(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (2024)

Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (1)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (2)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:19:45 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:19:45 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (3)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003

Miller Expo Centre

Essex Junction, Vermont

Capacity: 6,400

The third episode of DPW Apex kicks off with a magnificent pyrotechnic show that lights up the stage in the Miller Expo Centre in Essex Junction, Vermont. Cameras pan around the arena to reveal over six thousand screaming fans. Moments later, we head over to the announcers' table at ringside where two familiar faces are waiting eagerly to call all of the action-packed action.

Jimmy Jenkins: We are in a smaller venue than last week, but these fans are just as loud!

Brutus Baker: If anyone looks at the schedule of events for the rest of the year, it wouldn't be too hard to figure out what's happening.

Jimmy Jenkins: Some people won't understand, Brutus. They're busy trying to get a square peg into a round hole.

Suddenly we hear “We WIll Rock You” over the loudspeakers and from behind the curtains comes Karlie and Vespertine. They walk in time to the music ignoring the deafening sound of boos coming from the audience. They dap hands and then walk up the stairs on both sides of the ring. Karlie just goes through the ropes while Vespertine uses the ropes to launch and go OVER the ropes. They ask for mics and when they are given them, Vespertine goes to speak but she is drowned out by the chanting of “Vesey sucks!”. She smiles widely and turns around to see a sign in the audience say “BURN, DRAUGR, BURN” She gets a wider smile and shows Karlie who looks and then both of them go deep into conversation. That is until Ves sees one for Karlie that says: “Karlie, Cougar hunter, cougar killer. TMI.” She shows Karlie and Karlie sees it and laugh. The chanting continues.

Vespertine: We can continue with this chant. We’ll just stay out here until you guys are finished. We don’t care. But you are showing the world why we are called eNVy and you all are eNVious.

The crowd boos louder.

Vespertine: Oh no, don’t stop on my account. You want to see us. Because we are the faces of the tag team division. Despite what you think about MAD, or my new favorite new name for them JAM. Johnny and Mercedes.

The crowd gives a weak laugh.

Karlie Nash: If I were Gloria Cedrone I'd watch out for Mercedes, she seems like the homewrecker type, do I care though, hell no, we are the Apex of the Tag team division, and tonight we’ll give you another example why. Anyway, Worst Generation, nice job last week with Grizzled Old Veteran, but here’s the thing we’re not Steve Hardy, we’re not Mary Lombardi, we’re eNVy and it case you haven’t noticed we’re the most talked about tag team in Discovery Pro Wrestling, whether it's Ves with her speed and flying or me with my veteran savvy, you think we care about your well being, my partner lit a man on fire and hasn’t lost a minute of sleep over it, I could snap your leg in half and not care or I could ram you with the steel steps and not gives a flying f*ck. OR I could take your girl back to the hotel and give her the night of her life, then toss her out like the trash she probably is, I mean she does look like a girl that would blow someone behind the local gas station just for the change they have in their pockets.

The crowd OOH’s and AWW’s.

Karlie Nash: Jessie knows it’s true, don’t you sweetie.

Karlie winks at the camera

Vespertine: I mean if you’re aim is to piss us off by saying we are the Worst Generation, you missed your mark. I’m your age so does that make me part of your Worst Generation? If your aim was to get our attention, again you missed the mark. But you got the attention of management. Or your manager slept with Downfall and Sara. Why else do WE need to face you two losers. And when you become losers of a bad generation well that’s on you. Being street trash wasn’t enough for ya? Bullied in high school were you? Had to be your own street gang because no other street gang would take you? No cheerleaders would even deign to talk to you during football games. Because being brought up in an orphanage is not a reason to have a manager like Jessica or even want to have a team name like Worst Generation. Trying hard to get noticed were we? Well it’s not going to happen. So from that orphanage we get... you.

Karlie Nash: Anyway tonight, I heard one the WG yapping about sending a message loud and clear to us. You know l Ves and I aren’t f*cking deaf, we just don’t give a f*ck what you two f*cking losers have to say.

The crowd goes into the chant of “YOU BURNED DRAUGR"

Vespertine: Not me. It was the tools given to me by your lady hero Mercedes Alexus Demareux. She gave me the tools and I took them and ran with it. With that though, the Worst Generation was warned about playing with eNVy. Yes, we may be one of the seven deadly sins but we are liable to set you on fire as break your arms with a chair or just pin you in the ring. I guarantee you though, that somewhere in our match tonight, a ladder will be used, blood will be spilt and whether we be dqed or counted out we don’t give a f*ck what happens just as long as you know the names of f*cking Vespertine and Karlie f*cking Nash. Between the two of us we go all out, 110% or not at all. And if and when blood is spilled, all the better. We expect you to keep up. Because if you can’t, you will go down in flames. We are confident in our abilities, are you confident in yours?

She pauses as the crowd chant dies down.

Vespertine: WE are your gatekeepers, WG. Don’t ever forget that. YOU need to get past us to start your career here and THAT is not going to happen. WE are not stepping stones. WE will NOT lay down for you in the ring. WE are NOT scared of anything you do. I have faced worse than you. Karlie has faced better than you two will ever be. I am NOT here to lay down for the likes of you. You want to dance in the ring, then bring your arsenal of weaponry and I guarantee you that whatever you bring, will not be enough to stop us. We are not the Worst Generation. We are YOUR worst fears come to life.

She holds up the mask of DRAUGR.

Karlie Nash: I wonder what trophy Ves takes from either of you, She ripped the mask off Sicko’s face. (points to mask) and that is the mask she set on fire at evolution, be afraid Worst generation, be very afraid, we don’t play nice and we have no intention of just letting you beat us, the gate we keep, I just might rip it out of the ground and beat you with it until you don’t get up again, and Ves, who knows what evil is lurking inside that mind of hers, but I assure you, when she sets her mind to evil, you’re not going to like the result.

Vespertine stops and sticks her tongue out at the camera.

Vespertine: Sorry I agree with you, WG, that was way too cliche. All those type of cliches have been used before and I’m sure you’ve heard them all in regards to you. I mean why are two girls like us just throwing these cliches around, eh? I mean we aren’t scary. I’m 5’5 and Karlie is 5’11. Little in comparison to you. So sure, don’t listen to us. You don’t need to heed what we say or hear anything we have to say. But when you are lying in the ring with a ladder on top and you're bleeding from wherever, don’t say you weren’t warned because you decided to ignore our speech out here. Don’t say you didn’t hear us because you think we just bitch and complain. We mean what we say and we do what others don’t can’t or won’t

Karlie Nash: Why do we do it? Because it’s necessary, and we have a point to prove.

Vespertine: Right now, as you two know, this is a war of words. Us vs. You. Trying to psyche you out and pump ourselves up. You doing the same to us. But, as you also know, when the war of words is over, what matters most is our actions in the ring. We are willing to do things and go places and attempt stuff no normal wrestler or woman should ever try/do or attempt. And we assume the same of you. We assume you have been doing this for some time so you are as good as you say you are and if we overestimate you, then that… would be our undoing. So bring your A game and let’s put on a show for these people. We are third from the main event. That doesn’t mean we can’t BE the main event. Let’s fly, let’s dance, let’s bleed, let’s go epic. We, you and us, can be the main event. Show us, show the management, show the roster, show the fans what you can do. Be the best that you can be. Keep up with us and dance the dance that shows the management that you are fit to be here and maybe then you’ll do great things. But we won’t know until we actually are in the ring and the war of words is over and fists start flying. In the end only one team will win. But after you feel Death by Diva and Internal Trauma you will question whether you want to stay or not. We are your Gatekeepers. YOU are our stepping stones.

Karlie Nash: We tend to step and step hard to the point where your body parts will snap and break.

Mic drop the both of them, they dap hands and leave the ring to the thunderous boos of the audience which both of them seem to soak up and take in.

Jimmy Jenkins: That was a lot of... something.

Brutus Baker: Interesting.

Jimmy Jenkins: Onward to another exciting episode of DPW Apex!

Last Edit: Jul 29, 2024 21:43:45 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (4)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (5)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:22:52 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:22:52 GMT -5

Ace Sky vs. TJ Alexander

As "The Touch" By Stan Bush blares out of the PA speakers, TJ Alexander walks onto stages and raises his hands out to the side, he walks down the ramp with a co*cky arrogance and chip on his shoulder, and TJ runs into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle and looks into the crowd with a smile on his face.

Tiffany Milian: Introducing first... weighing in at 188 pounds... from London, England... TJ ALEXANDER!!!

Brutus Baker: TJ Alexander is one of the most consistently entertaining performers in recent years. I've watched him on Monday nights, and it's always a good time.

During the instrumental of Eye In The Sky by the Alan Parsons project the fans count down from 5 which is on the titantron as after the 5 count a rocket statue drops down from the bottom of the titantron to the stage and the podbay doors open. Ace walks out and stands on the stage bowing his head down while clasping his hands together in the prayer taunt.

Tiffany Milian: And his opponent... weighing in at 165 pounds... from Sugar Land, Texas... ACE SKY!

He then raises his arms with twin peace sign/bunny finger finger gesture and then using his dominant arm( left arm) to point to his forehead with the Third Eye taunt. He makes his way down the aisle high-fiving as many fans as possible on both sides, when he reaches the end of aisle, he dashes forward and executes his trademark nifty slide through the bottom ring apron rope, he climbs upon the ring apron ropes spreading his arms soaking in the cheers from fans and does a springboard backflip into a lotus pose in the center of the ring.

Jimmy Jenkins: Ace Sky was a big deal back in the day for Action Wrestling. This is the perfect match to showcase his abilities.


Ace Sky and TJ circle each other. TJ makes the first move and goes for left and a right but Ace ducks both and hits TJ with a spinning kick to the gut causing him to go to one knee. Ace hits the ropes and looks for a knee to the face but TJ moves out of the way just in time. As Ace turns around TJ hits him with an elbow which reels him back alittle. Its enough to create some space and TJ hits the ropes. Ace ducks a clothesline and looks for a clothesline of his own but TJ ducks it and springboards off the ropes and hits a dropkick, sending Ace back into the corner. TJ sees Ace in the corner and runs toward him and nailing a splash in the corner. Ace falls to the ground and TJ hops up to the top rope and hits a moonsault! He hooks a leg…




Jimmy Jenkins: Ace was able to get the right shoulder up to keep this match going but TJ looks like he has gained control.

Brutus Baker: Alot of flips and sh*t in this match again tonight.

TJ looks at the ref to make sure that it was only two. He picks up Ace but gets kneed in the gut. Ace swings but TJ ducks and catches Ace from behind, throwing him with a solid German. Ace reaches for his back in obvious pain and rolls outside the ring. TJ sees this and decides he wants to fly; so he hits the ropes and attempts a Tope Con Hilo, but he comes up empty as Ace moved away at the last second! Ace goes over to TJ and hits him with a couple kicks to the arms. He grabs TJ and rolls him back into the ring before he climbs onto the apron. TJ has rolled himself to the middle of the ring. Ace flips over the top rope and lands into a rolling thunder rolls into a splash on TJ! He covers…




Jimmy Jenkins: TJ kicks out but now its Ace Sky with the momentum. My how quick the swing can be sometimes!

Brutus Baker: Oh Jimmy! Man on the Moonsault!

Jimmy Jenkins: There's the cover!




Ace signals for the end and looks to hit a Psychedelic Spiral but TJ blocks the attempt and is able to get out of the grasp of Sky. He hits Ace with a nice Thai combination and Ace falls to one knee. TJ hits the ropes and connects with a nasty knee to the face of Sky. TJ looks to the corner and wants to climb the top rope. He gets to the top and pauses for a moment before hitting a shooting star press! TJ doesn’t stop there though. He steps between the ropes and onto the ring apron. He flips himself into a 450 splash and connects! He covers!




TJ picks up Ace and looks for the KKD but Ace is able to counter it and he hits TJ with a backstabber. Ace jumps at the chance and locks in the Namaste Lock! TJ reaches for the rops but he can’t reach them. Ace is screaming “Namaste” as TJ yells in pain. The ref is asking TJ if he wants to give up and TJ refuses to give up. But the pain is getting worse, and he looks like he might tap.

Brutus Baker: Ah man he's going to tap!

But he doesn’t. Instead, he is able to power himself up to his knees which causes Ace to release the hold. TJ slowly gets to his feet and immediately gets thrown in the corner. Ace hits him with a few punches to the face before lifting TJ onto the top rope. Ace takes a few steps back to get some room before he charges the corner.

Brutus Baker: Holy Helium Hop!

Jimmy Jenkins: This could be it right here, Brutus!

Ace covers.




Ace can't believe TJ kicked out. After checking with the referee, he rolls TJ over into a front face lock and pulls him up. He sets him up for a suplex, but reaches down to hook TJ's leg.


Jimmy Jenkins: GAME!! OVER!!

Brutus Baker: THERE'S THE COVER!!





TJ's music hits and he gets to his feet. The referee raises his arm in victory. As he celebrates, he sees Ace rolls out of the ring. TJ walks over to the ropes and he looks down at Ace, who is now making eye contact. The tension between them is palpable.

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 12:17:11 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (6)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (7)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:23:25 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:23:25 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (8)

The scene switches backstage to show Downfall, standing by with about a half-dozen armed security guards, all facing off in a hallway. In front of Downfall, perched in a wheelchair and looking weak and drained, is former announcer Billy. Billy's cheeks look sallow and sunken, and he looks to be in a tremendous amount of pain. He has a metal neckbrace and halo around his head like a crown, and he looks incredibly miserable. Downfall is holding his hands out, making a peaceful overture, as we come in.

Downfall: Now, everyone here is going to be calm, and we're just going to have a chat. What happened last week, can NOT be repeated. We know last week, you were... upset, and you took it out on everything in your path, but it's unfortunate that some innocent bystanders got in the way. Brandon Zaslav put it on his EVP's to fix this.

The camera pans to show the wide back of Sicko, seething, trembling, flinching with rage. He hasn't calmed himself at all.

Downfall: Ephrain, can you hear me?

Sicko's head snaps up and he glares over his shoulder.

Sicko: Do NOT use his name... HE is not home right now.

Downfall holds his hands out, placatingly, soothingly. This is all new territory for him, too. He's taken off his jacket and loosened his tie, the cuffs to his button-up shirt unbuttoned and rolled up to his forearm, trying to look professional but functional. Billy fidgets, uncomfortable as Downfall puts his hand on his shoulder.

Downfall: Right... Sicko. Jester. Listen to me. Please. We've known each other for so long, you and I. We go back to the good old days, the Inner Circle? You, me, Jason Twisted, Warpath... we ran roughshod over the IEW in our prime. You were a damn fine teammate... Sicko, and I know you can prove yourself an invaluable asset to the DPW team here. If you just turn around and shake -

Sicko's glower deepens, his eye, peeking over his shoulder, beats in the mask hole, full of fury.

Sicko: We remember the Inner Circle much differently, Daniel and I remember you a lot differently than this weak, cheap suited corporate dog I see before me. You and Jason molded this body into the monster you wanted. When Ephrain failed Jason and lost the IEW Tag Titles to Beastly Squad, it was YOU who punished SICKO corporeally, beating him in the shower stall like a scolded dog and berating him to do better. In a way... it's YOU, that you have to thank. Your narcissistic peaco*cking and tyrannical impulses splintered our mind, built a Mind Palace full of Aspects, gave me a home to slumber, deep within his psyche and build my strength over time.

Downfall, being reminded of the many missteps in his old life, sighed, his teeth gritting, and he nods, allowing that yes, that happened, but we want to move on.

Downfall: Eph- Sicko. Jester. Listen to me. What happened last week to Billy here -


Downfall lifts his fingers to try and stay Billy. Sicko tenses up, coiling as if he's about to strike and the security steps forward. Downfall lifts his head, shouting at everyone.


Then, to Sicko, pleading with him.

Downfall: Sicko, Billy here was severely injured when you lifted that heavy sound equipment case and threw it into him, he's suffered a spinal cord injury. Now Billy has medical bills, and pain and suffering to think of, he's contemplating suing DPW and our parent company, WBD, unless -

Billy: Unless nothing! I deserve something for my pain and sufferin' pal!

Downfall glares down at him, his eyes squinting and the set of his mouth silencing Billy, remember our agreement, he says.

Downfall: But Billy is willing to forgo the lawsuit and settle out of court if he gets a sincere apology from you, and a restitution to make amends. That's the way the world works, Jester, if you destroy something with your own two hands, you owe it to the world to build something better in it's place. Brandon Zaslav really wants us to make this right, old friend. I know... I know that the mind currently driving this bus thirsts for nothing but revenge and destruction. I know because I went down that bloody, destructive rampage in my pursuit of the Hardcore Title, in 2022. But Ephrain.

The eyes snap up to burn into Downfall's, who meets his gaze. But Downfall does allow that maybe the entreaty to the original personality isn't the best idea, and nods his head.

Downfall: JESTER. I believe, deep down, there's some of Ephrain's heart, his want to be part of a team, his yearning for connection, and I -

Sicko turns to face them, and he stalks over to stand directly in front of Billy. The security guards all reach for their holsters, ready to bring out their tazers. Sicko LOOMS over Billy, a massive colossus, a hulk of a giant belly and arms tensed like steel cables.

Sicko: "Pain" and "suffering", Daniel?

Billy: I-I-I... don't like the way he's standing here, someone tell him to back up, personal bubble, boundaries!!

Sicko: You want me to "apologize" for inflicting PAIN and SUFFERING on this cringing, spineless little worm, who faked his way in to beg you and Sara Pettis for some crumbs? You want me to "apologize" for inflicting PAIN. And SUFFERING. On the weak, egotistical peaco*cks that fill your roster, begging you for title shots, or inflicting PAIN and SUFFERING, week after week, until it's no secret that there is nobody more hardcore than me, not Taga Loa, not Corey Black, not even you, you Mens Wearhouse suit wearing sap. You're weak. Your roster, is weak. And I do not apologize for injuring them.

He points a finger right in Billy's face.

Sicko: I do not apologize for breaking this fat lump of dough. In fact -


Sicko: You can't stop me, DANIEL. You gave up your crowbar for a pen!

Downfall sneers, a bit nastily, and turns to the security guards.

Downfall: Security, escort EPHRAIN out. Now. You're suspended indefinitely, and -


And the tension snaps, as Sicko wades in to the security guards coming towards him, and begins decking them all. Sicko howls, horribly, with rage, and he grabs a security guard who was trying to pin his arm and Biel tosses him the length of the aisle before smashing the next one incoming with a punch. In his wheelchair, Billy weakly flinches back, but the neck brace and halo around his head make it hard for him to move.

Downfall: Security, get him out!

Sicko has a security guard around his neck and one on each arm, they're trying to bear him down and pin him against a wall, but Sicko is thrashing violently and disturbingly. Sicko begins throwing the men off of him, even barely selling it as one sticks their tazer in his ribs. Sicko roars in rage and grits his teeth, veins standing out on his neck, but he takes the hand of the man with the tazer in one of his massive palms and squeezes, crushing the man's hand with a lot of force and snapping bone and plastic. The tazer quits shocking him.

Sicko: YOU. WON'T. STOP. ME.

This wild, intense scene continues, as Sicko stalks towards Downfall, swatting aside a security guard. Downfall, still physically able to fight, sees that it may be up to him, and he holds his fists up, ready to throw down with the giant, but Sicko's insane eyes, bulging from his mask, stare at Downfall, then over to Billy, who is quailing with horror.

Billy: No Mister Jester, I didn't mean it, I'll drop the lawsuit, you won't have to - please don't -

Sicko: Pain and suffering? YOU WANT TO SEE PAIN AND SUFFERING?

Downfall: EPHRAIN, DON'T!!

Downfall realizes he's poured gasoline on the fire by saying that, but Sicko goes behind Billy's wheelchair, grabbing the handles. Wearing the neck brace and halo as he is, Billy can barely even move, but he wails and cries and blubbers with fear. Sicko pushes the wheelchair down the hall, coming to an EXIT sign at the end of the hallway.

Sicko: I'm going to decimate your roster and tear apart your foundations, break all of your favorite toys!!

Downfall: Stop him! Somebody, security, STOP HIM BEFORE HE -

Sicko pushes the door under the EXIT sign open, coming to a staircase, and wheeling Billy maliciously in to the stairwell.

Sicko: JUST.

Sicko stops, turning the wheelchair this way and that.

Sicko: LIKE.


Sicko grips the handlebars of the wheelchair, tensing his muscles.

Sicko: THIS!!!

Sicko pushes Billy off the top step with all of his might, and Billy goes flinging over the steps, wheelchair turning end over end in midair, before coming down on one step with a crash, and spilling an already injured Billy out of the wheelchair and both Billy and the wheelchair crash, careen, and roll down the stairs, coming to a stop at the bottom stairwell!

