danny Demanto is watching this and it convinces him to reopen ICW NHB. Hirsch is now duct taping Diamante to a table where she has also set up a ladder. A very dangerous looking moonsault by Hirsch results in a 10 count and a win for the diminutive badass! The effort by both women is truly remarkable and deserving of a watch.****

ROH Pure Title
Lee Moriarity def. Wheeler Yuta (c)

Sean: Lee Moriarty earned this title shot after defeating Wheeler Yuta in a Proving Ground Match. The judges here are Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels….and yes….Paul Wight. The fact that Tall Paul is a judge in a Pure Rules match is incredibly funny to me.

The initial exchange between these two ended with Moriarty using a rope break about ninety seconds in. Moriarty returned the favor a short time later, as Yuta was forced to use a rope break after being caught in the Border City Stretch. We then got a spot where Yuta got a warning for using a closed fist (in front of the referee) in between Moriarty using TWO closed fists behind the referee’s back. Despite burning his second rope break, Moriarty would be in firm control as he worked over Yuta’s wrist. Yuta managed to find an opening, but Moriarty responded with a big superplex. Another Border City Stretch forces Yuta to use a second rope break. Another exchange between the two would lead to both men using their last rope breaks after getting trapped in submission holds.

With all rope breaks and closed fists warnings exhausted, Moriarty gave Yuta a BRUTAL back suplex over the ropes and onto the apron. Once they got back in the ring, Moriarty caught Yuta in a pin, and with the ropes in play, he used them to help secure the pin! Lee Moriarty is the new ROH Pure Champion. This was an awesome pure rules match that featured some incredible wrestling throughout. When these matches are done well, they can be a cool combination of great wrestling and strong storytelling, and we got that here as both guys using all their rope breaks played a big role in the end. It’s really cool to see Moriarty win this title, and I hope he has a good run with it. ****1/4

Chris: A Pure Title match after the Texas Death Match is an interesting choice. Wheeler and Moriarty should deliver a high quality match, let’s see if they can keep the crowd somewhat engaged. Prior to the match the judges are introduced. Paul Wight is flanked by Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn and my god do Lynn and Daniels look tiny next to Wight.

Moriarty is wearing an MF Doom inspired mask to the ring which is super cool. I like that Yuta wears the belt around his waist, it just feels right for the Pure Title.

A customary handshake kicks this off. Yuta and Tigastyle start off the match with some sound mat work and arm-based offense. We get rope break one by Moriarty after Yuta attacks the knee. Our second rope break comes after a cross face attempt by Moriarty results in Yuta reaching the bottom rope. Yuta is working as the co*cksure heel tonight. But, the resourcefulness of Moriarty results in a closed fist warning on Yuta. Lee works a couple of closed fists of his own while the ref’s back is turned. An offensive flurry by both men results in a stalemate. This leads to a forearm exchange in the center of the ring. The best way to describe these two is Professional Wrestler. Both are so technically sound and well-versed in various styles of pro wrestling. They are a joy to watch. I hate the clock in a Pure Match when the time limit is announced as 60 minutes. I am distracted by it more than normal. A closed fist warning to Moriarty leads to another cross face attempt on Yuta and causes rope break two to be used. After a dive to the outside by Yuta both men are visibly winded and nursing injuries. After both men have exhausted their rope breaks, Moriarty takes control with a vicious suplex onto the hardest part of the ring, the apron. The closing segment of this match is great. Lee counters a submission into a successful pin by using the ropes! A very unique way to finish this match. I really enjoy this type of wrestling and the action and title change kept the crowd in it. Lee Moriarty is a great choice for Pure Champ and Wheeler did the title proud during his reign.****1/4

ROH Women’s World Television Title
Red Velvet def. Billie Starkz (c)

Sean: Billie Starkz came out looking like someone from the Matrix movies. Red Velvet went after Billie straight away, and controlled the bout early on. Billie turned things around when she stopped a reverse rana attempt and sent Velvet face first into the turnbuckle. Velvet was on the defensive for the next few minutes until she finally made a comeback. This led to some back-and-forth between the two, with some moves that looked smooth and others that….didn’t look as smooth.

After a stunner on the turnbuckle, Billie called for a doctor, and commentary was immediately pointed out that this is what she did last time. Once again, it was all a ruse, but it didn’t work this time. Velvet would go on to capture the ROH Women’s World Television Title, leaving Starkz totally distraught. This was easily the weakest match on the main card up to this point. It wasn’t the smoothest match in the world, but I did like the story they told with Starkz where the trick she used to win this title in the first place completely backfired on her the next time she tried it. A decent bout, but far below the stuff that came before it. **3/4

Chris: Red Velvet once again is emanating from ‘Your Momma’s Kitchen’. All’s right with the world. Starkz seems to be improving and it feels like she is on the precipice of much bigger things.

