DPCA Doberman Rescue - overview (2024)

DPCA Rescue is a committee within the Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Our primary function is allocating grants to qualified Doberman rescue groups on a quarterly basis from donated funds. We, as a committee, do not perform rescue. If you need to turn in a Doberman, know of one in need, wish to adopt, or would like to volunteer we maintain a database of Doberman Rescue groups who may be able to assist you. The link is Rescue Directory by State.

Unfortunately not all Doberman's live in loving homes, with human interaction, warm comfortable beds, quality food, fresh water, squeaky toys and access to those pesky trips to the veterinarian.

The hard fact is that all across the United States too many Dobermans are discarded (as no longer convenient) and lost (but never searched for) and bereaved (but thier owners made no provision) and edged out (by a new spouse or a new child or new accomodations or by simple economic adversity). For all these dogs their local Doberman Rescue group is their lifeline.

Rescue is about finding happy endings for those Dobermans that fall upon hard times. Usually it involves the dog being a 'foster' in a volunteer's home - where they receive necessary medical attention and behavioural evaluation before, hopefully, adoption into a new home - but sometimes Rescue is just about giving advice or assistance with those behavioral or medical issues and the dog then remains in its current home.

Basically it's all about caring about a Doberman, about ensuring that they have a loving home, human interaction, a warm bed, quality food, fresh water, squeaky toys and indeed those pesky trips to the veterinarian.


Spend some time finding a reputable rescue group with whom to work.The DPCA list of rescues is a start, but there are many many more rescue groups, all-breed rescue groups, shelters and humane societies that will have Dobermans. Search the internet or speak with the Rescue coordinator at your local shelter. If you simply search the internet or look at Craig's List then beware ofwolves in sheep's clothing! Don't let flashy websites, heartbreaking newspaper ads or even expensive magazine ads fool you. There are people out there whose main interest is your money - in their pocket. ( more ...)


So you've found a Doberman? Now what? Certainly - call the nearest rescue for advice but Doberman Rescue is not Animal Control, so do not expect rescue to immediately come and take the dog off your hands.
Also don't judge the dog, or its previous owners, by its appearance and condition. It may have been out and roaming for some time - it is possible that it was once a healthy, immaculately groomed, loved pet. ( more ...)


The most common dog in rescue is 18 months to 3 years old - this is the age where the lack of early socialization and effective training become issues that need faced. This is the age at which all too often the dog becomes No Longer Convenient.
However, not all rescues have been neglected or abused, not all have been plucked from the city pound in the nick of time. Some were healthy, trained and loved dogs - whose owners died or who lost job and home. No matter what the background, thank you for thinking of giving a dog, any dog, its 2nd chance on life. ( more ...)


If you have a Doberman that you are considering giving up then please browse some of the information on these webpages. Also don't just call the nearest rescue and expect them to rush round and collect your dog. They are all volunteers and cannot be treated as public service employees on call 24/7. The rescue will need time to fit your dog into their program. Don't expect a rescue to welcome all dogs with open arms. Not all rescue volunteers are behavour modification magicians. Be honest about your problem and issues with your dog. It may be that the rescue is able to give suggestions to correct the problem and offer alternatives to simply giving the dog up. ( more ...)

DPCA Doberman Rescue - overview (2024)
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