Downfall and the security guards rush in, and they see only Sicko standing at the top of the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, Billy lies in a heap, his leg twisted underneath him awkwardly and the wheelchair flattened and it's wheels out of line scattered atop him. Downfall stares at this with mounting horror.

Sicko laughs. Not a maniacal, cartoonish laugh, this is a bone-chilling laugh of someone who really enjoyed his act of wanton malice. Blood is beginning to pool under Billy's head, and Downfall is shouting for an ambulance.

As Downfall and his crew rush down to the bottom of the stairwell to assist Billy, Sicko just stands there, staring down at them. His laughter is cold, sickening, and chills you to the bone.

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 12:20:33 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (9)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (10)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:23:49 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:23:49 GMT -5

Non-Title Match

Lizzy Dalmon & Jacob Koenig vs. Mad Company*

Tiffany Milian: The following is a non-title tag team match and it is scheduled for ONE FALL, introducing first...

"For The Glory" by All Good Things plays and out comes the master of the backbreaker Jacob Koenig. He stands on the stage and looks out at the fans.

Tiffany Milian: Making his way to the ring... weighing in at one hundred and ninety-five pounds... from Minneapolis, Minnesota... JACOB KOENIG!

By now, Koenig is halfway down the ramp, and he slaps hands with only some of the fans. He walks up the ring steps and steps between the ropes. He throws both fists in the air and gets a good reaction from the fans.

Brutus Baker: They're really into Jacob Koenig here in Vermont.

Tiffany Milian: And his tag team partner... from Beverly Hills, California... LIZZY DALMON!!!

The voice of Lizzy Dalmon is heard. She tells everyone what she is…





360 by Charli XCX starts to play and Lizzy Dalmon steps out on the entrance ramp. Flashbulbs go off as she poses on stage. She makes her way to the ring. The fans know she's terrible, but don't dare boo her. Instead she is cheered and admired. Halfway there she stops and poses so that people can take a picture of her. When she gets to the ring she climbs the steps and enters. Once in the ring she continues to pose for more pictures.

Jimmy Jenkins: Odd couples are very common in professional wrestling, and this duo is no exception.

Brutus Baker: Our reigning Tag Team Champions have never teamed together either, Jimmy. That's fun to point out.

Jimmy Jenkins: Indeed.

Tiffany Milian: And their opponents...

"Walk on by! Walk on by!

Walk on by! Walk on by!"

The crowd starts to boo, whether it's for Doja Cat or Mercedes Demareux we'll never know.

"Bitch! I said what I said!

I'd rather be famous instead!"

Tiffany Milian: Making her way to the ring from Water Valley, Mississippi, standing at 5 foot 3 inches and weighing in at 125 pounds... she is one half of the DPW Tag team Champions... she is "The Trailer Park Princess" Mercedes... Alexus... DEMAREUX!!!

From behind the curtain comes "The Trailer Park Princess" Mercedes Alexus Demareux. The crowd boo's her as she yells at them to "Shut up!" and gets in the faces of the fans as she makes her way to the ring. Her Parole Officer follows close behind her trying to maintain some order and usher her into the ring and keep the fighting in the ring and not in the stands. Once she gets to ring side she climbs the steps and onto the ring apron leaning against the ropes continuing to talk smack to the crowd as they boo her. She pulls on the ropes to test them out and paces around the ring waiting for the match to begin.

Jimmy Jenkins: She sure is proud of that title she didn't actually win, Brutus.

Brutus Baker: Possession is nine tenths of the law, buddy.

Tiffany Milian: And her tag team partner...

The arena goes pitch black as the audience are abuzz with excitement, then the jumbotron and the PA system comes to life as white strobe lights flicker with the be riffs of the guitars and beats of the drums of the opening moments of “Broken, Beat and Scarred” by Metallica. The fans erupt into loud, almost deafening cheers because they know who’s about to make their appearances. First through the curtain comes his wife, Gloria with a huge grin on her face. The fans in attendance, especially the guys, go completely nuts at the sight of the lovely Gloria! She stops at the top of the ramp, turns and points towards the curtains and almost as if on cue, out comes “The King of Sexy” Jonny Cedrone with his Championship strapped around his waist sending the fans into such a frenzy that they almost blow the roof of the place. Jonny stands at the top of the stage for a moment, looking out at the crowd, soaking it all in.

Tiffany Millian: He weighs in tonight at two hundred and fourty pounds and hails from Las Vegas, Nevada... he is one half of the DPW Tag Team Champions... The King of Sexy... JONNY CEDRONE!!!

Jonny reaches behind himself, unsnaps the Championship then holds it high above his head to the delight of all of the fans. Placing the Championship up onto his shoulder and with huge smiles on their faces they make their way down the aisle, slapping some of the outstretched hands of the fans along the way. Once they reach the ring, Cedrone holds Gloria’s hand as she walks up the steel steps and walks along the ring apron. Jonny hops up onto the apron, stands on the bottom rope and pulls up on the middle rope to let his wife into the ring. Jonny follows suit, wipes his feet and makes his way into the ring. Once inside, Jonny climbs each turnbuckle and plays to the crowd with the Championship held high above his head with Gloria following him around, smiling, applauding and waving to the crowd. Once he’s done, Cedrone hops down from the final turnbuckle where he and Gloria talk a little bit as he waits for the match to begin.

Jimmy Jenkins: Though the titles are not on the line here, I don't expect the champions to fight any less.


MAD walks up to Lizzy with an arrogant smirk and she motions to how ugly her weave is, patting her head in a condescending manner. The Trailer Park Princess looks to the crowd, mocking the polished rich girl a little more, and then she immediately slams MAD with a forearm shot to the face. She begins beating Mercedes into the ropes with forearms, backing him up, and then she hits a few quick kicks to the midsection. She wrings MAD's arm, twisting it and using it to pull Mercedes over to her corner, tagging in Koenig, who nails a few precise martial arts kicks to MAD's side. Koenig continues twisting MAD's arm, and then he spins out of it and twists her arm. She grips her arm in pain, then she performs a cartwheel out of the move to relieve the pressure. From the corner, Lizzy applauds, mockingly. She slaps the taste out of his mouth, and he stumbles away, right into a right hand from Lizzy. Koenig tags in Lizzy, and the two new teammates tag MAD with a double enziguri to either side of the head. MAD flops down to the mat, and Koenig looks over at Lizzy, saying "You know what, this partnership could work". Lizzy drops a leg across Mercedes's throat, and then covers...



Lizzy goes to lift MAD up, Mercedes takes her offguard with a jawbreaker. MAD drops a leg of her own across her opponent's throat, then lays on top of her for a pin.)



Lizzy takes MAD down with a drop toehold, and she begins choking him with her boot as she is yelling, and pulling back on the top rope for leverage. Referee Roxy Thunder tells Lizzy to just calm down. Lizzy glares at her, making her back down. Lizzy lifts MAD up, and she lays him between the middle and top rope. She then pulls back, stretching him across the top rope and working his neck. Roxy starts a five-count to disqualification, and Lizzy breaks it off.

Jimmy Jenkins: Lizzy Dalmon is really showing some loose adherence to the rules here, I have to wonder if Jacob Koenig can reign his young protege in.

Brutus Baker: Bitches just be PMS'in sometimes is all!!

Jimmy Jenkins: I've been told I need to report you when you say sexist things, Brutus!

Koenig asks to be tagged in. They lift MAD up and take him down with a double snap suplex. Koenig goes to lift MAD up, but the Trailer Park Princess cuts her off with a European uppercut. MAD looks down at Koenig with a snarl on her face. She lifts Koenig up and begins clubbing him over the back. She grips his arm and whips him into the corner, as he stumbles out she comes running past him and plants him with a bulldog. She grins confidently, and goes for a cover.

Jimmy Jenkins: Mercedes is totally new to this teaming thing, I think she is trying to do this on her own to impress Cedrone!



MAD goes to lift Koenig up, applying a side headlock, but Koenig pounds on her ribs. Koenig pulls out of it and snaps a straight kick right to the midsection, then a kick to the hamstring, finally a knee to the face. Koenig tags in Lizzy, who takes MAD down with a spinning wheel kick. Lizzy snaps off a hurricanrana, flipping Mercedes across the ring. Lizzy runs across the ring, but as she reaches the side with Cedrone, he knees her in the back from behind on the ropes. Lizzy stumbles forward, holding her back, and then she turns to cut a glare at Cedrone, who gives her some choice words. She turns back around, and MAD boots her in the gut and hits a DDT. MAD lifts Lizzy up, whipping her to the ropes and taking her down with a back body drop with high elevation. Lizzy holds her back, and MAD lifts her up to her knees, applying a front facelock. Lizzy tries to push her off, but she tightens the hold. MAD lifts Lizzy up, walking her back into their corner, and tagging in Cedrone. MADs stretches Lizzy out to expose her side and allows Cedrone to nail a few quick kicks, then she goes back into their corner without arguement from the referee. Cedrone gives Lizzy a snapmare, then follows it up with a flipping neck whip from a seated position. He motions that it's over early, rolling his shoulder and calling for the Clothesline from hell, but Lizzy rolls out onto the apron. Cedrone goes over to the ropes to lift up Lizzy, but Lizzy meets him with a shoulder thrust through the middle rope. Lizzy gives Cedrone a second shoulder thrust, then she grips Cedrone's head and snaps it down across the top rope. Cedrone flings back into the middle of the ring, contorting and holding his throat.

Jimmy Jenkins: Borderline illegal move by Lizzy.

Lizzy then walks over and tags in Koenig. Koenig picks up Cedrone and body slams him hard onto the ground. Koenig grabs Cedrone by the hair as he lifts him up, giving him clubs to the back, and throws him into the ropes, when Cedrone comes back, Koenig catches him with a sidewalk slam. Koenig smiles at Lizzy, who simply smiles back approving, and telling him to stay on him. Koenig picks up Cedrone, who then gets a surge of engery. Cedrone hits Koenig several times with right hands and goes to jump to his corner to MAD, but Koenig grabs Cedrone’s arm and shortarms him back for a stiff knee in the gut. Then Koenig grabs Cedrone and slams him down with a snap suplex. Koenig stands on Cedrone’s neck using the rope for leverage, choking him, as MAD runs in, but the ref stops MAD from entering in the ring.)

Brutus Baker: Isn't it kind of sad that the partner Cedrone had established all of that chemistry with and won the championships with isn't here to have his back and he has to depend on this SOMA'd out little girl?

Jimmy Jenkins: Good for Koenig, I guess, not so good for Cedrone.

Brutus Baker: It's like I said, without Doc Holiday, he's NOTHING!

Jimmy Jenkins: I wouldn't say that...

Brutus Baker: He should ditch all the partners and just be by himself, you can do bad all by yourself, dump that zero and be your own hero!

Jimmy Jenkins: Brutus, that isn't how tag teams work at all, we've gone over this!

Meanwhile, with Roxy Thunder distracted by an enraged MAD and the two of them getting into a massive battle of who can be more redneck, Lizzy runs in and she and Koenig lay several boots to Cedrone, before Roxy turns around and he jumps out of the ring, while Koenig lets go of the chokehold. Koenig then hooks Cedrone's leg and goes for the pin.

Jimmy Jenkins: Oh come on, are Lizzy and Koenig bringing out the worst and most toxic instincts in each other??




Cedrone kicks out and Koenig shakes his head with disgust. Koenig brings Cedrone up and throws him into the ropes, but Cedrone comes back with a huge clothesline, which makes Koenig go down hard. Koenig then gets to his feet, as Cedrone is able to fling the bigger man over his head with a back drop. Koenig gets up once again and Cedrone takes him down with a belly to belly suplex, then he starts to crawl to his corner and makes the tag with MAD. Koenig gets to one knee, but only to receive both hard rights a few knee lifts from an energetic MAD. When Koenig doesn’t go down, MAD gives him a hard chop to the chest. Koenig yells out in pain, holding his pecs. MAD chops again and again, then she grips Koenig's arm and whips him into the corner. Koenig is laid out across the turnbuckles. MAD then runs in and delivers a jumping double high knee right to the sternum of Koenig in the corner. Koenig holds his chest as he stumbles out. He flops to his knees, holding himself. MAD measures him and as Koenig starts to pull himself up, MAD begins taking it to him with some slaps to the face (calling him a "BITCH" every time) and then gripping his head and dropping him with a spinning DDT out of the corner!

Jimmy Jenkins: MAD with the Trailer Park Twister! This young woman is doing everything she can to provide a valuable substitue partner for Cedrone, she wants to prove her worth!!

Brutus Baker: I think she just wants her half of the title so she can hock it for more money than the catalytic convertors, don't trust her, Jonny Cedrone!!




MAD picks up Koenig, struggling with the dead weight, and gives him a hammerlock DDT, sending him crashing hard down on to the mat. MAD looks to her corner, then she pokes her chest out to Cedrone, saying she's got this. She paces over to the corner, pats the turnbuckle, and begins to ascend to the top, going for a high risk move. MAD then charges off the ropes looking for a moonsault, but at the last second, Koenig flares his knees up and MAD bounces to her feet gripping her sternum. Cedrone holds his head in his hands, groaning at the catastrophe and knowing that it's possible this just cost them big. Koenig then pulls Mercedes in and nails a signature double underhook powerbomb!

Jimmy Jenkins: What a SIGNATURE MOVE by Koenig!!

As Koenig pulls himself up Cedrone is waiting as he goes to lock in a rear naked choke, Koenig struggles as he reverses into a twist of fate motion which Cedrone counters by pushing him foward into a charging Lizzy. Koenig and Lizzy crash into each other, hard as hell, and Lizzy staggers through the ropes to the outside, and Koenig stumbles backwords into a standing side choke, but slams the opponent to the mat with an STO, and holds onto the side choke!


Koenig is struggling, desperately trying to break free and after a moment he has no choice but to tap. However Roxy Thunder is informing Cedrone that Koenig is not the legal man. Cedrone lets the hold go as he argues with Roxy. Koenig pulls himself up behind Cedrone, wheezing and holding his collarbone, he spins Cedrone around going for a boot to the gut. Cedrone drops to all fours, and Koenig grabs his head, looking for a headlock driver, but again Cedrone pushes him off towards the ropes where MAD is now on the apron, he lowers a shoulder and back body drops Koenig to the outside... but amazing, Koenig is tagged as he is going over the ropes, and Roxy Thunder sees it! Koenig stumbles to his feet and MAD hits him with a moonsault off the apron. Lizzy nows rolls into the ring where she staggers to her feet, Cedrone is waiting as he flings repeated slaps at Lizzy, and a spinning reverse slap/ back fist, followed by a roundhouse kick to the side of the head, followed by a Busaiku Knee Kick. Cedrone now motions for MAD who slides into the ring. Lizzy gets to her feet groggy and she is met with a high/low combination, a chop block from MAD at the same time as Cedrone winds up and DECIMATES her with a Royal Flush clothesline from hell. MAD then runs off the ropes and hits Lizzy with a somersault corkscrew leg drop. Cedrone covers while MAD returns to her corner.

Jimmy Jenkins: Have these two been practicing?? Those double team moves were smooth as country churned butter!!

Brutus Baker: I'd rather have the ultra chunky, cold lumps that come with Texas Roadhouse rolls, that have a little cinnamon in 'em!!

Jimmy Jenkins: The interim Tag Team Champions are looking to notch a big win, Brutus!!




Cedrone looks shocked, but he grimaces, knowing they have a job to get done, Cedrone tags MAD back in and together they punish Lizzy with a double-team assisted neckbreaker. Cedrone exits. MAD lifts Lizzy to her feet and quickly hits an enziguri, Lizzy flops foward to the mat. MAD then tags Cedrone back in. They set theirselves and Lizzy stands turning into a double spear but as he falls back Koenig is waiting on the apron with the blind tag. MAD rolls out of the ring to head to his corner, but as Cedrone stands Koenig spins him around boots him in the gut and drops him with a piledriver. Koenig drops for the pin...

Brutus Baker: This is it, that's all she wrote.

Jimmy Jenkins: The "MAD" Company might be in danger in their first outing!!




Koenig can't believe it. He pounds the mat in frustration. He goes for another pin.




Having enough Koenig pulls him back up and goes for another move, hooking Cedrone by the head in a facelock, but Cedrone pulls his head loose and rolls Koenig into a school boy.




Jimmy Jenkins: What a match! This battle continues!

Koenig and Cedrone are back to their feet, and they trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Cedrone gets the upper hand, and he strikes Koenig back to the ropes. He whips Koenig to the opposite side. Koenig ducks a clothesline and picks up speed. Koenig ducks a back elbow and picks up speed. Koenig then takes flight and wrecks Cedrone with a single leg running dropkick. Koenig is quick to lock in an elevated boston crab, and he kneels on Cedrone's back.


MAD gets in the ring to make the save, and Lizzy enters the ring with a springboard tornado kick to keep MAD from breaking it up. All the while, Cedrone is desparately reaching out to the ropes. MAD is up and Lizzy rams her into the nearest corner.



Vespertine is lurking around ringside, her eyes fixated on MAD. Ves slides into the ring and then turns to Koenig, blasting him in the face with a black mist.

Jimmy Jenkins: WHAT THE--


Koenig releases the hold on Cedrone and he falls to the mat, wiping the toxic mist from his eyes. MAD pushes Lizzy away, and she goes after Vespertine, who slips out of the ring and vanishes cloud of smoke. Lizzy goes to Koenig to check on him, as the referee approaches and raises her hand.

Brutus Baker: Huh?!

Tiffany Milian: The winners of this match as a result of disqualification... LIZZY DALMON AND JACOB KOENIG!!!

By now, Cedrone is in the corner and handed his title. MAD slides back into the ring and she is handed her title. MAD is furious because Ves interfered, while Cedrone is furious because of the pressure Koenig put on him with that hold.

Jimmy Jenkins: This tag team division is getting spicy!

Brutus Baker: Indeed!

Fade to--

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 14:29:21 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (11)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (12)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:23:56 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:23:56 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (13)

Open the door of the locker room door outwards, Addy A encounters Cornelius Jethro backstage. Cornelius impressed by what he sees in front of him, licks his fingers and slicks his hair. Adelaide gives him a teasing smile and put her arm against the wall, preventing him from walking past. She leans in and whispers something into his ear. His eyes widen like dinner plates, as she pull her arm down and walk away from Jethro. He turns around and watches her ass wiggle as she fades away into the distance. As she turns a corner backstage, she turns and looks at him, blowing a kiss in his direction, before disappearing behind the right angles of the concrete wall. Jethro turns and enters the door that Addy has just exited.

As the door clicks closed, Addy returns with a janitor's mop. She moves quicker than a walk, but slower than a jog and jams the mop up under the handle, before pushing a nearby dumpster across the door and knocks on the door, cackling like a hyena as she does. Adelaide can hear Jethro shaking the handle and pounding on the door of the locker room trying to get out.

Addy A: f*ck you, Jethro.

Addy cackles as she skips away like a schoolgirl. The camera pans over to reveal Apokalypse talking to Alex Andrews

Apokalypse: Look, man, I like the cut of your jib. You're a bit of a goof... but you back it up in the ring. Last week, you and Leno took each other to the edge before that dweeb Gerry stole the win. Tonight, you both get back on track... and I'll be there to drive the train.

Alex Andrews: Who made you team captain?

Apok looks stunned.

Apokalypse: You're in no position to push buttons here, bud. If it wasn't for me stepping up and into this match, you and Leno would be getting whooped by three of stalwarts of Action Wrestling. You need me way more than I need you.

Alex Andrews: Look, man, I didn't mean to piss you off. I appreciate you being part of this team. Leno and I have become well-acquainted over the last few weeks. I have no doubt we'll come out on top tonight.

Apokalypse: Hell yeah. That's the spirit. Where is that dude anyway?

Alex Andrews: Oh, he's around somewhere. I think he's got some stuff to say in the ring later.

Apoklaypse: Good stuff. You wouldn't catch me dead out there pandering to those marks.

Apok walks off laughing and the scene fades to--

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 12:33:20 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (14)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (15)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:24:14 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:24:14 GMT -5

Addy A vs. Tetsuo Oni IV vs. Happenstance vs. Chris Parsons

Brutus Baker: And now the fatal four way we've been waiting for!

Jimmy Jenkins: It looks like Addy versus the world to me, Brutus!

Brutus Baker: Ah, yes. Adelaide Ainsworth was a constant in Action Wrestling for many years, racking up numerous titles. Nothing meant more to her than the AW Television Championship.