Red and Starkz exchange control periods in the opening minutes of this one. Starkz’s offense has really improved over the last year or so. It looks like she is finally comfortable laying in strikes. When Velvet gets fired up, the crowd responds loudly. There appears to be a moment where Red is lost in what she was supposed to be doing which leads to a very awkward few seconds. Not sure if this is injury related or just growing pains. Red Velvet recovers to deliver a hellacious poison rana onto Starkz. This looked devastating to Billie’s neck, but apparently wasn’t as bad as it appeared. A countered sleeper hold on the top rope by Red Velvet resulted in an apparent injury to Starkz. Here we go again. Shades of the Starkz/Aminata match. The medical staff allows Starkz to continue. Red Velvet feigns her own injury and when Billie tries to take advantage by scaling the top rope, Red counters into a DDT for the win. New Television Champion, Red Velvet. A decent match with shenanigans and somewhat sloppy work by both that really hurts it. Nothing to see here unless you are a completist. **3/4

Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs def. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, & John Silver)

Sean: The winner of this match will wrestle Undisputed Kingdom tomorrow night on Battle Of The Belts for the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Titles. Yes, your eyes don’t deceive you. After the Unified Trios Titles were vacated for….ridiculous reasons….the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Titles have been split back off from the AEW Trios Titles. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

The Dark Order neglected to follow the Code Of Honor and went right after the babyface side to get this one started. Marshall and Ross Von Erich took control in the ring after the initial brawl, but Dark Order soon gained the upper hand after Evil Uno (who’s wrestling in a dress shirt, tie, and pants now for some reason) used a cow bell behind the referee’s back. Ross and Marshall would get spurts of offense in, but Dark Order kept attacking Dustin on the floor to prevent him from tagging in. Eventually, Dustin did tag in, and ran wild on Dark Order. The Von Erichs taking the referee’s attention away with a pair of Iron Claws on Uno and Silver allowed Dustin to hit the Shattered Dreams of Reynolds before following up with his twisting suplex to secure the win. The result was never in doubt, but this still managed to be a solid six man tag with both sides playing their roles well. Not much else to say beyond that. ***

Chris: This would have been an incredible match for Rampage or the sixth quarter hour of Collision or hell, resurrect Dark for this match.No handshake to start this off. The action spills to the outside before Evil Uno and Ross Von Erich bring the match into the ring. Marshall and Ross exchange quick tag offense until the action once again spills to the outside. Evil Uno utilizes the cowbell that Dustin brought to the ring to weaken Ross Von Erich. Look, Dustin Rhodes has the best snap bodyslam in history and watching him execute it on every member of the Dark Order has made this match tolerable. The nostalgic response of the crowd to some of the offense in this match is refreshing. We get Von Erich claws and Shattered Dreams to finish this one. It was a perfectly fine pro wrestling match that I will never think about again. ***

ROH World TV Title – Survival Of The Fittest Match
Atlantis Jr. (c) def. Brian Cage, Johnny TV, Lee Johnson, Lio Rush, & Shane Taylor

Sean: Do you know what really grinds my gears? The fact that we’re just throwing the Survival Of The Fittest Match out there with no qualifying matches. I know Survival Of The Fittest was a one-night tournament for a long time, but I was able to live with them making it a two night event in the 2010s. Having no qualifiers at all though? I’m sorry, but that’s a bunch of crap. Just a total misunderstanding of the history of Survival Of The Fittest (even more maddening when I’m pretty sure they did qualifiers for the match at Final Battle last year).

Early on, Johnny TV tried to make an alliance with Shane Taylor, but that did not work out well for him. After a brief big man battle between Taylor and Brian Cage (also formerly a Taylor), everyone else took turns getting their moves in, with almost everyone hitting big dives to the floor. I say almost everyone as Taylor was ganged up on by the group before he could hit a dive, and was eventually eliminated by Lio Rush. Shortly thereafter, Rush was eliminated by Lee Johnson. Cage and Johnny TV then agreed to work together, and (despite one botched pin attempt) they managed to eliminate Lee Johnson.