Jimmy Jenkins: Following Johnny Eden's title defense two weeks ago, Addy made her way out to show intentions of chasing the DPW Television Championship.

Brutus Baker: And then the follow-up was a big, dumb eight-person tag team match.

Jimmy Jenkins: It's not about the destination. It's about the journey, Brutus.

The lights shut-off in the arena. A haunting red and blue series of lights pinpoints the center of the stage as Cornelius Jethro comes running out. An individual spotlight of white shines on him to the left of the original lights. His cane in hand, he adjusts his suit briefly before raising his mic.

Cornelius Jethro: Plebeians and pedestrians! Observers and onlookers! Jethro Journey Incorporated is proud to present to Discovery Pro Wrestling. HAILING!......from Beyond Reality--WEIGHING!.......at 197 lbs. He is our star. He is YOUR future. It's...merely...HAPPENSTANCE!

His spotlight cuts out, leaving the red and blue lights from earlier.





Once the synth hits, a full-body suited man starts to rise from the stage from within the blue and red spotlights. Throughout the arena, various colors are thrown around willy nilly. The man in the full-body suit is kneeling down, engulfed in a black heavy blanket that seems to cover most of him. outright. Once the verse starts, the man looks around the arena. Once seemingly satisfied, he turns to Cornelius, who smiles widely. He nods once before "knighting" him with his cane. This coincides with the second chorus. Once the intro's words repeat, Happenstance throws off the blanket. He starts getting excited. He pumps his arms and hypes the crowd up. He high-fives fans along his way to the ring. Once he reaches it, he slides under the bottom rope, doing a front roll and kipping back onto his feet. He finds a turnbuckle and gets to the top, pointing out to the crowd with widened arms. Cornelius gets in behind him, presenting his client with that same wide smile.

Jimmy Jenkins: Cornelius Jethro has had some interactions with Addy since last week, and we're not entirely sure where that's headed.

Brutus Baker: The whole thing creeps me out. Everything about Happenstance creeps me out, Jimmy.

The intro 'static' start to "Reckless" By Lacuna Coil starts to play. When the guitars hit, Tetsuo Oni IV steps out onto the stage. She's stands there, arms outstretched as she's wearing the motley robe to her gear for a few moments. As the song picks up, she starts to do a slow walk, down to the ring.

Tiffany Milian: And now, coming to the ring... She hails from the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. Coming in at 5' 5" and 133 lbs. She is the fourth to bear the mantle and mask of the TETSUO ONI!

When she gets to the ring, she climbs up the ring stairs to the corner. Once up on the apron, she doffs her robe and hands it to the ring attendant. She then pulls the top rope and springboards to the top turnbuckle, where she takes a seat, to wait for the bell to ring.

Jimmy Jenkins: Tetsuo Oni had qualified for the US Judo Team for the 2020 Olympics but due to the pandemic, was unable to compete.

Brutus Baker: What's her excuse this year?

Jimmy Jenkins: ...

Brutus Baker: ...

A melodic guitar riff goes back and forth before a coy male voice asks, “Guess who’s back?”

As the beginning to Kid Rock’s ‘co*cky’ continues, the arena Tron screen is emblazoned with the TIB logo, much like the infamous ‘Batsignal’, it heralds the arrival of a true original.

Slowly spinning as Kid Rock raps the beginning of the song, the shield of TIB holds the stage until the one minute mark of the song when Kid Rock declares…

“They call me co*cky, and I say what?! It ain’t braggin’ motherf*cker if you back it up!”

The TIB shield disintegrates becoming replaced with the name of your hero… CHRIS PARSONS!

Alternating between his name and his various nicknames. ‘The Nightmare’, ‘The Inglorious Bastard’, crowd shares a chuckle when ‘Wrestling’s Viagra (Patent Pending)’ takes the screen.

Parsons walks to the ring with the swagger of a man other men wish they could be, Wrestling’s answer to Deadpool is all mouth as he insults his haters on his way down the aisle.

Love him or hate him, Parsons seems to command the attention of the crowd as he makes sure each and every mark dumb enough to hurl an insult at him got theirs.

Stopping periodically along his way to the ring, he retrieves business card after business card from his pocket-less leather pants, handing them out to any ladies he deems worthy.

As he approaches ringside a blonde woman, wearing a cut up DPW shirt that shows enough cleavage that even the poor camera man can’t help but pause, shows the card to the camera.

Black with gold leaf font, a stamp graphic labels the young lady as a ‘Certified Dime Piece’ and contains what is no doubt a burner phone number ‘555-…’, the rest is blurred by the guys in the truck.

Walking up the steps to a raucous mixture of cheers, boos and laughter, Parsons might as well be the president as he points to the referee directing the poor official to hold the ropes for him.

Stepping through the ropes, Parsons poses for the crowd before setting his sights on the hard cam.

Climbing the ropes, ‘The Nightmare’ poses laughing one last time before turning his attention toward his opponent and removing his sunglasses.

Jimmy Jenkins: Tiffany is so star-struck by Chris Parsons, and I don't blame her. This guy is a true showman.

The arena is bathed in a deep pink hue as the opening of "Nightmare" by Halsey echoes throughout the sold out Action Wrestling venue.

"Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I shall die before I wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take"

The lights in the venue start pulsating between between the pink hue and the brilliant white light in time with each high hat beat of her entrance music as the first verse punctuates the rabid noise of the crowd.

"I, I keep a record of the wreckage in my life

I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind

They talk sh*t, but I love it every time

And I realize"

Addy A bursts through the curtain and stands on the stage as the venue goes dark except for a single pink spotlight focused on her at the top of the ramp.

"I've tasted blood and it is sweet

I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet

I've trusted lies and trusted men

Broke down and put myself back together again"

Plumping up her cleavage she completes a three hundred and sixty degree spin.

"Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters

Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger"

When facing the ring once more she bends over and touches the floor with one hand and slaps herself twice on the ass with her other hand, before heading down the steel to the ring.

"I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers

And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors"

As theme continues, on the way to the ring Adelaide randomly picks an audience member, and teases rubbing their face into her cleavage, before wiggling a finger 'no'.

"Come on little lady, give us a smile

No, I ain't got nothing to smile about

I got no one to smile for, I've waited a while for

A moment to say "I don't owe you a Goddamn thing"

Continuing to school girl skip along to the ring. Once reaching the apron, Addy pulls herself onto the ring apron, she does the splits down on the apron. Pausing as she folds her she under the bottom rope.

"I, I keep a record of the wreckage in my life

I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind

They talk sh*t, but I love it every time

And I realize

No sweet dream but I'm a hell of a night

That I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night"

She pops up to her feet and covers her mouth in faux shock acting as she didn't intend to show her ass to the crowd.

Tiffany Milian: And the final competitor… ADDY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

All four competitors stare at each other from their respective corners.


Addy walks to the middle of the ring and flips them all off before sliding out of the ring. She goes to the guardrail and signs some autographs. Parsons makes the first move with a clothesline to Tetsuo. She stumbles up and Parsons takes her down with another clothesline. Happenstance pops over and Parsons goes for a clothesline, but Happenstance catches the arm and spins him out and down with a neckbreaker. Parsons stumbles up and Happenstance nails him with a stiff dropkick, sending Parsons through the ropes to the outside.

Tetsuo is up and sends Happenstance to the ropes with a series of strikes. She whips him to the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but he ducks it and hits the ropes. On the way back, he connects with a crossbody. Tetsuo rolls out of the ring and Happenstance pops to his feet. The fans go bonkers for him, but they also notice Addy sliding into the ring behind him. She turns him around and lights him up with some strikes, as Parsons slides back into the ring. He charges at both of them, but Addy sees him coming and she shoves Happenstance right into a clothesline to the back of the neck.

Addy smiles and turns around as Tetsuo slides back in. Tetsuo evades an attack from Addy, and then catches Addy with a roundhouse kick. Tetsuo pulls Addy up and sends her to the corner. Tetsuo charges and Addy jumps over her, connecting with a sunset flip.

Jimmy Jenkins: There’s the cover!



Brutus Baker: Parsons breaks it up!

Indeed. Parsons goes back to Happenstance, who is using the ropes in the corner to get up. Parsons charges at him, and he catches a back elbow from Happenstance. Happenstance battles Parsons down the ropes and then clotheslines Parsons over, with enough momentum that they both crash to the floor. Meanwhile, Addy has Tetsuo in a headlock. Tetsuo gets in a few shots before sending Addy off the ropes. On the way back, Tetsuo goes for a dropkick, but Addy has a firm grasp of the ropes. Tetsuo crashes onto the mat. Addy walks over and grabs her legs, then catapults her into the corner. Addy rolls her up.




Addy gets up and looks around to see the guys are still on the outside fighting, so she drags Tetsuo off of the mat.

Brutus Baker: That look in her eyes, Jimmy!

Jimmy Jenkins: She’s focused on the win here!

Addy hoists Tetsuo up in an overhead gutwrench rack, but she is unable to finish the Golden Mile because Parsons is back in the ring and he chop blocks Addy’s leg. Tetsuo goes crashing to the mat off of Addy’s shoulders, and Parsons keeps his focus on Addy. He drags her up and sends her into the corner, then follows up with a yakuza kick to the jaw. Addy crumbles to a seated position. Parsons hits the ropes and connects with a sick knee to her jaw. He backs out of the corner again, and Addy rolls to the apron. As he approaches, he catches a springboard forearm to the back of the neck from Happenstance.

Brutus Baker: Where’d he come from?!

Parsons crumbles to the mat and Happenstance rolls him over, then covers him.




Jimmy Jenkins: That was almost the end! Damn!

Brutus Baker: Parsons got absolutely rocked by that maneuver!

Happenstance gets to his feet, where he is given instructions from Cornelius at ringside. He turns around to pull Parsons up, but Tetsuo shows up to catch him with a barrage of martial arts strikes. She grabs him in a rear waist lock before ramming him into the corner, then floats back with a bridging german suplex and the referee makes the count.




Jimmy Jenkins: Addy broke it up just in time!

Addy stomps the sh*t out of both of them, before dragging Tetsuo up. She sets Tetsuo up on the top turnbuckle, and starts climbing. She hooks Tetsuo for a suplex… and then Happenstance clobbers Addy’s back. He climbs up the ropes, and hooks the other side of Tetsuo.

Brutus Baker: Are we going to see a double superplex?!

Addy and Happenstance stand up, pulling Tetsuo up… but then Parsons clobbers them both from behind. He turns around and reaches underneath both of them and–

Jimmy Jenkins: NO WAY!! NO f*ckIN’ WAY!!

Parsons powerbombs Happenstance and Addy as they superplex Tetsuo.

HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t!

HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t!

HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t!

HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t!

HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t! HO-LY sh*t!

Everybody is down, including Parsons from the strength it took to powerbomb three humans. The referee checks on all four competitors. As they get to Parsons, he hulks up and gets to his feet, shaking his fists with rage. He grabs Addy and Tetsuo by the back of the necks, dragging them off of the mat. He pulls them in close and bodyslams them simultaneously.

Brutus Baker: WHAT IS THIS GUY ON??!!

Within moments, Parsons is back up, shaking his fists, full of vim and vigor.

Brutus Baker: What's going on with Happenstance? He sure is taking his time climbing the ropes in the corner.

By the time he makes it to the top, Parsons turns around and Happenstance clobbers him with a phoenix splash.


Brutus Baker: THERE'S THE COVER!!




Tetsuo breaks it up with a devastating kick to Happenstance's head. She grabs him by the arm and drags him up. Then clobbers him with a spinning backfist.


Brutus Baker: THERE'S THE COVER!!




Addy breaks it up by dragging Tetsuo up. She hoists Tetsuo up in an overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack into a sitout facebuster.


Brutus Baker: THERE'S THE COVER!!





Tiffany Milian: Here is your winner... ADDY AAAAAAA!!!!!

Addy's music plays. She gets to her feet and has her arm raised by the referee. She looks straight into the camera and say, "I'm coming."

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 20:57:42 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (16)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (17)

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 11:46:39 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (18)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (19)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:24:38 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:24:38 GMT -5

Damian Kaine vs. Sicko

Tiffany Milian: The following is scheduled for ONE FALL!

Jimmy Jenkins: Back to the action with a singles match, and oh boy you wanna talk about David versus Goliath matches, Brutus.

Brutus Baker: I think we're gonna need to inspect that slingshot to see if it can bring down this giant!

The lights dim, and on the Tron, a small boy steps up in a black background on the video, singing in a high aria, mournfully. After a few seconds, other children's voices join in, singing in a key of alto, their heads down, and their skin under the spotlight pale and ghostly. And then, the choir of children stop singing, and their eyes, uniformly, turn vacant, white, and staring, and each child's mouth stretches open into a death-metal screech just as the staccato drums and the blistering opening of "I, The Mask" by In Flames, starts playing over the PA. As the lights come fully up, a battered, dilapidated ice cream truck, it's paint and decals peeling in a sinister manner rumbles up on stage, it's axles shaking with effort. The entrance ramp is backlit with a hellish red lighting as the ice cream truck pulls into a spot just to the left of the entrance ramp, making this vessel seem like some demonic harbinger. The Tron shows scattershot images; Sicko, walking down a long hallway, his back turned to the camera, then we see an image of a plastic clown mask being pulled down over a barely illuminated, scarred head; An apocalyptic, burned out city awash in blood reds and flickering flames; the spotlight on the choir of white-eyed children with their mouths stretched open wide;

"Who am I?

So many faces, dressed in rags for all to see

Here I am in the mask

The Jester that wants to be free

I am done with watching graves grow mold

The sins are mine, I believe them to be

All the tears, they're draining me

We find the truth through tragedy

Give me a sign, I'm on my knees

Feel like you've forgotten me

Who am I?

So many faces, dressed in rags for all to see

Here I am in the mask

The Jester that wants to be free"

Tiffany Milian: Introducing first, making his way to the ring from Death Valley, California, he weighs in at 393 lbs... SICKO!!

As the metal song continues it's nonstop auditory cacophony of shredding guitars and drums, shots of Sicko ruthlessly attacking and destroying past superstars flicker on the screen. Sicko steps out from behind the wheel of the ice cream truck, wearing an unsettling, cracked, slightly charred vintage Halloween mask that looks like a clown with a terrifying grin; As Sicko's beady eyes stare out through the mask, he co*cks an ear, listening to an unheard spoken word or command, and he responds, talking to himself. A red mist rolls out from the interior of the ice cream truck with Sicko. The Demon Clown slowly makes his way down to the ring, like a predator on the hunt. As he climbs onto the apron, Anders is just getting to the "WILL YOU SEE ME IF I SET FIRE TO THE SKY?" Sicko holds his arms out at his sides and he throws his head back, letting out a guttural roar. As Sicko climbs over the top rope, he turns his head to talk to a voice only he can hear, waiting for the match to start.

Jimmy Jenkins: Sicko was handpicked by Brandon Zaslav to be the inaugural DPW Hardcore Champion, but in a shocker, Sicko lost the Hardcore Title after seven days in a fatal four-way to Taga Loa!

Brutus Baker: As much as it would be awesome to have Sicko as a Hardcore champion, and see what kind of ice-cream related weapons he could beat people with, I think Sicko's thirst for blood is possibly too much for even the Hardcore, and that Hardcore division dudes would look at Sicko foaming about blood and be like... hey man, tone it down a notch.

Jimmy Jenkins: Well, even without the Hardcore title, Sicko has vowed to break people every week in a way we can't get them back!... So, you know, that's not alarming.

Tiffany Milian: And his opponent...

The percussive intro of “On My Way” hits the speakers as Damian steps into the stage hood up. Quickly, as the lyrics begin, he begins his slow descent down the ramp.

Tiffany Milian: Making his way to the ring from Statesboro, Georgia. He weighs in at 216 lbs... DAMIAN KAINE!!

When the lyrics slow, Damian stops at the foot of the ramp, flipping his hood off as the bass drops and letting out an excited yell. He slides into the ring and jumps into the turnbuckle, basking in the love of the crowd, before settling into his corner and waiting for his opponent.

Jimmy Jenkins: Damian Kaine is a familiar face to many of the watchers who were familiar with WCF and AW, he has had a long history on multiple shows, including a notable stint on Cruiserclash a year ago. He made his return on the first show of the newly branded APEX, and he's really impressed the EVP's by standing toe to toe with stars like Addy A and Brandon Leno!

Brutus Baker: Yeah, he's a bit co*cky, and I gotta say, he may be sucking up to the EVP's a little bit. What, look at that hair cut, you're trying to tell me he didn't pull up a picture on his phone of 2022 Downfall and say "give me that look?"

Jimmy Jenkins: I don't think that at all. I'll admit he has a new look, but hopefully his new attitude is what gets him noticed, he wants to fight FOR the people this time!


The bell rings and Sicko wastes no time as he approaches Kaine, tying him up in a rough collar and elbow lock. The two men jostle for position, and Sicko of course begins bull rushing the smaller man across the ring. Sicko pushes Damian into the ropes and immediately begins snubbing his heel roughly against Kaine's jaw with a scrape. Kaine looks up, and Sicko roughly pushes his face again. Pushing Damian away, who only takes a small step backwards; Sicko breaks the hold and then moves right back in again. A surprised Damian locks up once more in the same move and, just like the first time, Sicko begins overpowering Kaine and pushing him down. Within a second of his knee touching the canvas, however, he is back to his feet.

Jimmy Jenkins: Sicko isn't even applying his full strength and he's pushing Damian Kaine to the mat.

Once more Sicko breaks the hold and, as both men warily stare at each other, he holds his hands out, fingers open, can motions for a test of strength. Kaine obviously thinks about it before reaching up, fingers just touching Sicko’ own, before he pulls away.

Jimmy Jenkins: I don’t blame Kaine, he definitely wants to keep his distance from Sicko.

Brutus Baker: Maybe he is just too afraid?

Jimmy Jenkins: I don’t think it's that per se.

Brutus Baker: Ah, I was all set to give him a little credit.

As Sicko bellows and roars on for Kaine to bring it on Kaine moves forwards and locks his hands in to Sicko’s own. Lulling Sicko into a false sense of security Kaine suddenly leans forwards and with a succession of side knee shots to his stomach he lifts his opponent of his feet. After the third shot to the stomach Kaine lets go of Sicko’s hands and follows this up with a vicious European uppercut directly under Sicko’s chin; moisture sprays out of his mouth as his head is knocked backwards and, on wobbly legs, he teeters backwards towards the ropes.

Jimmy Jenkins: Kaine with a strike and for a miracle he's starting this out putting Sicko on the back foot!

Following in quickly, not giving up for a second, Kaine kicks out at Sicko’s thigh, connecting with a succession of hard round kicks. Already wobbly Sicko visibly loses his balance as he reaches down to grasp his leg and, without mercy, Kaine moves in close. Kaine razy Boy shoots in and secures a side headlock on Sicko. Sicko backs into the ropes and tries to push Kaine loose, but Kaine, in a bulldog like maneuver jumps to the mat, keeping the lock sealed tight. Sicko struggles for a moment, then fights his way back to his feet in which he staggers to the nearby ropes and wraps his arm around the top rope. Referee Natalia Kaminov asks Kaine to break, and he obliges. Sicko looks up at Kaine, then they go to lock up again, this time Kaine floats around behind Sicko looking for a rear waistlock but Sicko reverses as he floats around behind Kaine, clubbing him violently over the back of the head, and just standing there, as implacably as a horror movie villain. Sicko grips Kaine by the back of the neck, and goes to put him in a rear waistlock. Kaine moves around trying to break Sicko's grip loose but Sicko muscles Kaine to the mat with an effective belly to back slam. Sicko then floats over and straps a front facelock on Kaine. Kaine after a moment is able to sweep Sicko's thick leg from under him. Kaine goes back to locking on a side headlock. Sicko is clearly getting tired of this, and he rises up to one knee, then to his feet almost immediately with Kaine still trying to hang on to the headlock, almost in a backpack position. Irritated, Sicko throws Kaine over his shoulder to the mat with force, breaking the headlock. Kaine recovers quickly, rolling over to look up at Sicko.

Jimmy Jenkins: I think all Damian has done is wake the proverbial giant.

Sicko stomps towards Kaine, his thick, fat hands grasping, but Kaine slides between his legs and kicks out, hitting Sicko once in the back of the knee, and then a second kick in the hamstring. Sicko hops on one leg, snarling, and Kaine lights the hamstring up with a shoot kick. Sicko grips at his leg. He begins firing away at Sicko's forehead with rights, but Sicko, as peeved as you would be as a gnat buzzing your head, plants his flat hand on Damian's chest and shoves him away. Kaine does a back roll, coming up squatting, and he comes in at Sicko again, furiously giving him rights and leg kicks, trying to chop the monster down. Kaine then goes off the ropes towards Sicko but Sicko just runs forward, flattening him with a shoulder block of such explosive power that DK is flung far to the other side like he was hit by a Mack truck!


Brutus Baker: Against a light heavyweight type'a roster that's like an elephant trampling over a mouse, bud!!

Sicko paces around, taunting Damian, his fury mounting as he lets out a ferocious roar, and he begins laying in some sickeningly snug stomps to the face, and chest, as Kaine tries to roll over and cover up, then he mounts Kaine and begins laying in some stiff crossface forearm shots, battering Kaine so severely that Kaine lays in a fetal position. Then Sicko goes to the ropes, running off them and coming up with a big splash across the chest. The near 400-pounder dwarfs the near cruiserweight, his size nearly covers Kaine whole. Referee Natalia is nervously looking at Sicko, having never seen something this scary, not even the Russian mafia. He barks for her to count the pin, and she does.




Sicko stares evilly through his mask at Natalia Kaminov, who looks incredibly nervous, this is not the Instagram exposure she wanted. Sicko snarls at her, giving her a warning as he lifts Kaine up, however Kaine drops him with a quick jawbreaker. Sicko is not quite staggered enough to need help keeping vertical but Kaine comes in, giving him a few knee lifts as he does, and backing him into the corner. He goes to irish whip Sicko into the opposite corner. Sicko braces his feet and stands still as a statue with a look of absolute frustration. Kaine continues trying to pull Sicko for the irish whip but Sicko refuses to go that way, then he pulls Kaine in, attempting to short arm him into power move, but Kaine reverses, performing a revolution around Sickos' shoulders and coming down his back with a sunset flip. Sicko, taken off guard, is rolled into a pin.




Kaine goes to lift Sicko up, but the bigger man boots him in the gut, grips him by his hair and the back of his tights and runs with him a short distance, throwing him forward so that Kaine goes crashing into the steel ringpost between the top and middle ropes. Kaine grimaces and yells in pain, and holds his shoulder. Sicko pulls him out, roaring defiantly at him, and as Sicko grips the hair of Kaine and bends him back so that his chest is sticking out, Sicko comes across with a clubbing blow of such force and velocity you'd fear it caved in Kaine's chest. Then, Sicko, keeping Kaine by the hair, places that free right hand over Kaine's face in a claw hold and spikes him straight into the mat with a clawhold STO. Sicko covers, slavering viciously.

Jimmy Jenkins: And all of Kaine's momentum just went out the window.

Brutus Baker: So much for making the D in DPW stand for Damian, he's making the D in Damian stand for Dead Man!




Sicko lifts Kaine up and gives him a few clubs to the back as he holds him in a front facelock. Kaine sinks to one knee. Sicko lifts Kaine up and irish whips him into the corner, following it up with a corner spear that cuts Kaine in half. He then pulls Kaine out and attempts to give him a lift into a jackhammer that will end it all, but Kaine grabs on to the top rope to block it. Kaine hangs on to the top rope, and Natalia makes Sicko separate from Kaine, who is still hugging the rope. Kaine slowly turns around, and Sicko comes back towards him. Kaine boots him in the gut, and then runs off the ropes and takes Sicko down with a bulldog. Sicko groans in pain and sits up, adjusting his mask as he's doubled over, and Kaine comes in, grabbing the arms, and dropping Sicko with a double underhook DDT! Kaine breathes heavily, seeing Sicko face down, and his eyes are wide as saucers, knowing this is his best shot, but as winded as he is, he has trouble pushing the massive, 400 pound Jester over. He finally does, covering!


Brutus Baker: I think the less we bring up the fact that Sicko's a "former" champion, the safer we'll be in the long run!




Kaine breathes heavily, then he looks over, sensing he needs to finish this sprint. He lays in some boots, including one, as Sicko no-sells the boots up to this point and begins rolling over, feeding off the pain, that kicks Sicko onto his back, and Sicko lifts his head and Kaine delivers a kick right to his masked face that should have him spitting teeth. With Sicko down, Kaine then attempts to run to the ropes and springboard up, following it up with an Asai moonsault, but Sicko rolls out of the way, and Kaine hits the mat chest first.

Jimmy Jenkins: Every time Kaine finds a way to put the brakes on the monster, the Demon Clown comes back.

Sicko, threatening to rip the arm off, grips Kaine's injured arm and starts yanking on it, pulling it back in a rough armbar that lacks finesse, but looks as if he's just straight up trying to rip a chicken leg off. Kaine groans and tries to pull himself free, or to pound on Sicko to make him loosen the hold, but Sicko refuses to let go. Kaine has no choice but to pull himself over inch by inch to the bottom rope, and he reaches out and grabs it. Kaine hangs on to the bottom rope for dear life. The referee tells Sicko to release the hold. Sicko at first refuses to, the Demon clown yells denials, but finally does. Kaine pulls himself out to the apron as he tries to regroup. Sicko walks over to lift Kaine back into the ring, but Kaine pokes him in the eye. Kaine then grabs Sicko's head and pulls down, across the top rope. Sicko's head flies back with a snap, and he falls into the ring, holding his throat. Kaine then looks from one side of the crowd to the other, amazed that he's gotten the Demon Clown off his feet and stunned. Kaine scrambles from the apron to the turnbuckle, and from the outside he scales the top rope. Kaine then motions that it's over, and with a confident grin he springs to the ropes and comes off, taking Sicko down with a missile dropkick, with enough force to take the giant clown to his back. Kaine goes to the ropes, feeding off the energy from the crowd, and he motions for Sicko to get up, snarling a bit now. He bounces his feet, surging with energy. Sicko stumbles, his mask slightly askew, and Sicko is on spaghetti legs and tottering as Kaine runs off the ropes, attempting to give him a rolling cutter... NO! Sicko is too strong, and he throws Kaine off to the mat.


Kaine gets to his feet, complaining and holding his back, and Sicko barks a harsh, evil greeting at him as he boots Kaine in the gut, hooks him into a pumphandle lift setup to put him up on his shoulders before decimating him with a pumphandle Death Valley driver.


Brutus Baker: I really hope Kaine didn't tell his kids to tune in to DPW Apex... right here on MAX, every Monday night, cheap plug! ...But yeah, children should not watch what's coming next.

Merciless, pitiless, remorseless, Sicko implacably lift a beaten Kaine up by the hair, wrapping fistfuls of it between his fingers, and he lifts Kaine up the hard way by the hair and punches him right in the face, drawing blood from Kaine's nose. It is not a pretty or elegant sight, Sicko goes in stiff as hell to bust Kaine's face, and Natalia Kaminov, her blue eyes wide and horrified, tells Sicko to stop or he'll be disqualified. Sicko takes the limp body of Damian Kaine, letting it up on his shoulder, and he obviously intends to run Kaine first into a snake eyes in the turnbuckle... but Kaine slips off Sicko's shoulder, and pushes him forward! Sicko collides with the turnbuckle with immense force, and he falls back with a bellow! As Sicko stumbles back, Kaine is able to roll him up with a schoolboy!


Brutus Baker: He trying to make a believer out of me, trying to tug on my heart strings and play himself up as using his kids as motivation ta keep fightin'? Cause pal... that sh*t warms my heart!!!

Kaine tightens the schoolboy as best he can around Sicko's massive leg, Natalia hurries in, not wanting to break a nail, she slaps the mat.




The crowd roars and begins a "DK" chant. The former Cruiserclash staple really is putting in effort this week to be the D in DPW, and the crowd embraces him for the fight he's put up. Kaine sits up, shocked and breathing heavily, a bit dazed as he looks as Sicko, already snarling and angrily. y Boy waits until Sicko gets to his feet, and then he tries to lift the near 400 pounder up on his shoulders, possibly attempting to get him on the airplane spin, but Sicko's size and bulk don't let him lift effectively, and Kaine holds the small of his back in pain. Sicko then begins elbowing Damian in the side of the head repeatedly and with machine-like intensity until Kaine drops to his knees under him. Sicko has an irate look on his face now. He snaps on the referee who is trying to lean in to check on Damian, shooing him away. Sicko boots the limp Kaine in the midsection, lifts him up and drills him into the mat with a package piledriver. Kaine's head spikes right into the mat and falls over Sicko's thigh. Sicko sits up, and he begins cackling maniacally and talking to himself.

Brutus Baker: Oh come on, Sicko hit the Napalm Cone, why isn't he going for the cover?!

Jimmy Jenkins: Sicko is going to a dark place in his mind, a place that demands he feed it anguish and torment to keep it satisfied.

Sicko, talking to the demon in his head, looks down at Kaine and a frightening snarl crosses his face. He grabs Kaine by the arm and begins pulling him by that one arm, dragging him into the corner, and then, he exits the ring, grabs the arm of Kaine and pulls him under the bottom rope until his shoulder is flush with the ringpost, and he braces his foot against the ring apron and begins pulling on that arm with all of his might! Kaine wakes up howling and screaming in pain as Sicko is clearly trying to wrench and jerk that arm off.

Brutus Baker: I'm feeling squeamish, this really is going too far.

Jimmy Jenkins: Kaine is letting out screams like I've never heard before, and our rookie referee Natalia is frozen in fear, and not disqualifying Sicko!

Brutus Baker: Disqualify hell, he's trying to dismember a man!!

To her immense credit, Natalia Kaminov is indeed put off by how f*cked up that is, does collect herself fairly bravely, admonishing Sicko in equal parts broken English and Russian, telling him he has to stop, right now or he'll get disqualified. Sicko couldn't possibly care less what this little, blonde slip of an Instagram model-turned-ref says, and he stares right at her as he continues pulling HARDER on the arm. Natalia starts a five count, pleading with Sicko to stop, and Sicko barks at him, finally breaking on the count of four. He then winds up and dashes the arm into the ringpost for good measure. Kaine rolls around on the mat, out from under the ropes, holding his arm in agony. Sicko mounts the steps and marches back in the ring, looking darkly down at the referee who is telling him he is close to having the match thrown out. Sicko, sneering, then takes a moment to pause as if listening to instructions, and Sicko paces in the ring. He stands straddled over a huddled and cringing Kaine, who is still holding his injured arm. Sicko slaps his back, and then lifts Kaine up and locks him in a very rough-looking standing rear-naked choke.


Kaine fights it for as long as he can, but his head is sinking down as his wind is choked off, and Sicko shakes him around like a dog worrying a bone. Several seconds pass, where it looks like Kaine might try to fight through the pain, but he's losing a lot of energy per every second. The crowd is trying to will Kaine on. Sicko flings Kaine so his legs go side to side. Natalia, skittishly, reaches in, holds Kaine's hand up, and then waves it off, signifying he's out.


Tiffany Milian: Here is your winner... SICKO!

"I, The Mask" by In Flames hit on the PA as Sicko hurls Kaine's limp body to the mat and he stalks right to the hard cam, his eyes burning and he points and shouts loud enough that no mic is needed to pick up what he says. "I TOLD YOU, I AM NOT CONTAINED. I WILL DESTROY... EVERYTHING."

Jimmy Jenkins: Amazing fortitude by Damian Kaine tonight, I really hope we haven't seen the last of him but tonight, Sicko was just a buzzsaw.

Kaine is recovering, and he sits up, holding his wounded arm in a lot of pain and trying to take some deep breaths. Sicko is already walking to his ice cream truck.

Brutus Baker: I'm worried, pal, Sicko isn't content with just winning matches, he wants to REALLY f*ck people up.

Jimmy Jenkins: Time will have to tell what Sicko does after this, but I really think something snapped in him after the Hardcore title match last week.

Kaine is being helped out of the ring, and he stands on his own power, holding his good arm up to the crowd, and receiving a pop.

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 12:44:49 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (20)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (21)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:24:43 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:24:43 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (22)

The camera cuts backstage where Muru is standing with Jade Riley.

Jade Riley: Muru a couple of weeks ago you were set to retire. This week you're in the main event. How are you feeling?

Muru: I'm feeling pretty good, Jade. I'm ready to go out there tonight and give it all I've got.

Jade Riley: You're teaming up with…

Muru puts up his hand to stop her mid-sentence.

Muru: I apologize, Jade, but there's something I need to get off my chest. Last week, I did something I'm not proud of. When Jessie Lee smacked me across the face, it may have lit a fire. It also turned me into someone I'm not happy with.

He looks down to the floor briefly before he continues.

Muru: I felt disrespected. It led me to behave in a manner I'm not comfortable with. I should have never struck Jessie Lee last week. It's no secret that I don't even like laying hands on women during a match. To do outside on one, is unforgivable.

Muru rubs his forehead. He is clearly struggling with his actions.

Muru: Jessie, I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I hope that you can forgive me. Please believe me when I say that I will be better.

Before the interview could continue, a slow drawn-out clapping could be heard before the woman Muru had been talking about stepped into the scene; DPW National Championship around her waist. Unsure of what she should do, Jade Riley simply held the microphone between them as Jessie ceased her slow clap.

Jessie Lee: You'll be better? Mate, last week was the BEST you've ever been. Don't stand back here an' act like you don't know that.

Taking a step closer, Jessie smiled sickeningly sweetly as a wicked light appeared in her eyes.

Jessie Lee: But hey, ya got what ya wanted. Right?

However, before the notoriously volatile woman could lash out she gently punched him in the shoulder and backed out of the shot. Yet, as the scene faded the DPW National Champion's voice could be heard one last time.

Jesssie Lee: Good luck out there.

Scene fades to--

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 12:46:15 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (23)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (24)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:24:56 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:24:56 GMT -5

Worst Generation vs. eNVy

Tiffany Milian: The following is scheduled for one fall, and it is a tag team match!

Jimmy Jenkins: This is a hell of a match, this team calling themselves The WORST GENERATION burst onto the scene last week and immediately beat up another team in front of Downfall. I think that they sent a message to the EVPs that they are hungry for competition in the Tag division.

Brutus Baker: Doc Holiday's contract wasn't picked up and they just sort of asked if maybe MAD wanted the other half of the Tag titles, opportunistic teams are smellin' blood in the water now!

"One Piece Rap" by Dreaded Yasuke blasts out over the arena as smoke appears on stage and different color bright lights flicker over the stage until the smoke starts to clear a little and then it just becomes one spotlight the falls on the middle of the stage and as the smoke cleats The Worst Generation appear posing together as DX used to do and then pyro goes off behind them while their manager Jessica Parker stands off to the side.

Tiffany Milian: Making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 365lbs, from Chicago, Illinois and being occupied by Jessica Parker, I GIVE YOU... KENNY DRAKE AND KYRIE ALI... WORST GENERATION!!!!!!!!!

Worst Generation does a few kicks toward the camera and then start walking down the ramp after Jessica Parker gives them a look, as they continue down the ramp they talk trash with a few fans and then continue down until Kyrie sees some baddies at ringside and he stops to take a selfie with them and then they slide into the ring and hold the ropes for Jessica Parker to enter the ring and she walks over to the corner while Worst Generation pose again in the middle of the ring and then wait for the match to start.

Brutus Baker: *laughing* I do not understand young people at all, and I feel like they're gonna be yelling Skeebidee toilet or some f*ckin' thing.

Jimmy Jenkins: With the addition of their manager, Jessica Parker, they seem bent on causin' an old fashioned ruckus!

Tiffany Milian: And their opponents...

The opening bridge of "Knuckle Up" by Snowgoons start up and after minute or so, that fades to the starting rift of "Diamond Eyes" by Shinedown indicating the two entrance themes of both women. The arena lights go down and a single spotlight comes up and then "We Will Rock You"- by In This Moment.

On the Tron comes up images of Karlie and Vespertine wrestling and Karlie brawling with various opponents and Vespertine flying off various things to take out various opponents. Interspersed are images of Karlie playing hockey and checking opponents and Vespertine driving her cars and doing side shows and street racing.

From below the ring, the trapdoor with an entire pulpit comes up with Karlie standing behind arms outstretched as if basking in the light of God. On either side of her stand Hilda Myer and Tracy Dixon. The pulpit in front of her is uniquely dark and on it are two candles with Vespertine standing head bowed and in buddhist prayer. She looks up and we see her eyes are deep dark black. She steps off the trapdoor and waits at the top of the entrance ramp. Karlie goes into darkness as she goes around the pulpit and reappears right next to Vespertine. Karlie has arms outstretched as if asking for her God for help. Vespertine holds out on fist towards the audience as if to encompass their souls. They start off and walk in time to the music. Karlie gets to the ring, goes up the steps and goes through the ropes. Vespertine goes up the opposite steps, goes to the middle of the ropes, and flips over them dropping into a Melina type splits. The lights are still low as both women get to the center of the ring.

"We will, we will rock you."

WE will, we will rock you.

We will, we will rock you.

Then when it goes into the ending bridge of the song, they suddenly pose, Karlie stands at 5 feet 11 inches and Vespertine poses low in front of her at 5 feet 5 inches but both have arms out and up. The lights come back up and Vespertine bows her head to take off her hood whereup when she comes back up, her eyes have returned to normal. She goes to stand in the far corner with Karlie to discuss team tactics with Hilda and Tracy listening in.

Tiffany Milian: Hailing from the San Francisco Ca and Grand Marais Minnesota respectively, they weigh in at a total combined weight of 272 lbs, they are THE Premier Athlete Karlie Nash and the Well Rounded Fighting Machine, Vespertine.

Jimmy Jenkins: Karlie Nash and Vespertine are the nominal number one contenders to the Tag Titles as it stands, and they have proven themselves to be a well-rounded team. They picked up a BIG win in the 8-person tag last week over big names, including Addy A, Damian Kaine and Ace Sky.

Brutus Baker: Okay, but are we sure this is ACTUALLY Vespertine and Karlie? There was some rumbling earlier, Vespertine went on social media and said they were dropping out and Vespertine was going to concentrate on probably stealing another title or some f*ckin' thing and that she wasn't interested in tagging because they were being "underutilized".

Jimmy Jenkins: What do you mean, is this actually Karlie Nash and Vespertine, that's them isn't it??

Brutus Baker: How sure are we that that isn't two heavyweight boxers underneath giant, papier mache heads like that episode of the Powerpuff Girls?

Jimmy Jenkins: Well, lemme see, they're both under six foot tall women built like incredibly athletic women, they don't have papier mache masks, and Karlie was accompanied to the ring with two cougars on each arm, I think that's actually Karlie and Vespertine. And we're going to sell it, LIKE it's Karlie and Vespertine. Got it?

Brutus Baker: Okay, okay, I gotcha!


The bell sounds and RJ Handler gestures for a representative of both teams to step forward, and starts saying, "Eyy, like, keep it clean and whatnot", before winking. Vespertine looks at Kenny Drake for a second, then laughs, turning to the crowd and mocking Drake. Drake clubs him over the back of the head and begins peppering him. He plants Vespertine with a snap suplex, then he quickly pins, but Vespertine immediately kicks out before the ref can even position himself. Drake gives Vespertine a few knee lifts as he drags him up, and then he clubs Vespertine over the back. He irish whips Vespertine off the ropes and as he returns, he hits Vespertine with a dropkick. Vespertine falls onto his back, and Drake runs across the ring, going for a rolling thunder splash, but Vespertine moves out of the way and Drake hits on his back. Vespertine tags in Karlie, who enters the ring, stalking Kenny Drake. Karlie pie-faces Drake, saying that they're the worst they've ever seen, and Drake pushes himself up, holding his lower back. Karlie mushes his face as he's on all fours, pushing him back, and Drake, fired up, begins pushing his way to his feet. Karlie snarls at him, pie-facing him again, but Drake boots her in the gut and follows through with a run to the ropes and annihilating her with a spinning wheel kick on the return. He drops a knee on the forehead of Karlie. Then, he gets back up and tags in Kyrie. Kyrie lifts Karlie up, and begins giving him some quick palm strikes to the chest and face, backing her up to the ropes, and he follows it up with a chop to the chest.

Jimmy Jenkins: Maybe Karlie shouldn't have taken the team of Worst Generation so lightly.

Brutus Baker: These two openly proclaim themselves to be the Worst of an entire Generation, and she's supposed to prepare for them like he was running a gauntlet? Isn't she some kind of Olympic athlete?

Jimmy Jenkins: Ice hockey, I believe.

Brutus Baker: I knew I covered some kind of games on ESPN-7 After Dark, it's probably the ones where her cougars were rubbing her nipples with baby oil.

Jimmy Jenkins: BRUTUS!!

Brutus Baker: You can't prove that didn't happen!!