Johnny TV broke the truce between himself and Cage, and despite Taya getting in the ring and clearly getting involved (which the referee just sort of let go), Cage was able to eliminate Johnny TV. The final stretch between Atlantis Jr. and Cage was brief, as Cage got caught in a flash pin, and that was it. This was a pretty good match on the whole, but it was nowhere close to the quality of the Survival Of The Fittest Match from Final Battle last year. A solid title defense for Atlantis Jr. on a major ROH show. ***1/2

Chris: This has been a really entertaining night of wrestling and this match should only add to that. Total candor, Johnny TV and his schtick ran out of gas for me in 2006. The rest of the participants in this match though have me intrigued. I am a relative newly converted lucha fan and Atlantis Jr. has really impressed me. The mix of styles and sizes in this match should be interesting. My friend Sean Sedor brings up a good point in his review of this match concerning the Survival of the Fittest Match and the lack of qualifying matches. Something that would have completely passed me by. But now, I am perplexed just like he is.

The match begins with the three biggest dudes in the match doing big dude sh*t in the center of the ring. We are treated to Brian Cage and Shane Taylor scrap where the totally natural Cage shows off his completely God-given strength and physique. Lio Rush and Atlantis Jr. are next to showcase their talents. Lee Johnson and Johnny TV wrestle for a few seconds before Taylor and Cage are back doing their thing. Of course we can’t have nice things so Johnny is back. He and Lio have a brief tussle leading to Atlantis Jr. and Lee Johnson being left in the ring. After an exhibition of every wrestler’s ability to scale the top rope to the floor other than Taylor because again, we cannot have nice things, all the competitors are back in the ring. Lio Rush has the honor of executing the first elimination, Shane Taylor. Why not Johnny TV? Because it was Lee Johnson’s time to take out Lio Rush with a brain buster. We are down to four wrestlers. The big guys double team Lee Johnson leading to his near elimination. The team work by Cage and TV lead to finally putting Johnson out of the match. It looks like a foregone conclusion that Atlantis Jr. is going to be dethroned tonight. Atlantis shows us his lucha skills by giving TV a sunset driver for a near fall. Cage does the lord’s work and eliminates TV after a failed interference attempt by Taya Valkyrie. With two left in the match, Atlantis Jr. surprisingly rolls up Cage for the victory. It is tough to rate matches like this one. In the end, I was entertained but not blown away. ***1/2

ROH Women’s World Title
Athena (c) def. Queen Aminata

Sean: Pretty crazy that the only title reign in the history of ROH that’s been longer than this one was Samoa Joe’s legendary ROH World Title reign. Following the initial opening exchange, Athena delivered the first big blow of the match with a dive to the floor. She really dominated when they were on the floor, but once they got back in the ring, Aminata finally managed to string together some offense. She fired some heavy shots at Athena in the form of her running kicks (who still look vicious as hell) and a German Suplex in the corner. Athena would respond, and we got more back-and-forth exchanges between the two (hard strikes, submissions, and more), which ultimately led to a tombstone on the steel steps.

As Aminata closed in on the title (including a Tiger Driver that was way more dangerous than the one Ospreay delivered to Bryan Danielson), Billie Starkz tried to get involved, but was immediately cut off by Red Velvet. This brawling took the referee’s attention, and that allowed Lexy Nair to pass the ROH Women’s Title to Athena, who used it as a weapon before hitting the O-Face to retain her title. A really good match that had the potential to be great if not for the finish. Queen Aminata is one of my favorite women’s wrestlers to watch right now. Whenever she’s in a competitive match that’s given time, she almost never fails to deliver. I suppose the idea with the finish is that Billie tried to make up for losing her title by helping Athena retain her title? Whatever the case might be, Athena is on her way to having the longest title reign in ROH history, as I can’t see her losing the title before the next ROH PPV. ***3/4

Chris: Without question, this is a historic title reign by Athena. Is it time for it to come to an end? That remains to be seen, but Queen Aminata is certainly a worthy opponent. The strides Aminata has made in the last 3 years or so to improve as a performer is remarkable. I am hopeful the match quality equals the gravitas of the story being told.

So, I have not been following ROH for the last month or so. I guess Athena is healed up from her injury. Kicking off, Aminata is controlling the pace of the match and, in turn, controlling Athena. An exchange of strikes results in the absolute leveling of Athena. Athena manages to take the match outside where she throws Aminata into the guardrails. We are now in full plunder territory as Athena has set the ring steps on its side where I am sure it will come into play later. Aminata takes control when the action makes it back to the ring. Thus far, the crowd seems split. The exchanges between the two grow in intensity as the match continues. Especially notable is an Air Raid Crash by Aminata that results in a very close near fall. Athena has her own damaging offense with a single leg German suplex into the corner that looks devastating. What we have here are two talented pro wrestlers having a hell of a title match. With the pace quickening Aminata delivers some innovative knee strikes to the back of Athena’s head. There is an exchange of submission attempts before Athena repeatedly slams Aminata’s head into the mat. The stairs are now in play as Athena successfully piledrives the contender into the steel. The Queen kicks out at two and fires up to deliver a flurry of forearms and a headbutt leading to an inverted piledriver. The minions run to the ring,handing Athena a foreign object she uses to knock out Aminata. How disappointing to end a match of this quality with sports entertainment level buffoonery. The Queen should see have another chance at the title. She proved tonight, she is worthy. ***3/4