He attempts to whip Karlie off the ropes, but Karlie angrily shortarms it into a clothesline that flips the old martial arts master end over end. Karlie, with the smirk wiped off her face, begins stomping every exposed body part of Kyrie, and then delivers a particularly nasty stomp to the midsection. He drags Kyrie over to one corner and tags in Vespertine. Vespertine stares down at Kyrie, opening and closing her fists aggressively, but Karlie is able to get her attention and give her an instruction. Vespertine nods, lifts Kyrie and obliterates him with a backbreaker over his knee, holding him stretched there as Karlie goes to the apron and slingshots in, dropping a leg over the prone stretched Kyrie's throat. Referee RJ Handler makes Karlie leave the ring. Vespertine goes to pin Kyrie, but he pulls off. He lifts Kyrie up again and destroys him with a double punch (one fist to the stomach/same time hitting a fist to the jaw)

Jimmy Jenkins: Double Punch!

Brutus Baker: Ya would've thought she'd come up with something less on the nose!

Vespertine pins Kyrie down.




Drake breaks it up. Vespertine looks agitated because she though he had it. Drake helps Kyrie up as Vespertine gets to his feet. Vespertine comes towards Drake and Kyrie and then Kyrie drop toe-holds Vespertine, and then floats over into a reverse chinlock to hold the Supreme Fighting Machine as Drake comes in with a low dropkick to the temple. Both Kenny and Kyrie get up, slapping each other's hands in camaraderie. RJ Handler tells Drake "Hey man not that I care that much but you gotta go back to the corner", and Drake smiles and nods at him, going back to his corner and formally presenting his hand for a tag as if he's a proper gentleman. Kyrie lifts Vespertine up, giving him a few knee lifts to the face and midsection and he walks Vespertine over to his corner, tagging in Drake. Drake sticks his feet out under the middle rope, and Kyrie slams Vespertine face first into Drake's boots. Drake enters the ring, and he begins giving Vespertine a lightning quick flurry of stomps. Karlie starts to get in the ring, threatening Drake, but Drake holds his hands up innocently. As RJ is making sure Karlie is pacified, Drake lays Vespertine in the corner and Kyrie chokes him with the tag rope. RJ Handler turns, but not in time to spot the cheating as Kyrie looks away, whistling and pretending to be looking at the rafters. Drake is booting Vespertine down to a sitting position. He backs up to the center of the ring, grins as he does a little hop, and he comes charging in, going for a bronco buster to the prone Vespertine. After he's finished, he grins and stands on the middle ropes, holding his hands up as the crowd boo's.

Jimmy Jenkins: Worst Generation are working like a well-oiled machine, but they're definitely not following the rules!!

Brutus Baker: I mean they're not called the Boy Scouts of America, how would that tag team even function? Making baskets and setting opponent's feet on fire with two sticks??

Kyrie pulls Vespertine out by her foot and pins her...




Karlie stomps Kyrie in the back of the head. Karlie pulls a groggy Kyrie up and drops him with a butterfly suplex, then holds her arms up arrogantly, prompting some boos from the crowd who were just, maybe, starting to feel some empathy. RJ Handler tries to tell Karlie to get back to his corner. Karlie spots Drake coming towards him and Drake jumps back. In the middle of the ring, Vespertine is getting to her feet, and she comes in with a Cartwheel Bomb, laying Kyrie out. Karlie holds her hand out to be tagged, and Vespertine angrily tags her partner, although he begins pacing impatiently on the apron. Karlie measures Kyrie, who is trying to pull himself to his feet, and Karlie finally knees him in the gut and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Karlie, a big smile on his face, walks over to the ropes and begins to climb.

Jimmy Jenkins: What is this, Karlie Nash doesn't usually go up top! We know this because once she reads the match notes she'll bitch at us about this happening!

Brutus Baker: Sometimes people throw caution to the winds and break outta their comfort zones, I don't know what to tell you!!

Karlie goes up top and sets his feet, waiting for Kyrie to start getting up again. Kyrie lifts himself up, and turns around as Karlie comes off the top rope with a crossbody, but Kyrie swiftly moves out of the way and Karlie simply goes sailing to the mat. Kyrie waits for Karlie to get up, and gives him a series of chops and slaps before giving her a martial arts heart punch strike. Karlie falls back against the ropes, holding her chest, and Kyrie quickly tags in Drake, who charges at Karlie. He snaps off a hurricanrana, sending Karlie end over end. Drake waits until Karlie gets up to one knee. He comes running in, looking for a shining wizard kick, but Karlie ducks his head at the last moment. Drake's momentum carries him around in a circle, and as he turns around, Karlie drops him with a jawbreaker. Karlie starts to crawl to his corner to tag in Vespertine, but at the last second Kyrie comes flying in and axehandles him in the back of the head. Drake gets to his feet, and Kyrie and Drake lift Karlie up. They start to whip Karlie towards Vespertine, but at the last second they pull him back and whip him into their own corner. Kyrie backs up and squashes Karlie with a corner splash, then gets out of the way as Drake connects with a splash as well. Kyrie and Drake slap hands, and grin. RJ Handler starts telling Kyrie to get out of the ring or he'll have to slap the f*ck out of him.

Jimmy Jenkins: RJ Handler is hard pressed to keep the Worst Generation contained and it's really bringing him back to his street hustling days.

Brutus Baker: Kids these days just don't got no respect for the working stooge, Jimmy.

Kyrie exits the ring, and Drake pats the top rope. He sets himself, then he flies from the rope, attempting a shooting star press into what would have been a leg drop, but at the last second Karlie rolled out of the way, sending Drake crashing and burning to the mat. Drake rolls around, holding his butt in pain, as Karlie tries to crawl to her corner, but as Karlie just stretches out to tag Vespy, Kyrie shoots across the ring, and knocks Vespertine off the apron! Vespertine isn't harmed, so much, but wipes her mouth and rolls her neck, having an expression that says "No you did not". Kyrie smirks at her as RJ Handler is yelling at the Worst Generation's Bad Boy, asking him what his f*ckin' problem is. Kyire exits the ring, and he begins to clap for Drake, who sees Karlie down. As he runs off the ropes, he is tripped up by Vespertine, who grabs his foot. Drake begins pointing and shouting at Vespertine, who holds his hands up in innocence, not knowing what he's talking about. Drake turns around into a desperate Clothesline From Hell from Karlie.


Brutus Baker: Drake took his eye off the ball.

Karlie quickly locks in a Busted Knee, kneeling figure four leg lock, to Drake. Drake's eyes bug out of his head, and he looks for the ropes, but they're too far away. He holds his hand up, looking as if he is going to tap at any moment, but he holds it on anyway. Kyrie tries to come running in, but Vespertine comes out of nowhere and hitting a Codebreaker. Karlie releases the hold, as RJ is losing control of who is the legal person. Suddenly, RJ spots Jessica Parker putting Kenny Drake's hand on the bottom rope, and breaks it up, berating Jessica and saying "Whatta you think I am, blind??" Karlie and Vespertine both get up, discussing strategy, and they both pick Drake up and drop him with a double brainbuster. Vespertine, trying to smooth over the communication issues with Karlie, tells Karlie to pin Drake. RJ is still focused on the Worst Generation's buxom manager for the moment, but he finally notices the pin, and goes for the count...




Karlie looks at RJ, asking if it was 3. RJ assures him it was only a 2-count. Karlie gets to his feet, and he tags in Vespertine. Vespertine hooks Drake's legs, and then he falls backwards into a slingshot, flinging Drake across the ring, as Karlie meets him in midair with a spear. Drake rolls around on the mat. Vespertine then paces over to the ropes, and she runs in and hits Drake with a Codebreaker, which makes Drake fling back off of her knees and into a German suplex from Karlie. (They haven't named it yet). Vespertine drops down for the pin...


Brutus Baker: That really sounds like a funny thing for them to name a move, but hey, you put something on your bio page, it gets used...




Kyrie breaks it up. Vespertine holds the back of her head where it got dogpiled into, and she points and shouts to Kyrie, giving him a few choice words. RJ is manhandling Kyrie, pushing him around and telling him to get in his corner, and Karlie and Vespertine both argue. Karlie goes to argue with RJ and Kyrie, distracting Vespertine for a moment. Vespertine gets up, picks Drake up, and he whips him to the ropes, but at the last second Drake stops himself from bouncing back by hanging on to the top rope. Karlie spots him, and starts charging at him, but at the last second, Drake drops down and pulls down the top rope. At the same time, Kyrie grabs the incoming Vespertine by the hair, and pulls her down throat first across the top rope. Vespertine goes flying back, and she rolls around, holding her throat and rolling around in pain. Kyrie gets back in his corner, and Drake tags himself in. Kyrie pulls himself up on the top rope, and he motions for Vespertine to get up. As Vespertine gets to her feet, Kyrie pops Vespertine up into a cutter from Drake!

Jimmy Jenkins: WORST BEHAVIOR!!

Brutus Baker: Man, Worst Generation are really showing me something, win or lose I think they wanna make a statement that they're here to stay in the Tag division!

Drake goes for the cover...




Karlie breaks it up. Karlie is immediately pushed back by RJ Handler, who is trying to assert his authority here, and he demands they restore some order, pal. Karlie and RJ argue, then Karlie turns around, and Kyrie Ali and Kenny Drake are mocking her for being a big stupid idiot. Drake turns to Vespertine, slapping her over the head as Kyrie goes to smile and play around with Jessica Parker, but as the arrogant Drake holds his hands up to the crowd, he turns around to Vespertine, not seeing her suddenly. Drake looks around, befuddled, and Vespertine turns him around, grabbing his head, and going to lift off the mat with an Osaka Street cutter, but Drake counters, throwing her to the mat!


Kyrie comes running in to save Drake, but as Drake gets to his feet he sets himself and lets fly with a superkick, although at the last second Tommy moves and ducks under it. The kick connects right with a running Kyrie's jaw, dropping him in his tracks hard. Kyrie rolls out of the ring. Drake's eyes widen as he looks dismayed, and stares after Kyrie, apologizing. Behind him, Vespertine and Karlie get to their feet, and Jessica Parker is screaming for Drake to turn around. Karlie puts Drake on her shoulders. Vespertine climbs up the post, but suddenly, Kyrie hops up on the apron, doggedly grabbing her leg and refusing to let go! Vespertine kicks Kyrie off, but suddenly, Drake rolls forward in the electric chair on Karlie into a sort of rolling prawn hold into a pin, hooking both legs!


Drake holds Karlie's legs down tight, as Vespertine tries to slide in and break up the pin, but Kyrie grabs Vespy by the leg and foot and stops her from breaking it up.





Tiffany Milian: Here are your winners... Kyrie Ali and Kenny Drake... THE WORST GENERATION!!

Kyrie and Drake sit up, hugging as "One Piece Rap" by Dreaded Yasuke begins playing. Karlie stares in shock and she shoots a look over to Vespertine, who is laying far away and in shock that the move was reversed.

Jimmy Jenkins: A hell of a win, and a way to establish themselves as the team to beat!

Brutus Baker: Worst Generation just came in in their first match and upset the former CW Tag champions, the tag team specialists Envy! And it HAPPENED! No body doubles or substitutes were slid in at the last second, KARLIE AND VESPERTINE WERE JUST DEFEATED, PERIOD.

Drake and Kyrie stand up, holding their hands up arrogantly as Jessica joins them in the ring. Karlie and Vespy stare at them from the ramp with snarls on their faces, making it plain that they don't intend to let this be the end.

Jimmy Jenkins: The tag division is heating up with these teams giving it their all this week!

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 12:53:51 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (25)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (26)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:25:26 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:25:26 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (27)

"Experiment On Me" by Halsey starts to play. Sara Pettis walks out onto the stage to thunderous reaction.

♫ Bet you think you get the picture

Bitch, you don't know how good I treat ya

Shake it off, this pride and glory

You dig up so many stories

Oh, you're so under the thumb

Four fingers form a knuckle sandwich

Try my blood, it's just a starter

No one tastes like me, yeah ♫

A highlight reel appears on the tron of her putting down champion after champion throughout her career. She makes her way down the ramp, slapping hands with fans at ringside.

Tiffany Milian: Please welcome at this time... she is an Executive Vice President of Discovery Pro Wrestling... SARAAAAAAA PETTISSSSSSS!!!!!

♫ I'm pretty like a car crash

Ugly as a lullaby

You really wanna try it

Experiment on me

Experiment on me

Experiment on me

Experiment on me ♫

Once she reaches the ring, she looks up at the ring with a smile, then walks up the steps and into the ring, soaking up the roar of the crowd. Tiffany hands her the microphone before leaving the ring. As the music dies down, Sara looks out at the roaring Vermont fans.


Huge pop.

Sara Pettis: It is great to be back in the Green Mountain State!

Huge pop. She pauses, soaking up the adoration.

Sara Pettis: Now... the real reason I am here...

She points to the tron.

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (28)

There is a mixed emotion filling the building.

Sara Pettis: Yes, my father-in-law Viktor Gust passed away the night of The Final Evolution. As a family, we decided to keep it quiet for a couple weeks. Over the last week, Lexi has received a ton of support from her fans, and she hopes to return to the ring one day. For now, she remains under a development deal and she will continue her training under the tutelage of Jacob Koenig at Backbreaker Fight Club.

I wanted to come out here to clear some things up regarding Vik's passing. If you look back to The Final Chapter nearly six months ago, Vik challenged Jody Madrox for the Action Wrestling Omega Championship. Toward the end of that match, he suffered a heart attack and was defeated by Madrox. He went through rigorous tests before being cleared to return to the ring, but the fear we had for his safety never faded.

Then came The Final Evolution. Vik competed in a grueling Thunderdome Match, where the world witnessed his mask removed for the first time. After a touching moment between Vik and Lexi, they were attacked by eNVy. Lexi was taken out by Karlie Nash, while Vespertine focused her rage on Vik. She doused Vik in moonshine and set him on fire. That fire was put out quickly by the crew, and the match was then won by Bad Company.

What was not obvious on camera is that he...

She chokes up.

Sara Pettis: ... suffered another catastrophic heart attack. He was rushed to a nearby medical facility where... with Lexi by his side... he went off into the great unknown.

She sighs.

Sara Pettis: I want to clear things up... right here... live on DPW Apex. Medical professionals determined that his passing was due to a heart attack that Vik endured when dove off of the top of the ladder. His death was not in any way caused by the first that Vespertine set. She has spent weeks gloating about killing him and her abhorrent lack of respect for human life is disgusting. I was backstage watching the monitor earlier tonight when Ves once against celebrated my father-in-law's death. If I wasn't an EVP of DPW, I would have gone out there and ripped her f*ckING head off!

The crowd pops.

Sara Pettis: But... I am a businesswoman... and I will do what's best for DPW business. So... next week... when DPW Apex debuts at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, Massachusetts... I am locking Vespertine inside of a STEEL CAGE with... SICKO!!!

The crowd goes f*cking bonkers.

Jimmy Jenkins: WHAT?!~

Brutus Baker: THAT'S INSANE!!!

Jimmy Jenkins: THAT'S AN ABUSE OF POWER!!!


She drops the mic and her music starts up, but her death stare is straight into hard came, presumably right at Vespertine. The scene fades to--

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 15:31:38 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (29)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (30)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:25:48 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:25:48 GMT -5

Non-Title Match

Jessie Lee* vs. Taga Loa*

Jimmy Jenkins: And we are back.

Brutus Baker: We got Jessie Lee and the new hardcore champion Tagaloa. You can bet this is gonna be a hard hitting match. I can't wait.

Without warning, the lights in the arena cut out and the live professional wrestling fandom was left in pure darkness. That is until the heavy drums of Ghostkid's SUPERNOVA began to reverberate throughout the arena; flashes of lights strobing along with the early beat of the song.

This is a, this is a

Beautiful, beautiful

This is a, this is a

Beautiful, beautiful

This is a, this is a

Beautiful, beautiful

This is a, this is a



With Sebastian Biesler's guttural screams piercing throughout the arena the lighting turned back on to reveal the nearly six-foot muscular frame of Jessie Lee standing center stage. With her feet shoulder-width apart and arms hanging loosely at her sides, the Aussie directed a fierce scowl in the direction of the ring with her head slightly co*cked to the side. After several moments of allowing the song to play out Jessie abruptly grabbed onto her leather vest, gave it a rough tug, and marched down the ramp with a deadly swagger in her step.

Tiffany Milian: Making her way to the ring from Perth, Western Australia... she is... The DPW National Champion... The Bad Bitch... Jessie... LEEEEEEEEEE!

With the announcement of her name, the pugilist powerhouse continued her descent down the rampway until she reached the bottom. Taking a moment to check the tape wound around her wrists one last time, Jessie lurched forward in a sprint and leaped into the air as if she were vaulting over a hurdle. However, instead of a hurdle, Jessie cleared the end of the ring apron and skirted into the ring underneath the bottom rope. She then hopped to her feet and began pacing around the ring as the anticipation of the upcoming contest visibly appeared in the form of spontaneous sh*t-talking those around her; announcers, referees, opponents, and front-row fans were all fair game! Then, as SUPERNOVA faded away, Jessie tore the vest from her shoulders and chucked it to the outside.

Brutus Baker: Gotta love her entrance. Gotta love what his woman stands for.

Jimmy Jenkins: And what exactly does this woman stand for?

Brutus Baker: Like she says: IYKYK. If you know you know. And I KNOW.

Jimmy Jenkins: Do you now?

“Shepherds Reign’s Le Manu plays all over the arena as green strobes flash in unison to the beat. Taga steps out from behind tje curtain roaring to the crowd with a green bandana on, black tribal beads, black tights, black taped up wrists and fingers, and black taped up feet and ankles. Taga makes his way down ramp yelling at the fans along the way. When he gets to the steps, he pounds on them before running up them and quickly getting into the ring. He stands in the center of the ring and he holds his arms up roaring to the crowd one last time before he finds his corner to await his opponent.

Tiffany Milan: Her opponent from the Isle of Samoa, coming in at 279lbs and 6 feet 2 inches... he is the DPW Hardcore Champion...the Somoan Colossus... TAGA LOAAAAA!

Brutus Baker: Now here is a guy who literally stole the hardcore title away from Sicko.

Jimmy Jenkins: No he didn't, he just won it fair and square.

Brutus Baker: Sicko wasn't even pinned. Madrox didn't want it. Niobe was the one who was pinned. Did you see the rampage after show last week after Sicko lost. I don't want to be on the receiving end of that anytime soon.


The bell rings and both competitors walk to the center of the ring and stare each other down. Lee starts her usual jaw jacking and Taga just stares daggers into her. Lee takes a step back and spreads her arms out and the camera picks up: "Come on! TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT!!!

Jimmy Jenkins: Classic Jessie Lee?

Brutus Baker: Is it? How would you know?

Jimmy Jenkins: I figure that what she does usually. I don't know. We are both new here.

Taga loa walks forward and goes for a roundhouse punch, the biggest or what we assume is the biggest in his arsenal but it is blocked by Lee who comes back with a European uppercut which staggers Taga but he doesn't go. He comes back with fury in his eyes right in time to receive a discus punch from Lee. Again he staggers back but as he turns around slowly, he sees her charges forward, he goes low and gives her a HUGE spear which crumples her in half to the mat below. He stands over her and flexes and yells out some sort of battle cry from his island. He then puts a foot on her chest and the referee gets into position. At 1 and half she kicks out. He looks at her, then grabs her by the hair and picks her up and puts her in a bearhug. He tries to manhandle her but her wherewithal is good enough to the point where she rakes his eyes once, then twice and he lets go of her. She backs up and charges and executes a perfect discus clothesline. He goes down but then gets right back up into a Lee boot to the side of the head. He goes back down. Now it's her turn to go on the offensive. You can hear her scream at him "IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT? YA WANKER!" She then wastes no time stomping all sorts of mudholes into him. Suddenly he turns over and catches her foot and then does sort of a basic wrestling take down who knew? dragging her foot with him as he gets up and she crashes to the mat.

Jimmy Jenkins: Lee taking it to him and give it back just as hard as he gives.

Brutus Baker: This is why she is the Baddest Bitch of DPW

Jimmy Jenkins: Indeed.

He is up first, picks her up for an Alabama Slam and then successfully slams her to the mat. Now knowing full well this won't be enough to keep her down. He puts her in the Tongan Death Grip. She screams in pain for a few seconds before realizing she is right next to the ropes. She grabs on to them and the referee has to do a 4 count before Taga will let go. But then he turns around and taunts the crowd. What he doesn't see is Lee coming up behind him. He turns around right into FATALITY!!!!

Jimmy Jenkins: He didn't even see that coming.

Brutus Baker: The problem now is he is not going to fall like she thinks he is.

Indeed, he doesn't go down. Being the tank that he is, he stands there dazed for a second while Lee pretends to look at her watch. She then pretends to blow out air towards him as if that would make him fall over. And eventually it does, he staggers back, into the ropes, and comes back with a viscious throat thrust. She staggers back holding her throat and he stalks after her but when he is upon her she attempts her own throat thrust and catches him right in the adam's apple. The crowd goes OHHHHHHHHH!!!

Brutus Baker: That's gonna leave a mark.

Jimmy Jenkins: No doubt.

Brutus Baker: With Gwen Stefani still leading the band.

Jimmy Jenkins: I.... don't know how to respond to that.

She runs after him and tries for a clothesline which connects but he still doesn't go out. She turns around and then fists start to fly as they exchange rights, lefts, kicks, chops, and blocks. They go back and forth and are so hard hitting the ring shakes from their efforts but nothing breaks fortunately. Taga then does an Island's Call, a heart punch and she goes down hard. But instead of covering her he goes into some wild Samoan Theatrics.

Jimmy Jenkins: You would think he would have the wherewithal to pin her.

Brutus Baker: Don't worry he is just celebrating his victory a little early.

He then goes to stand over her to lift her up but she kicks him in the crotch and he doubles over in pain. She then pokes him in the eye and he covers his eye with one hand and his groin with another. As she gets up, the referee admonishes her. She doesn't care, she pushes him out of the way and attempts a split legged drop on him. She shrugs as if to say "I don't know. Whatever f*cking goes I guess." He goes down but then she gets on his back and pulls his arms back into a Cloverleaf, then falls to the side and he goes up staring at the lights. The referee goes over to ask if he wants to tap out. He shakes his head no. He tries to headbutt her but each time he does so, she moves her head and his head hits the canvas.

Jimmy Jenkins: Wait... what's he doing here?

Brutus Baker: The hype man wants to get in on the action. NICE! A three way.

Jimmy Jenkins: In your dreams.

Taga looks like he is about to tap when Alan'i Apa rolls into the ring, kicks Taga to the side which forces her to release her hold. He then kicks Jessie in the head but she is having none of it and gets up and screams at him then charges him. He gets out of the ring fast and as she gets out of the ring to go after him, he stops, turns around, and catches her arms as she is attempting to punch him. He then headbutts her once right in the face. Twice. Three times and then lets her go. Instead of watching her go down he turns to the audience and taunts them a little bit as Taga is in the ring arguing with the referee. BUT Jessie doesn't go down. He is bleeding from her nose. She feels it, wipes her nose, sees the blood there and gives off an really evil grin which watching Alan'i Apa taunt the crowd. The crowd now is actually on her side by chanting "LET's GO JESSIE" clap clap clap clap.

Jimmy Jenkins: The crowd getting behind the Horror core queen here.

Brutus Baker: As well they should.

Jimmy Jenkins: Why?

Brutus Baker: Just because I think.

She stalks over to Alan'i Apa, grabs him by the shoulder, screams in his face, then out of nowhere does a Brogue kick and he goes down like a ton of rocks. Taga is in the ring arguing with the ref and she goes under the ropes. He sees her, pushes the referee out of the way, grabs her by the hair and pulls her up, then throws her against the corner post where he gives her an uppercut and then backs up to try for a Superkick. He charges to attempt it but she ducks and he gets hung up on the corner post. She turns around, wraps her arms around him and then launches into a German Suplex. He goes down hard but she doesn't let go. She goes for another German suplex and it connects as well. She tries for a third time but he catches the ropes. She lets go and then goes for his legs but he kicks her off and as she backs up, he turns around and attempts a running spinning heel kick. She however sees it coming and she ducks. He lands on his feet and then charges the ropes, rebounds, and tries for a running flying headbutt but she reverses it and executes a perfect RKO stunner on him. She gets up, pulls him up and in a rush of adrenaline, picks him up to attempt her Dead Drop. She actually gets him up and with a roar from her, nails her buckle bomb on him. With her adrenaline gone, she crumples to the mat on her knees and he lays there dazed and staring at the lights.

Jimmy Jenkins: Did you see what she just did? To a man twice her size!

Brutus Baker: Yes! Yes I did. I can't believe I did. But I did.

Jimmy Jenkins: How in the hell did she do that?

The referee can't start the 10 count because Lee is on her knees and breathing hard. But from what they just saw, the crowd starts chanting "THIS IS AWESOME". Lee is happy with herself and tries to get up. When she finds herself steady on her feet, she bows to the audience who gives her the loudest pop. She then stalks over to the Taga, pulls him up and gets him set up for Leethality. HOWEVER, as she tries to spin him, without her adrenaline, she just can't do it even with the crowd on her side. She tries again but he blocks and then untangles his arm, grabs her legs and stands up dropping her onto the mat in the process. He takes a few steps and roars at the crowd. Alan'i Apa is just now stagging up and he sees Taga roaring and claps for him wildly. He staggers around, finds a chair and throws it in to the ring for Taga. This referee is smart though. He sees the chair and kicks it back out towards Alan'i and the crowd goes wild.

Brutus Baker: This referee actually has eyes. Or he's smarter than you average referee.

Jimmy Jenkins: That would be a miracle. Everyone here is smarter than your average referee.

Brutus Baker: This is true.

Taga turns around and picks Jessie up, spins her around and executes his own buckle bomb on her as if to show her "this is how is should be done". She lands hard on her back and lays there breathing hard. Taga flexes for the crowd, then goes over to her, grabs her by the hand and starts to pull her to the middle of the ring. At the last second, she grabs the ropes and doesn't let go. He roars in fury again and starts to stomp mudholes in her. He takes second or two to pause then to go back to what he is doing but that is enough time for her to roll out of the ring and regroup. He sees this, charges the far ropes, rebounds off the ropes and on his return, jumps onto the top rope and launches himself at her trying for a top rope splash. It connects and they both go down but somehow they keep rolling and she ends up on top of him. Not wasting a second, she immediately starts wailing away with lefts and rights.

Jimmy Jenkins: She is really going to town on Taga.

Brutus Baker: Maybe the sight of her own blood motivated her to keep going. In which case, we only have Alani to thank for that.

Jimmy Jenkins: Three headbutts. But still.

The referee starts the 10 count as she continues to pound on him hard. At 6 she realizes she is being counted out, she picks Taga up, drags him to the ring and throws him in and then rolls in after him. Taga is up first though and puts the boots to her. She covers herself and when he sees it isn't working, picks her up and gives her a few double handed chops. She staggers back, rebounds off the ropes and launches into a flying discus punch. He staggers back and when he comes back around we see that he is now bleeding from his mouth as well. He charges and tries for a spear but she sidesteps him and he rebounds off the bottom rope and bounces back up.... right into a German Suplex courtesy of Ms. Lee. She nails it and tries for a bridging pin. The referee gets into position.




Brutus Baker: sh*tFIRE! He kicked out! sh*tFIRE! HOW?

Jimmy Jenkins: And now you turn into Billy and Chris Avery. We don't need to go there. They were fired remember. You don't want to go down that same road.

Brutus Baker: Yeah but I like his catchphrase. It told us perfectly what he was thinking. Think about, someone gets a high impact move and then kicks out. Someone doesn't tap out. sh*tFIRE! sh*tFIRE! sh*tFIRE!

Jimmy Jenkins: I really think you need to come up with a new catchphrase. Something that doesn't include sh*t or fire.

Brutus Baker: Let me get back to you on that.

Lee is on her knees looking a bit frustrated but she has gone farther with fewer and bigger so really this is a walk in a park for her. Meanwhile he is turning over and struggling to get up. Jessie sees her opportunity, gets up, picks him and executes really rather quickly, Leethality. But knowing this won't be enough, she gets up, picks him up, sets him for FATALITY. He goes down like a ton of bricks. But knowing that this STILL won't be enough. She screams loudly at the man on the canvas, picks him and with a surge of adrenaline tries for Dead Drop again. She nails and when he falls to the canvas, she crumples herself but quickly goes for the cover.





Tiffany Milan: Here is your winner. The Dommy MOMMY! Jessie LEEEEEEEE!!!!!She gets to her feet and has her arm raised in victory. The celebration doesn't last long, asAlan'i Apa enters the ring and charges at her. She evades an attack and he stumbles forward. When he turns around, she nails him with a brogue kick.

Brutus Baker: FATALITYYY!!!

The crowd pops for her. She talks sh*t to Apa, and then Taga clobbers her from behind. He tosses her to the ropes and then drops her in the middle of the ring with a popup samoan drop.

Brutus Baker: COLOSSAL RAGE!!!

Taga leaves the ring and drags Apa along with him as the scene fades to--

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 13:17:16 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (31)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (32)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:25:53 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:25:53 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (33)

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida hits the speakers and the crowd pops for Mr. Psychedelic. Leno is wearing acid wash jeans with a few tiny tears on the right kneecap, his chest bare, revealing his body tattoos and a pot leaf necklace dangling from his neck. His purple aviators are resting snug on the bridge of his nose. He walks down the ramp, getting down to his theme. Leno high-fives and fist pounds some of the fans along the ramp. Once reaching the stairs, he walks up the steps and jumps over the top rope into the ring. Leno hits two opposing corners, climbing the ropes and throwing his hands in the air, flashing the peace sign.

Jimmy Jenkins: One of our competitors from the trios match wants to address the crowd in person tonight!

Brutus Baker: He came close to the World Title last week, but no cigar on that one!

The crowd pops each time and he jumps down. Someone from the ringside crew gives him a mic as his theme music cuts. The crowd is electric tonight and it puts a smile on his face. Leno casually paces the ring for a few moments to take in the crowd before he speaks.


A deafening roar comes from the crowd.

Brandon Leno: Wow! This place is poppin tonight baby. I’m not surprised though man. I mean, two Apexes already and both crowds were f*ckin hot; so why wouldn’t this one be baby! Are y’all excited for the trios match in the Main Event?!

The crowd roars in excitement. He chuckles at the roar and a wide grin is plastered on his face. Tonight’s main event was important, but coming out and hyping the crowd for the main event was not his only motive for addressing the crowd.

Brandon Leno: And we can’t wait to show out for y’all, and let me tell y’all, Team Leno is coming out with a BIG dub tonight baby! But before we get to the Main Event and blow the roof off this place, I have some things I wanted to say, man. Last week, we had another killer Main Event, except that was for the top prize in the company, held by the biggest douchebag in this company, Gerard Angelo. Now don’t get me wrong, I ain’t out here to bitch and moan, to whine to management, nah. I’ll accept the loss because at the end of the day, that strap is around his waist and not mine.

The crowd lets out a collective boo to express their displeasure with how the match ended last week. Leno grins slightly hearing the crowd. After a brief pause, he continues.

Brandon Leno: What I am going to say though, is that NOBODY, none of the wrestlers in the back, none of the suits back there, and certainly none of you fans out here can say that Brandon Leno doesn’t belong in this ring baby! While in a loss, I still tore the roof off the place in Manchester man. For a long time while I was in AW and now here in DPW, a lot of people think that Brandon Leno doesn’t have what it takes to be competitive in this company. Ain’t nobody sayin that this week I can tell you that!






Jimmy Jenkins: This crowd really letting Brandon Leno know they are behind him!Brandon Leno: In fact, I believe it was one of my opponents last week who said that I was going to get beat so badly that I would disappear for another twelve months. Well, its next week and I’m still f*ckIN HERE!! The one who got their assed kicked was Alex Andrews…BECAUSE I KICKED HIS ASS!

A huge pop from the crowd. A grin is on his face but his eyes are full of fire. He looks around, taking in the entire crowd.

Brandon Leno: That's right. Ya boy here beat the hell out of him and knocked out some arrogance from the so-called “Face of Arrogance”. Arrogance is one ugly mug people, let me tell ya. The point is though, I shut up Gerry’s lyin ass just by showing up here this week. For anyone who thinks that I’m just checkin' in and checkin' right back out again, you can think again because Mr. Psychedelic is here to stay baby! Wrestling is what I love. The wrestling fans are what I love. I get to come out here each night and have the f*ckin time of my life man, and I love the feeling. I love the feeling of hearing y’all chant my name!






Brutus Baker: They are going bonkers for him again, Jimmy!

Brandon Leno: I missed this for 12 long ass months. Now I’m back and better than ever baby! Gerry, Tatiana, Kyle Shane, Taga Loa, Lee, or Eden, it doesn’t matter. Line em all up because I want to collect them like Pokemon man. I want to face everyone and anyone in this company and in this business. The only way to be the best is to beat the best and those are some of the hottest names goin today, and I want to show the WORLD that Brandon Leno belongs with the best in this company baby! Tonight my team is going to come out on top over Muru, Madrox, and Martin, proving what I said the other day about Team Leno being the A squad and MM&M being a distant B squad. Again, tonight I will show why I got an opportunity in the World Title picture and why I deserve to be in that picture baby! One thing’s for sure though, when Brandon Leno is in this ring…ITS TIME TO BOOGIE!

The crowd gives a huge pop as Leno drops the mic and raises his hands in the air. He walks to all four corners, climbing each one and putting his hands in the air.

Jimmy Jenkins: Well Brandon made it clear what his intentions are and I have to say, everyone needs to take this guy seriously as a threat in that locker room.

Brutus Baker: The crowd is going bananas for this guy! I’ll tell you what Jimmy, this dude knows how to have a good time. I know that about the guy!

Jimmy Jenkins: Is that from personal experience or…

Brutus Baker: Uhh, that’s a story for another time folks…uhh…I’ll tell you during the commercial break!

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 13:19:50 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (34)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (35)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:26:38 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:26:38 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (36)
DPW Television Championship Submission Match

Anthony Leonhart vs. Johnny Eden*

Tiffany Milian: The following match is the second in the Best of Five series for the DPW Television championship…. And it is A SUBMISSION MATCH! There will be NO PINFALLS, NO COUNTOUTS, and NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! The only way to win is to force your opponent to SUBMIT!

Jimmy Jenkins: I’d like to mention that the only rules are submissions must take place in the ring and rope breaks are allowed.

Brutus Baker: And I’d like to mention that Tiffany has a nice, juicy-

Jimmy Jenkin: Hush now.

He quietly makes his way to ringside, gently raising his hat without ever taking it off, smoking a cigarette, looking out at the crowd with a gaze that shows his desert experiences during his years in exile. And as soon as he climbs the steps to the ring, he takes off his hat and jacket and places them on the corner of the ring, the corner that serves as his coat rack, then he stands in the centre of the ring and stares at the horizon, then concentrates in his corner.

Jimmy Jenkins: Anthony Leonhart was a second away from becoming Television Champion last week and thus prompted the EVPs to make this Best of Fiver series because of how evenly matched these two are.

Brutus Baker: That’s all fine and good but Tony here betta hope he wins or he;s staring down the barrel of a sweep.

The lights dim down in the arena as “A Good Song Never Dies” by Saint Motel begins to play over the sound system. The fans get on their feet as from behind the curtain steps Johnny Eden with his DPW Television Title around his waist, his manager Tessa Stone drapes a Union Jack flag over his shoulders and he stands on the stage waving his hands up and down firing up the crowd. As the vocals kick in, Johnny joins the fans singing along to his song as he makes his way down the ramp with Tessa in tow conducting the fans as they go. Johnny climbs the stairs and scales the ring ropes to the top turnbuckles, Tessa sitting on the apron pointing up at him as he holds the Union Jack flag up to the crowd. Tessa slips into the ring before Johnny leaps into the center of the ring. He lowers to one knee with the flag held high, before he hands it off to Tessa throws it over her shoulder as she exits the ring. Johnny then holds his TV title up to the cheer of the crowd, he kisses it before handing it to the ref. Johnny then returns to his corner where he stretches and jogs in place, throwing a few punches to await his opponent as Tessa coaches him up.

Jimmy Jenkins: And this is the epitome of a fightin’ champion. Between Action Wrestlin’ and DPW, I don’t think Eden’s had a week off from defending his TV title.

Brutus Baker: You gotta think somethin’s gotta give eventually. You can’t keep goin’ through these gruelin’ matches every week and expect your body to hold up.


Eden and Leonhart stare at each other across the ring as that greasy ref RJ Handler takes the TV title from Eden and shows it to both competitors. Leonhart’s cigarette is still clenched between his lips, smoking as he stares at the title. Anthony takes the cig from his mouth but flicks it at Johnny, hitting him right between the eyes. The champ's hand goes instinctively to his face as ashes and embers temporarily blind him. Still, Leonhart rushes in and nails the unsuspecting champion right in the jaw with a spinning back elbow, sending him crashing to the mat like a ton of bricks!

Jimmy Jenkins: Oh! Leonhart takin’ control after that dirty tactic with his cigarette! Eden couldn;t see a damn thing!

Brutus Baker: Hey you said it before and so did Tiff, NO DQ! And remember talkin’ about how evenly matches they are? Obviously Leonhart diggin’ deep to get that edge to tie the series!

Leonhart grabs the arm locked in the kimura last week and slams it into the mat by the wrist. The challenger grabs Eden’s arm before he can pull it into his body and gives it a few stiff kicks before he lays it flat on the mat. Leonhart does a handstand before swinging the full weight of his body down and driving the point of his knee into the pit of the elbow. “The Technical Desperado” does it again, making Eden writhe in pain before twisting the injured arm into a hammerlock.

Jimmy Jenkins: Leonhart going after that arm he put in the kimura lock last week. The same arm that’s was injured in that gruelin’ match with Muru at Evolution.

Brutus Baker: Anthony Leonhart obviously did his homework, knew Eden was walking into these matches with a target on him.

Eden tries to reach back at Anthony in vain, but the challenger just cinches the hammerlock in tighter. “The Saint” starts to fight against it, working up from a sitting position to one knee, despite Leonhart fighting back. Eden gets to his feet, but Leonhart is one step ahead and scoops him up, dropping him with a back suplex onto the injured arm, Eden’s full body weight coming doing on it. He writhes on the mat in pain, grabbing at his arm.

Jimmy Jenkins: Leonhart using Eden’s body weight against him, my god! He might have torn ligaments.

Brutus Baker: Again, I reiterate, how long until Eden’s luck runs out?

Lenonhart puts the boots on Eden’s injured arm, kicking and stomping on it. He manages to yank it away from Johnny and maneuvers the arm, bending it into a bridge position as he stands on Eden’s hand. Lenohart jumps up and stomps down on Eden’s arm, making it bend awkwardly and drawing an injured cry from the Television champion. “The Saint” quickly rolls out of the ring, dropping to the floor as Tessa hurries over to check on her client.

Jimmy Jenkins: Good lord! You see the way his arm bent? Sickenin’!

Brutus Baker: Johnny should just give up now. There are still three more potential matches in this Best of Five. There’s no need to get crippled.

Jimmy Jenkins: Sure you think that but Johnny Eden doesn't know the definition of surrender.

Leonhart slides out of the ring as Eden gets to his feet. He pushes Tessa behind him as Anthony comes up and starts throwing hands at the champ. Eden blocks a right and throws his head forward, headbutting Leonhart right in the chin, sending him stumbling back. Eden starts throwing rights at the challenger, connecting all over his head and face. Leonhart tries to cover up but he grabs Eden and throws him into the ring post. Eden collides bad shoulder first and flops down on the protective mats, holding his arm. Leonhart has a smirk on his face as he stalks the TV champ.

Jimmy Jenkins: God did you here that impact?! If something wasn’t wrong with the arm before it is now. Steel beats flesh and bone every time!

Brutus Baker: Think of your career kid! It ain’t worth it! Jesus, this Tessa broad needs to talk some sense into this mushy pea eater.

“The Lonesome Superstar Stranger” picks “The Saint” up and rolls him back into the ring. Leonhart delivers a stiff kick to the ribs and grabs Eden’s arm and rolls into the kimura! Eden screams out in pain as Anthony locks the hold in like he’s trying to tear every ligament in the champ’s arm. The referee checks on Eden, seeing if he gives up but he just shakes his head as he tries to find a way out.

Jimmy Jenkins: The kimura is locked in! Lenonhart made “The Saint” tap out to this last week!

Brutus Baker: Johnny’s gonna go home with a broken arm! Live to fight another day, kid!

Eden desperately reaches out for the ropes with his legs but Leonhart positioned him smartly in the center of the ring. Johnny manages to get his feet under him and summons all of his strength to lift Leonhart and slams him into the canvas with a powerbomb much like last week. However, like last week, Anthony keeps the kimura locked in. “The Saint” raises a hand like he’s going to tap but stops himself and makes a fist. Eden once again finds the strength to lift Leonhart but this time charges him into the corner. The back of Anthony’s neck bounces off the middle turnbuckle and both men collapse to the mat, Leonhart letting go of the kimura. Leonhart grabs the back of his neck as Eden tries to shake some feeling back into the arm that’s been through so much the past few weeks.