ROH World Title
Mark Briscoe (c) def. Roderick Strong

Sean: In a super interesting stat that was mentioned on commentary, the last two matches that Roderick Strong had in ROH before he left the promotion in 2016 were against Mark Briscoe and Dalton Castle. He beat Dalton Castle to earn this title shot, and now he’s facing Mark with the title on the line.

The action spilled out to the floor pretty quickly, and Mark took out Strong with a big dive over the barricade. Once back in the ring, Strong blocked an early attempt at the Froggy Bow and hit the first backbreaker of the match. A few minutes later, Strong gave Mark a back suplex on the apron before sending him HARD into the ring post, busting him open in the process. Blood was pouring out of Mark’s head as Strong continued to dish out the punishment. He even managed to hit the Jay Driller, but Mark kicked out at one in a sign of defiance. Mark would go on an offensive flurry from there, and was about to hit the Jay Driller when Matt Taven and Mike Bennett got involved. The interference from the Undisputed Kingdom wasn’t enough to get the job done for Roddy, and they were soon chased off by Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii. With it back to being one-on-one, Mark was able to hit the Froggy Bow to retain the title.

A pretty great main event to close out the PPV. You knew these two were going to bust their asses, and that’s exactly what they did. I don’t know if I would call this the definitive match of the night, but it’s certainly in the mix with some of the matches from earlier in the card. My take on interference is that while I’d rather not see it, I can give it a pass when the babyfaces chase off the heels before we get a clean finish, and that’s what happened here. Undisputed Kingdom got involved, The Conglomeration chased them off, and Mark beat Roddy clean. A good result to finish off what was a really fun show overall. ****1/4

Chris: Mark Briscoe has had a hell of a summer. He has been a central figure on AEW television and is the defending ROH World Champion. Additionally, what Mark means to Ring of Honor is almost impossible to quantify. At the very least, he is a pillar, at most, he is the foundation. Roderick Strong has not had a hell of a summer by contrast. Just two weeks ago, he and his counterparts took part in a match on AEW tv where they were the talent ‘already in the ring’. This can be a sign of bad things to come. Not good. Can he create his own luck tonight by winning the Title?

The crowd is alternating ‘He still got it’ and ‘No he don’t’ chants to start this off. I am not sure who they are referring to or if it is intended for both guys. Mark starts his offensive attack with some Redneck Kung Fu before he takes the action outside the ring and spilling into the crowd. Once back in the ring, Roderick takes control of the match by blocking a Froggy Bo with his knees. It is remarkable how in shape these two are and it makes the dueling chants to open the match almost offensive by comparison. An exchange on the apron results in a hard hitting back drop to Briscoe. Strong tosses Mark head first into the ring post resulting in the opening of the injuries suffered in the Blood and Guts match. Briscoe is a prolific bleeder and you can’t teach that. Roderick is working over the injured back and living up to his reputation as a back breaker. Roderick delivers a Jay Driller to Mark that results in a one count. Just as Jay would want it! Briscoe’s second wind is upon us. A fisherman driver results in a kick out at two by Strong. The tide turns with an Angle Slam from the top rope that Briscoe kicks out at two. The exchange of chops and forearms looks incredibly exhausting to these men. Briscoe hits a flash Uranagi but, of course, the Undisputed Kingdom distract the ref and Bennett hits Briscoe with the belt. This leads to another kick out and a flurry of offense by Strong. Mark withstands all of this to make it to the top rope where Strong meets him only to be knocked to the mat. This gave Mark the opening he needed to execute the Froggy Bo for the 1-2-3. The Conglomeration join their leader in the ring to celebrate the Champion. A slow middle section of the match took a little away from this along with more interference (C’mon Tony!) which is the real detractor on the night as a whole. Regardless, the match was worked well and explosive portions were awesome. I can’t go full notebook, though. ***¾+

The disappointing amount of outside interference on this card is part of a seemingly endemic problem in the Khan-verse. So much incredible talent in front of the camera, but there seems to be a lack of it behind the scenes. Still, there was enough good to great on this card to make it worth your time. Onward and upward.

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