Jimmy Jenkins: Desperation reversal for Eden but it worked and now it looks like Leonhart might have a bruised disc in his neck or somethin’.

Brutus Baker: Can Eden even take advantage though? Pretty sure that arm is useless.

Eden uses the ropes to pull himself up first as Anthony tries to shake the cobwebs out while still holding his neck. Eden sees his opening and stomps on the back of Lenohart’s neck. He drills the neck with a forearm shot from his good arm. Eden wraps his arm around Leonhart’s head and picks him up in a reverse facelock before planting him with a reverse DDT. Leonhart grabs his neck again but has the wherewithal to roll himself out onto the apron. Eden sits up, still trying to stretch his arm out.

Jimmy Jenkins: Eden trying to work on that neck now, targeting it for his D.T.D.

Brutus Baker: I still think it’s too little, too late.

Johnny pulls himself to his feet and gets out on the apron, grabbing Leonhart by the ears, and pulls him to his feet. The champ goes to set his challenger up for a maneuver but Leonhart shoves Eden hard, sending him crashing shoulder-first into the ring post. Eden grabs his arm in pain but Leonhart grabs it and drops down with a modified single-arm facebuster except Leonhart falls to the floor and yanks Eden’s arm down, making him scream in pain!

Jimmy Jenkins: A modified Dirt Eater there by Leonhart! Johnny’s gotta have a separated shoulder!

Brutus Baker: Damn near tore his arm outta his socket. Eden might be dealing with the effects of this for his whole career.

Leonhart grabs Eden by the injured arm and drags him, laying it across the top of the steel steps. The challenger turns and menacingly walks over to the timekeeper’s area and scares Tiffany out of her set, folding the steel chair up and walking back over to Eden. He walks up the steps and smirks at the booing crowd before lifting the chair and bringing it down but he hits nothing but steel as Eden rolls out of the way at the last second! Leonhart drops the chair and tries to shake his hands out but walks right into a God’s Grace from Eden that wipes him out! Eden gets up and yanks Leonhart to his feet and lifts him up into a vertical suplex position but Eden takes and step back and drops him with a brainbuster onto the steel steps! Both men lie on the mats outside as the Vermont crowd breaks out into a massive “HOLY sh*t” chant!

Jimmy Jenkins: GOOD LORD! Leonhart’s gotta be unconscious!

Brutus Baker: Unconscious and might possibly have CTE already from that. Eden tried to murder him.

Eden gets to his feet and drags the deadweight of his challenger over to the apron and rolls his limp body into the ring. The champion slides into the ring and grabs Leonhart into a front face lock before flipping over into the Devine Torture Device! Leonhart yells out in pain as Eden cranks his neck, screaming for him to submit! RJ Handler checks on Anthony, asking if he gives up. He just shakes his head no as best he can, reaching out in vain for the ropes. Leonhart suddenly jams his elbow into the AC joint of Eden’s injured arm once, then twice, forcing him to let go. “The Technical Desperado” twisted around and wrapped his arm around Eden’s neck, latching on a rear naked choke while his legs grapevine the champ’s midsection!

Jimmy Jenkins: Anthony Leonhart transitioned into a choke! Round two is going to Leonhart!

Brutus Baker: Just tap, kid! No one will think less of you!

Eden struggles against the hold trying to free himself but Leonhart keeps him grounded while he reaches out futilely for the ropes. Suddenly, the champion’s arm starts to droop and Offical Handler comes over to check on Eden. Handler lifts the arm and it drops. He lifts it again, and it drops once more. He does so one more time but Eden stops it with a cheer from the crowd. Leonhart shakes his head and tries to squeeze harder on Eden, like a python but “London’s Best Export” plants his feet and rolls himself and Anthony, and snags the bottom rope, forcing the ref to count. Leonhart lets go at 4&½ before he stands up. Leonhart backs up as Eden tries to get up before rushing in and locking his Devil’s Night Course but Eden rolls out of the way! Leonhart stumbles and turns right into a Golden Ration kick from Eden that flips him in mid-air!

Jimmy Jenkins: What a God’s Grace! Turned Leonhart inside out!

Brutus Baker: How is he doin’ this?!?!

Eden gets to his feet and looks out at the crowd before running in and delivering a STIFF Hand of God to the back of Leonhart’s neck. Eden rolls to his feet before grabbing Anthony’s head again and once more flipping into a Last Chancery!

Jimmy Jenkins: Devine Torture Device!

Leonhart continues to try and struggle against the hold as Eden yanks on the hold, fighting against it when Eden gives one last yank. Leonhart’s eyes go wide and he finally taps out with the ref calling for the bell!


Eden's music plays and he is given the TV Championship. The referee raises his arm in victory and the fans are going wild for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees medical staff approaching the ring.

Jimmy Jenkins: I believe Leonhart held on a little too long before tapping out, Brutus.

Eden shows concern for Leonhart as officials tend to him. Eden puts the TV Title over his left shoulder, keeping some distance so officials can do their job.

Brutus Baker: If this is something serious and he cannot be medically cleared, this Best of 5 Series may be put on--


Addy slides into the ring unbeknownest to Eden. She turns him around, and she nails him with a superkick to the heart... which inadvertently smashes the TV Title into his chest.

Brutus Baker: HEARTLESSSSS!!!!

Jimmy Jenkins: WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!~


Eden hits the mat and the fans boo the heck out of Addy. She pays attention to nothing except for the TV Title, which she picks up off of the mat and holds before her with such pride. Addy sees security making their way to the ring. She kisses the TV Title and then gently sets it on the mat next to Eden, before leaving the ring and then through the crowd.

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 13:50:24 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (37)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (38)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:26:45 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:26:45 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (39)

We cut backstage to see Jade Riley standing outside a door with GERARD ANGELO written across it. She smiles for the camera and raises the microphone to her lips.

Jade Riley: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to APEX. I’m going to see if I can get a word with the DPW World Champion, Gerard Angelo.

Jade turns and knocks on the door. After a few moments is opens and Gerard pops his head out to boos from the live crowd.

Gerard Angelo: Jade? What are you doing here? This is employees only backstage. If you wanted to see me again you could’ve just DMed me.

Jade ignores him.

Jade Riley: I work here as the backstage interviewer as well, Gerard.

Gerard Angelo: Oh, so you gave Zaslav the old hawk tuah, huh?

Jade no sells Angelo.

Jade Riley: I was hoping to ask you some questions about your title defense last week.

He looks down at Jade with a sour face before the door shuts. It reopens a few moments later and the Champion steps outside the door, dressed in a custom black suit and his signature sunglasses. The massive World Championship is draped over his shoulder as he looks down at Jade.

Gerard Angelo: Since I know you’ll stand out here all night, fine. Ask your silly questions, Jade.

Jade Riley: Gerard, we saw you successfully defend your World title last week, albeit under suspicious circ*mstances-

Gerard Angelo: Whoa, whoa. Suspicious? It’s not my fault that burnout Leno has a glass jaw and I happen to throw a punch like a young Mike Tyson.

Gerry smirked as Jade had to fight the urge to roll her eyes.

Jade Riley: Gerry, we all saw you putting something in your tights.

Gerard Angelo: Why are you looking at my tights, Jade? Hmm? See something you like?

Again, Jade fought the urge to roll her eyes so hard that she’d see the groves of her brain. Ever the professional, she composes herself.

Jade Riley: Alex Andrews and Brandon Leno both brought the fight and impressed a lot of people. Do you think they’ll be getting more chances in the future?

Gerard Angelo: Impressed who? Maybe the rest of you idiots were impressed by losing efforts but that’s just what they were. Losing efforts. As far as I’m concerned, they go to the very back of the line. This championship isn't gonna be like the last one where people bitch and moan until they get an opportunity at it. I’m tired of people just deciding, “Oh I’m just gonna go after the world title, let me talk sh*t about Gerard”. It won’t work. Whoever comes for me and this championship better have damn sure earned it.

This title, my title, isn't a prize to be won, it's a burden to bear. It’s much more than twenty pounds of gold, leather, and gems. I carry the very fate of this company on my shoulders. I hold Discovery Pro Wrestling up like Atlas, the lone pillar keeping the sky from falling so the rest of these ingrates can continue to do what they love. I keep eyes on the product, I drive the views of APEX on MAX. The most famous man in the world. It’s not just a nickname when I call myself the Face of the Franchise, Jade. I’m the reason that you and everyone else here has a job. I’m the only one who can bear this burden, Jade.

That’s why I refuse to let some strung-out dork with rainbow hair or an idiot with the dumbest nicknames win this. DPW needs me in its infancy, a steady hand to guide this ship through waters of uncertainty. The captain if you will. And any attempted mutiny will be put down with extreme prejudice.

I don’t do this for me. I do this for you, Jade. I do this for everyone else who gets a paycheck from Discovery Pro. And do I even get a thank you? Hell, I’m mere weeks removed from selling out SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles and now I’m here making an appearance in some backwater hillbilly town in f*cking Vermont. That’s how much I care. You know what? You only have a job because of me.

Thank me, Jade.

She looks up at the World champion and blinks.

Jade Riley: You want me to thank you right now?

Gerard Angelo: Yes, Jade. Thank me or that pretty little paycheck you get from WBD goes bye-bye and you gotta start an OnlyFans because of how talentless you are. So, thank me, Jade.

Jade looks like she’s going to say something and stops herself, swallowing her pride.

Jade Riley: Thank you, Gerard.

Gerry grins.

Gerard Angelo: Good girl. Now run along and go interview Downfall about how he buys his suits of the rack at Men’s Warehouse or something.

Gerard returns to his locker room, slamming the door shut on Jade who rubs her eyes with a thumb and pointer finger.

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 13:52:41 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (40)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (41)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:27:10 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:27:10 GMT -5

Main Event | Trios Match

Brandon Leno & Alex Andrews & Apokalypse vs. Jody Madrox & Niobe Martin & Muru

Brutus Baker: Discovery Pro Wrestling has had a fire start. Wouldn't you say?

Jimmy Jenkins: Three weeks in and you REALLY couldn't have asked for a better stacked set of cards. You really have to have hope for the--

The lights in the arena suddenly go dark, as a single string of words appears on the tron.

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (42)

Brutus Baker: What in--

Jimmy Jenkins: What is THIS about?!?

Brutus Baker: I don't know, Jimmy. We're getting word that this could be a mishap in the production truck? Perhaps a remnant from the Crowdstrike debacle?

The message fades as the lights come back up.

Jimmy Jenkins: Whatever that was, it seems the guys in production have got it under control again. So we apologize to the viewers at home. Let's get to the main event!

Tiffany Milian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Huge pop.

Tiffany Milian: Introducing first... making his Discovery Pro Wrestling debut...

The lights suddenly go red and start flashing as "Progenies of The Great Apokalypse" by Dimmu Borgir starts to play throughout the arena. Apokalypse methodically walks out from backstage and glares out at the fans in attendance before rushing toward the ring.

Tiffany Milian: Making his way to the ring... weighing in at 275 pounds... from Death Valley, California... HE... IS... APOKALYPSE!

Once he reaches the ring, he slides in quickly and stands up in the center of the ring, again glaring out at the fans.

Brutus Baker: That's a big, bad man, Jimmy. I wouldn't want to be caught in a dark alley by Apokalypse.

Jimmy Jenkins: I wouldn't want to be caught in any ally by Apokalypse.

Tiffany Milian: And his partner...

"Wings of Feather and Wax" hits the speakers and a huge waterfall of blue sparks falls from the ceiling in front of the screen. Alex Andrews walks out onto the stage and spreads his arms out basking in the cheers of the fans.

Tiffany Milian: Weighing in at 238 pounds... from Memphis, Tennessee... The Showstealer... ALEX ANDREWS!

After a few seconds he slowly makes his way to the ring high fiving a few lucky fans along the way. As he reaches the steps he poses once again and then jogs up the steps and enters the ring. Alex stands in the center of the ring and spreads his arms again before removing his vest and glasses. He heads over to talk to Apokalypse as they wait for--

Tiffany Milian: And their partner...

Production crew kills the lights as spotlights flash a beautiful pattern of colors while a picture slowly fades into view on the jumbotron…a silhouette of a slender woman, butterfly wings spread out in a beautiful image of colors. A nice pop lets out of the crowd and the beginning of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida of Iron Butterfly with its opening organ fills the arena. When the guitar riffs hit, that’s when Brandon Leno walks out onto the stage, wearing his vale tudo tights, his shirt is a purple and black paisley t-shirt and his purple aviators

Tiffany Milian: Hailing from Austin, Texas... weighing in at 200 pounds... HE IS MR. PSYCHEDELIC... BRANDON LENO!!!

He grooves to the music, wiggling body parts as he struts down the ramp, high fiving the fans. When he hits the floor next to the ring a camera zooms in close. Leno sees this, dips his glasses down, looks into the camera and says “lets boogie baby!” and sticks his tongue, shaking his head. Leno then climbs onto the apron and flips over the top rope launching himself into the middle of the ring where in one fluid motion lands in a pose before falling to both knees, leaning back and shaking his body to the music. After this he gets up, saluting the crowd with the peace sign. He joins Andrews and Apokalypse in their corner.

Jimmy Jenkins: Brandon Leno and Alex Andrews have now headlined all three episodes of DPW Apex. If that isn't proof that the future is now, I don't know what is.

Tiffany Milian: And their opponents...

As the opening of "Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold begins to play over the arena, a video flashes on the big screen of a camera shot panning up a grassy hill at night, slowly until it gets to the top. Panning from left to right, lighting flashing in the sky as the opening guitar riff begins to sound.

Tiffany Milian: Introducing to the ring from Anaheim, California, weighing in at one hundred twenty five pounds and standing five feet, seven inches tall! She is the "Living Nightmare", NIOBE MMAARRTTIINN!!!

The video on the screen then switches to a video package of Niobe in the ring, flashing and moving in time with the drum beat.


Now your nightmare comes to life.."

Niobe comes running out from behind the curtain, stopping at the top of the ramp briefly to extend her arms out to the sides as a blast of pyro goes off on either side of her.

"Dragged you down below...

Down to the devils show...

To be his guest forever...

Peace of mind is less than never.."

As the lyrics of the song continue to play, she drops her arms and walks down the ramp, a smirk on her face as she sneers at the crowd as she passes before sliding under the bottom rope of the ring. She stands up and throws off the hood of her jacket, glaring at the crowd with a smirk on her face.

Brutus Baker: She most recently had a run as Action Wrestling United States Champion, until she lost the title to Jessie Lee and The Final Evolution. Now she's here!

Jimmy Jenkins: Indeed!

The tron comes to life, as the beat drops with "Geto Boy" on the screen. Then the camera looms around the arena to see Jody standing at the stage in a hoodie. Then he walks down to the ramp, while JB is behind him walking along side him.

Tiffany Milian: And her partner... weighing in at 230 pounds... from Detroit, Michigan... Da Geto Boy... JODY MADROX!!

We see Jody giving some people some daps along the way, then by the ring he takes off the hoodie, and gives it to JB who stands on the side of the ring. Then Jody slides into the ring, and goes to the corner to taunt to the crowd with his arms up, feeling the vibe. Then he gets off the corner and stand by the corner as his theme cuts off. He and Niobe are not speaking to one another.

Jimmy Jenkins: Jody Madrox put up one hell of a fight in the four-way DPW Hardcore Championship Match last week. That's a division well-suited to his in-ring style.

Up on the tron a picture of the earth is seen. The earth then explodes as pyro and explosions fill the arena. The entrance ramp is filled with smoke as "Handshakes To Fist Fights" by Devour The Day begins to play. Muru then walks out through the smoke and makes his way down the ramp.

Tiffany Milian: And their partner... weighing in at 225 pounds... from Allen Park, Michigan... The Greatest Show on Earth... MURU!!

Along the way to the ring he slaps the hands of a few fans and then he slides into the ring. Once in the ring he gets to his feet and raises his hands to the air as the crowd cheer.

Jimmy Jenkins: Madrox and Muru practically grew up together.

Brutus Baker: How so?

Jimmy Jenkins: Allen Park is just outside of Detroit. Maybe a 20 minute drive.

Brutus Baker: Interesting.

Both teams converse in their respective corners. Leno and Madrox are the two to start things off. They step to the middle of the ring and–


Madrox starts things off with a stiff right. Leno responds accordingly with a stiff right of his own. The two battle back and forth briefly before Leno catches Madrox with a spinning kick to the midsection. Madrox doubles over. Leno hits the ropes. Madrox drops down. Leno off the ropes again. Madrox catches Leno with a flying forearm.

Jimmy Jenkins: Despite the war he went through last week, Madrox has a lot of fight left in him!

Madrox reaches down and chops Leno as he tries to get up, then an overhand to the spine, a knee to the ribs. He hits the ropes and Leno catches him with catch belly to belly suplex. The fans pop like crazy. Madrox is slow to his feet. Leno charges and Madrox plants him with a spinebuster. Leno rolls out of the ring to gain composure. Madrox looks to his corner, and he goes over to tag in Niobe. He gives her an order before returning to the ropes by where Leno is on the outside. Niobe charges, and Madrox back body drops her over the top rope, taking out Leno on the outside.

Brutus Baker: Great teamwork!

Jimmy Jenkins: These two have fought many times. Good to see them working together!

Andrews drops down from the apron to make the save. He and Madrox start brawling at ringside, as Niobe pulls Leno up and rolls him back into the ring.

Jimmy Jenkins: There’s the cover!!



Niobe pulls Leno up and she goes back to her corner, this time tagging Muru in. Muru gets into the ring and grabs Leno in a headlock. He walks straight across the ring to the opposite corner and shoves Leno into the corner, then points at Apokalypse.

Brutus Baker: Ooohhh! He wants to fight the big dog!

Jimmy Jenkins: Muru has aspirations of being DPW World Champion. Of course he’s going to take on the biggest guy out there!

Apokalypse tags himself in, and he steps over the top rope. As he makes it into the ring, Muru is quick to attack with a snap jab/knife-edge chop combination. Apokalypse pushes him away and goes to an open corner. Muru follows up with a dropkick that sends Apokalypse crashing into the corner. Muru follows up with a jumping splash into the corner, and Apokalypse crumbles to the mat. Muru climbs up the ropes in the corner and–

Brutus Baker: Is he already looking for the Muru Splash?!

Before he can capitalize, Andrews runs across the ring apron and he grabs Muru’s leg. Muru shoves him away, but Apokalypse is up and grabbing him by the throat. Apokalypse tosses Muru back into the ring, sending him halfway across the ring. Apokalypse lands a huge legdrop on Muru.

Jimmy Jenkins: There’s the cover!!




Madrox breaks up the count by kicking Apokalypse’s head. Andrews gets into the ring and he goes after Madrox. The two fight a bit, as the referee urges them to both get out of the ring. Once they are back safely on the ring apron, we see Apokalypse make his way over to his corner. He tags in Andrews, who goes right after Muru with a barrage of stomps as Muru tries to get to his feet. Andrews pulls Muru up and whips him to the ropes. On the way back, he catches Muru with a leg lariat.

Jimmy Jenkins: There’s the cover!!



Niobe tries to get in the ring to break it up, but Muru was able to kick out first. Andrews drags Muru up and into a headlock. They end up too close to Muru’s corner, allowing Niobe to reach over and tag Muru’s shoulder, unbenkonwnst to Andrews. Muru delivers a few shots to the ropes and then shoves Andrews off. When he turns around, he is surprised by a springboard hurricanrana from Niobe.

Jimmy Jenkins: There’s the cover!!



Leno tries to get in the ring to break it up, but Andrews was able to kick out first. Niobe stalks as Andrews starts to get to his feet, and then she nails him with a spinning enzuigiri.

Brutus Baker: There’s the cover!




Before the three could be made, Apokalypse dropped down from the ring apron and he reached far enough in to drag Niobe out of the ring. He grabs her by the waist and pitches her into the guardrail. Madrox and Muru drop down from the apron on their side of the ring, and they charge to make the save. They meet up with Apokalypse and Leno on the outside of the ring, and there is an all-out brawl.

Jimmy Jenkins: Look! The Showstealer is up to something!

Indeed. He is climbing the ropes in the corner as the four are on the outside fighting. Without hesitation, he takes flight with a crossbody, taking out all four of them. There is just a pile of mangled bodies on the outside of the ring as the referee exits the ring to try to restore order. Apokalypse crawls out of the rubble first. He peels Niobe off of the floor and tosses her into the ring, between the bottom and middle ropes. Realizing that Andrews is the other legal man, he pulls him up and rolls him into the ring.

Brutus Baker: We’re back in action-packed action!

Jimmy Jenkins: Indeed!

Andrews pulls himself up in the corner, and Apokalypse tags himself in. He steps over the top rope and stalks Niobe as she slowly stirs.

Brutus Baker: Muru to the rescue!

Muru is back in the ring and he charges at Apokalypse, who turns around just in time to eat a diving double knee attack.

Jimmy Jenkins: KNEE TO NOSE BASIS!

Brutus Baker: Look out, Muru!

Muru gets to his feet and turns right into a spinning back elbow from Leno.

Jimmy Jenkins: LEVITATION!

Before Leno can celebrate, Madrox scoops him into an airplane spin before planting him with a death valley driver.

Jimmy Jenkins: sh*tS N GIGGLES!

Madrox is back to his feet, and Andrews catches him with a quick zig zag.

Jimmy Jenkins: GONE VIRAL!

The fans are going bonkers, but not just for Andrews. They see Niobe climbing the ropes in the corner. Andrews is up and turns around as Niobe launches off with a shooting star press, catching Andrews with a powerful crossbody.


Niobe writhes on the mat in agony from that finishing maneuver. Apokalypse locks her into an elevated bararm sleeper while she’s down.


Nobody is able to save her now and she has no choice but to tap out.


Tiffany Milian: The winners of this match... ALEX ANDREWS, BRANDON LENO, AND APOKALYPSE!!!

Apokalypse's music plays and he gets to his feet. He is soon joined by Andrews and Leno, who shake hands with each other. They try to raise Apokalypse's arms in victory, but he pulls away and continues the assault on Niobe. Andrews and Leno pull him back, and he shoves them off again. They get more physical, pulling him away from her. He swings back elbows, clocking them both on the jaw. The bell continues to ding and the referee is begging Apokalypse to stop stomping on Niobe.

Brutus Baker: MURU TO THE RESCUE!!

Muru spears Apokalypse, and mounts him with thunderous punches. Apokalypse shoves him off, and the two continue to brawl. Apokalypse gets the upper hand and he shoves Muru into the corner by the throat. As he attempts to choke the life out of Muru--


Madrox smashes a steel chair over Apokalypse's back. And then--


And then--


And then--


And then--


Apokalypse is on the mat, possibly unconscious, as Madrox stands over him with a totally destroyed steel chair. JB is pulling Madrox back, as officials are rushing to the ring to restore order. Madrox and JB back away, looking down at Niobe as officials have already arrived to help her. They look over to Andrews and Leno, who step out of the ring, shaking their heads.

Brutus Baker: There was as much chaos after the match as during the match!

Jimmy Jenkins: Wow! What a match! What a night! What a--

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (43)

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 22:53:04 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


Discovery Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestler

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (44)

Posts: 116(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (45)

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003Jul 22, 2024 11:28:24 GMT -5

Post by Discovery Pro Wrestling on Jul 22, 2024 11:28:24 GMT -5

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (46)

Suddenly, the opening notes to "Before I Forget" by Slipknot hits on the PA, and the crowd reacts with a big ovation as Downfall walks out onto the stage, carrying a clipboard in one hand. Downfall is wearing a suit right off the rack of the Men's Wearhouse, which still, with his shorn hair look, is slightly incongruous to see; But still, even in a new suit, it's unmistakably Downfall, just in his new element. He motions to the back, and a contingent of security guards come out to flank him, and he nods them to surround the ring as they begin to walk down.

Jimmy Jenkins: Downfall is coming out here with what looks to be a contract in hand, is this why he invited Teo Blaze to come to Apex?

Downfall wastes no time in getting to the ring, nodding at the security detail who are standing by, and climbing up to get in the ring. The crowd cheers wildly for the former World Champion, and as he takes the mic, he smiles, taking in their reaction; You would never have thought he would get into this type of role.

Downfall: Essex Junction, Vermont, hello and welcome to APEX! We are still three weeks into this brand new era and there have been some... rocky parts as we've started out, but it's not lost on me that, as the remains of what was were archived, put away, and the company transitioned to a new home streaming service, there's been a generous amount of good faith. This isn't like the old days, even the negative aura of last year is a thing of the past. You'll never see Jake Paul in a DPW ring, ever, for one thing.

The crowd responds with a small, laughing pop. Downfall cracks a grin, adjusting the clipboard in his hands.

Downfall: With that said, there are still some items on my agenda that have my top priority. It goes without saying, a priority is sorting out the Tag Team titles, it frankly sucks that one-half of the best Tag Team we have received a low-ball offer, when he should be getting pushed to be a main event player.

The crowd, knowing who he's talking about, reacts with a big face pop, and a "HOLIDAY" chant goes up from the back. The camera angle switches to show a fan sign in the front row reading "FREE DOC HOLIDAY" and Downfall acknowledges it. But then, he looks down at the contract in his hands.

Downfall: But the biggest priority for Discovery Pro Wrestling is figuring out who has the strongest claim to being the number one contender to the DPW World Championship, held by, you may know this one, Gerard Angelo.

Downfall waits, a little smile playing over his lips as he elicits the response he was looking for, a deafening, negative chorus of boos.

Downfall: We just last week saw Gerard squeak by a title defense against two of the - Hell, I'll be honest, Brandon Leno, Alex Andrews, they showed me something last week, they showed me that they were showing up with their working boots on, and that if anyone deserved a spot to be what this fed is built around for a while yet, it's those two.

The crowd reacts big for the mention of the name Andrews, and even bigger for the name Leno.

Downfall: And I know Gerard thinks that it's bullsh*t, that I'm the one stacking the deck against him and that I have it out for him because he's the one who took the AW World Championship away from me, he's the one who forced me to make good on my promise that as long as I was the World Champion, the next match I wrestled and lost would serve as my retirement and that I would hand the belt over and walk away. He never expected me to come with DPW as a package deal and serve as EVP; And hell, I didn't either. But to Gerard's point, he believes that I'm doing all of this because I'm jealous of him, and want to pay him back.

Downfall shakes his head.

Downfall: I harbor no feelings about Gerard, I put those away when I left active wrestling, because it showed me it wasn't about me. My time for grudges is over, for being petty and abusing power like a tyrant is over. So, to that end...

He holds the clipboard with the contract up in one hand.

Downfall: I have in my hands a sincere question AND an answer, who is going to step up to face Gerard Angelo? We have three people bucking to get to the front of the line, and it all hinges on Evolution. We have Teo Blaze -

The crowd pops HUGE for the mention of the ever-popular Teo Blaze, who's been on the roll of the year.

Downfall: Teo Blaze IS a former World Champion, Teo Blaze fought through an entire Havoc match and came out the winner, and Teo put on a five-star match against Gerard Angelo at Evolution, only to fall short. Teo's story isn't finished with Gerard, but the fact is that Evolution was an ending for a certain company. Should Teo be given the opportunity?

The crowd starts a "YES, YES, YES" chant.

Downfall: Then, you have Tatiana Jolee and Kyle Shane, two competitors who's Evolution match ended in controversy and are inextricably bound. The entire ending was FUBAR there, we had a knocked out referee, a broken turnbuckle and slip on the ropes, a botched pin, two separate angles, but Kyle Shane was "named" the winner.

Downfall chews his lip, thinking it over.

Downfall: I don't know the answer, it was before my time. But I do know this, both have a case for coming out of Evolution with a win... but BOTH also have made their case over time that they never got a chance to finish their own respective stories. Tatiana Jolee ended the title reign of the longest reigning World Champion in modern history, and never once received a fair rematch in a one-on-one setting, was instead, thrown amidst a pack of multi-man matches and triple threats.

The crowd boos, loudly.

Downfall: Hey, I agree with you, putting it to a rigged vote, throwing people like Dake Ken Junior or Roman Gunn's name in there, and immediately booking a seven-way match was f*cking bullsh*t and it shouldn't have happened. And that WON'T happen in Discovery Pro Wrestling! You won't see people getting overstuffed into sloppily booked multi-man main events just because the owner is a co*ked out dork. We are going to sort this out so that ONE person emerges as a contender for the World Championship, and we are NEVER leaving the booking of a main event match up to a poll with options like Dake Ken Jr on it, ever again!

He turns to the camera.

Downfall: So Tatiana, I want you to know I hear your concerns; You also believe you're not going to get a fair shake from me as EVP because I'm biased against you. But I want you to know and believe that that's not true, and I want you to be given fair consideration. So. IN MY HAND, I hold a contract for a match, next week on APEX 004... a main event match, a triple threat, and the winner - And there will be ONLY ONE WINNER, who will go on to face Gerard Angelo... FOR THE DPW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!

The crowd lets loose with a huge reaction, and Downfall smiles.

Downfall: Now, I've brought security to the ring because this is just a contract signing, and there is not going to be any shenanigans whatsoever. I want Teo Blaze, Tatiana Jolee, and Kyle Shane to come down here, state your case, and sign this contract, and make it official!

“Plowed” by Sponge hits the P.A system drawing all eyes to the entrance ramp as Downfall lowers his mic and steps off toward the side of the ring. The crowd bursts into life as Tatiana Jolee makes her way out to the top of the ramp. Dressed in a pair of blue jeans, and sporting a Calgary Flames jersey, she makes no attempt to showboat and instead heads down the ramp with a dead serious expression on her face.

Once at ringside, she heads around to the announcer, asking for - and receiving a spare mic before rolling into the ring. Once to her feet, her gaze turns towards Downfall and she stares him down for a moment as her theme song fades away…

Tatiana Jolee: You know… All I see nowadays are trolls who are just dying to take me to task. They say I’m a bitter asshole, that I’m delusional, that I’m unreasonable in my plight.

She gets a mixed reaction from that… Though, it doesn’t seem to bother her very much.

Tatiana Jolee: So I stand before you now… You have this contract in hand, offering me an olive branch. But I’m skeptical… Yeah, I’ve complained about management before. But ALL of you saw how Torture treated me. It was so bad that I had a match against him just over a year ago.

Downfall remains stoic as she speaks, only quirking as she addresses him.

Tatiana Jolee: So how do I know I can trust you, of all people, now?

She lowers her mic allowing the boss to respond.

Downfall: TJ… You’re absolutely right. You were treated like trash for almost a full year. Torture was just one of the many betting against you backstage. I’ll admit it, even I thought you were doing yourself a disservice by complaining week in and week out about it. But that was Action Wrestling, this is Discovery Pro - and we’re not here to continue the policies that almost put AW out of business.

He makes a point; and in a professional manner.

Downfall: I can’t force you to trust me… All I can do is stress that I’m not Downfall the wrestler anymore. I have a responsibility to make Discovery the best damn show in the world. And I want to do that by giving these fans a legit number-one contender with no B.S

She nods, her expression that of somebody pondering…

Downfall: I said, you were never given a fair shake when I beat you for the belt. And at the time, I said I’d rather have a one-on-one rematch with you. The difference is I wasn’t in charge back then, I am now. So, here’s your opportunity TJ. Beat Teo and Kyle in a triple threat and you get Angelo in a world title match with no B.S… You have my word on that.

Tatiana Jolee: That’s it, huh? Just like that… I sign the contract and we settle this in the ring. No more listening to Kyle Shane run his mouth?

Downfall: As far as the match goes, yes. I don’t control what Kyle Shane says… So you’d have to take that up with him. However, I’d hedge a bet that beating him clean in the middle would likely shut him up.

Tatiana Jolee: Okay… Deal. I’ll sign.

The fans buzz as Downfall steps to her, extending the clipboard and pointing to where she must sign for the match. TJ takes another look to the fans before signing the line with her name next to it, leaving just Teo and Shane left. "Kickstart My Heart" by Dance With the Dead hits on the PA, and Teo Blaze comes out, wearing a blazer (get it) and slacks, and he pauses at the top of the ramp. The crowd goes wild for the Havoc winner, who's shown he's capable of a lot of great things this past year, a "TEO, TEO, TEO" chant goes up from the crowd as he makes his way down.

Jimmy Jenkins: They don't call him a fan favorite for nothing! Even short notice, you can hear the fan support for this man!

Teo enters the ring, and he walks over to Downfall, who holds his hand out for a handshake. Teo looks distrustfully to Downfall, remembering all too well the venomous, aggressive competitor he faced before, but Teo acknowledges him with a nod as he paces over to the ropes and takes a mic.Teo eyes Tatiana and Downfall as he accepts a microphone, seeming to want to speak a bit.

Teo Blaze: I'll make this short and sweet because I'm saving all of my words for Gerard Angelo; And I have much I want to say, to Gerard Angelo. But the fact remains, I did fight through the entire roster at Havoc, I did outlast everyone to claim my shot. Downfall, I even defeated your old partner, Kyle Shane, in Havoc, to claim my shot, so when you're talking about contenders, I've outlasted everyone involved in the conversation. Now I appreciate all of the kind words, Downfall. But I am going to speak straight from the heart. You, perhaps more than anyone, know what it means to hold that World Championship. We've both felt what it means for Gerard to wrench it from our grasp.

However, the fact remains at Evolution, I faltered. At Evolution, my spirit was willing, but for just... one second... my body gave out, and I lost. I make no excuses. Evolution ended my hopes to be AW World Champion, had me questioning if I was good enough, if I should quit.

The crowd begins a loud "NO, NO, NO" chant. But Teo looks up from the mic, into Downfall's face, his mouth a determined line, and he begins showing more animation, more heart.

Teo Blaze: But if Evolution was the past, then Havoc was the past. If what happened at Evolution was the last act in Action Wrestling, then THIS will be a new start, in the brand-new Discovery Pro Wrestling and it will NOT have the same result! This is a new day, and I WILL be number one contender to the DPW World Title!

Huge pop.

Teo Blaze: And Tatiana, I'd never want to take away from what you've earned- but I've been pushing myself just as hard. I'm not the same Teo Blaze you fought before. You should know as well as anyone that that belt Changes people.

As for Shane? Well... Let him talk. This business has a funny little principle. The more someone runs their mouth, the more that they have to answer for. Shane may be a motormouth, but words aren't worth the script paper they're printed on.

You could put anyone in the world in that ring, if it means getting to finish what Gerard and I started, I'd sign away my soul itself.

But I don't have to tell any of you that. You know what I'm about. They know what I'm about. And anyone who says they don't better start paying attention before something bad happens.

Teo smiles, a glimmer in his eye behind the red lenses. It appears he has more that he likes to say, but may be picking his words carefully for now. He glances at the duo before holding out his hand, taking the contract- yet even as the pen dances along the dotted line, his eyes never leaving the others standing the ring, and as he hands it back, he crosses his arms in anticipation.

Downfall: Lovely, that just leaves -

Suddenly, the opening notes to "Degausser" by Brand New hit on the PA, and Kyle Shane swaggers out onto the stage. Tatiana has a wave of disgust pass over her face, as Kyle Shane stands atop the stage, head back, arms out, taking in the reaction. Kyle is wearing a dress shirt with an open collar, slacks, suspenders, and his sleeves are rolled up to mid-bicep, it's a very 2010's adult emo fit. The crowd is signing along with Jesse Lacey "GOODBYE MY LOVE, YOU BURN BRIGHT BUT YOU RUN OUT/I FELL ASLEEP IN THE ALKALINE... I CAN'T SHAKE THIS LITTLE FEELING/I'LL NEVER GET ANYTHING RIGHT" and Kyle smiles broadly, holding his hands up in that inimitably arrogant Kyle Shane way, and he conducts the chorus. Downfall grimaces in somewhat of chagrin as Kyle saunters down the aisle, the crowd singing his song, and Kyle gets in the ring.

Downfall: Thank you so much for joining us, Kyle.

Tatiana Jolee: Take your sweet-ass time, dork.

Kyle co*cks a look at Tatiana sideways, smirking.

Kyle Shane: TJ, I'm so sorry I never replied to one of your fifty subtweets over the last week, I've been busy; Hiro and I are getting a tech start-up off the ground, I've been training, you know how it is... I'm an actual adult with a life outside of my Twitter bubble.

He reaches in the pocket of his slacks, digging around, and when he removes his hand, he brings out a ripped-out handful of green lawn grass in the palm of his hand.

Kyle Shane: In fact, I went ahead and did you a solid, I brought the grass to you so you can touch it.

Mockingly, Kyle brings his palm flat up to his lips and blows, letting the grass flitter out like confetti and fly in Tatiana's face. Tatiana looks severely unamused as grass clippings waft down.

Tatiana Jolee: I think it's funny you keep bringing up grass, because the only tall, skinny weeds that are getting cut down is you, soyboy. Try me again and I'll break those legs.

Kyle Shane grins, knowing he's getting under Tatiana's skin.

Kyle Shane: Interesting, but as with all the rest of your sh*t talk on Twitter, it's just the presentation of being a rough customer when really you're a soft-ass cookie, babe. Truth is, I got your number, and the only reason you're beating this drum of the EVP being out to get you is that you're insecure, you know you're not good enough so you think the whole world has held you back. Problem is, you beat that drum loudly to your chronically-online circle, and in a vacuum, it sounds good, when you're surrounded by people who tell you what you want to hear, they agree with you. That's why I get under your skin, because I tell you the actual truth. And the TRUTH, Tatiana, the TRUTH, Teo... is there was one person named the winner at Evolution... Me. There's one person who's moved on to DPW looking to be the face of it... me. Give me that contract, Danny.

He grabs for the contract, but Downfall holds it away, sternly looking at Kyle.

Downfall: Kyle... You need to step back.

Kyle Shane: Why? For what??

Downfall: Tatiana and Teo both raised valid points for why they deserve to be here. But you come out here, provoking Tatiana, you spend an entire week belittling her with childish insults on Twitter. And I have to ask you, Kyle, is this how you want to present yourself? With such a petty approach? Do you really want to be World Champion because you'll be the man to lead Discovery into the future, or are you just thinking like a punk kid who doesn't want anyone else to play?

Kyle looks insulted, and tilts his head at Downfall. He seems to chew these words over, and is almost humbled. Finally, he seems to come to an answer, and he calmly, holds his hand out and asks for the clipboard, and Downfall hands it to him. Kyle holds the clipboard in his hand, looking at it soberly, then he speaks into the mic.

Kyle Shane: A bit of both, really.

Kyle had been looking like he was going to sign the contract, but then, suddenly, he throws the clipboard into Tatiana's face, smacking her. It doesn't hurt her, but Kyle makes a beeline towards her and boots her down. The crowd is shocked by Kyle's sudden attack, and buzzes in confusion, as Kyle stands over Tatiana, holding his arms up, then he goes to irish whip Tatiana, but Tatiana reverses, sending Kyle into the corner! Kyle stumbles out, holding his lower back! Tatiana slaps her thigh, motioning for Kyle to turn around, and then, she barnstorms across the ring, charging towards Kyle, looking for a shotgun dropkick, but at the last second Kyle spins out of the way, and Tatiana dropkicks Downfall! Downfall is stunned, and rolls out of the ring to the aisle. Tatiana regains her footing, and she steps to the ropes, looking at Downfall on the outside, a stunned expression on her face.



Tatiana is still stunned when she turns around, and she is whipped around by Kyle, who tags her with a leaping V-Trigger, sending Tatiana rolling away!


Kyle is celebrating, a big smile on his face as he smirks at the fallen Tatiana Jolee, then he makes an "awww poor baby" face, reveling in her discomfort. Kyle looks around, and spots the fallen clipboard. He bends down, scoops it up, and signs his name officially, then he holds the clipboard up.



Kyle is being accosted by security, who are trying to restore order, as Kyle looks around them and yells for them to get their hands off of him. Kyle shoves a security guard away. Suddenly, Kyle turns, and Teo Blaze comes charging in with a Kinshasa-style knee, taking his head off, and dropping him!


Kyle rolls to the outside, and now Teo picks the contract on the clipboard up and point to himself, saying that he's the number one contender. Security are surrounding Teo, telling him to get out of the ring right now. Teo resists, and suddenly, Tatiana gets back in the ring, staring Teo down. The two of them have a heated staredown for a moment, as security gets between them. Teo and Tatiana point and shout choice words at each other.

Jimmy Jenkins: Well this broke down into chaos, and all we know is that all three have made their case for why they deserve to be the one to face Gerard Angelo!

Brutus Baker: They're gonna have to wrestle the triple threat with an armed escort standing by in the ring, pal, Tatiana, Kyle, and Teo all wanna tear each other apart to be the number one contender!!

Kyle Shane stands up outside, staring daggers at Teo and Tatiana in the ring. A disheveled Downfall, his tie loosened and his hair a mess, begins getting in Kyle's face and holding him back, telling him to save it for next week.


Scene fades to--

(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (47)

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2024 22:36:31 GMT -5 by Discovery Pro Wrestling


(07.22.24) DPW Apex 003 | Discovery Pro Wrestling (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.