Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (2024)

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (1)

Hey there, furfriends! Interested in making homemade dog treats? It’s time for another special segment of our FAQs, Tips, and Troubleshooting topics. This time we’re sharing (and drooling) all about different types of DIY dog treats! How delicious does that sound? Before we dig into specific types of homemade dog treats, let’s start at the beginning. Why make homemade dog treats instead of buying them? Here’s why I started making dog treats, the potential benefits and pitfalls, and different approaches to treat making.

Why I Started Making Homemade Dog Treats (and Mixed Feeding)

From Dabbling to DIY

I dabbled with making homemade dog treats for Oli over the years. I always make special treats on the pets’ birthdays, which were my first birthday cakes. Occasionally, I’d made other homemade treats, driven more by fun and love than anything else. As the years went by, I started learning more about dog nutrition, food options, and treat ingredients in an effort to help his health and well being. You can read more about our journey in the behind the scenes post about our dogs’diets and foodsfor our mixed feeding approach.

The Dalmatian Dilemma

Dalmatians metabolise purines differently than other dogs, which places them at a heightened risk of urinary crystals and stone formation. Many common dog-friendly ingredients are high purine, which makes it difficult to buy quality commercial dog foods and treats. Fortunately, we haven’t yet had any issues with our boys. They aren’t on a restricted diet and we are somewhat flexible with foods, but we do try to moderate purines. You can read more in our post about Dalmatians and purine.

Senior Dog Support

As Oli has aged, we’ve started to include extra health boosting ingredients in their diets, including lots of different antioxidants and add-ins with natural health benefits. We’ve also addedeven more high-quality protein. All dogs (excluding special medical conditions) benefit from a healthy high-protein diet. Quality meats are a good way of adding extra protein to their diet. As dogs age, like our very special senior pup Oli, they slow down and burn less energy on exercise and play but this doesn’t mean that their bodies need less protein. Quite the opposite. A quality protein-rich diet can help seniors maintain muscle and their support organ and immune functions in their golden years.

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (2)

Benefits and Pitfalls of Making Homemade Dog Treats

There are a lot of potential benefits to making your own dog treats, but there are also a few potential pitfalls to be wary of when experimenting with homemade treats, whether from a book or internet recipe, from or your own special custom recipe creation.

Knowing Exactly What’s in the Treats

When making homemade dog treats, you have complete control over ingredients. There are no hidden ingredients, mysterious additives, and you control the quality. Check out our post about choosing ingredients for homemade dog treats for an overview of common ingredients, their uses, and some of our personal favourites.If you aren’t keen to make your own treats, that’s totally cool too! Instead, another great option is to review labels and supplier information. Check ingredients for content (especially if your pet has sensitivities), nutritional breakdown, and make sure you’re comfortable with the manufacturer. We buy lots of foods and treats!

Customising Treats to Suit Dietary Needs and Preferences

With homemade dog treats, you can ensure that the ingredients suit your pet’s needs, preferences, and work around any dietary issues. You look for a suitable dog treat recipe to work from or, with a bit of basic baking knowledge, you can easily create your own recipe, tailor one from here (or elsewhere), or even adapt a favourite human recipe to suit your dog.

High Quality Dog Treats at a Reasonable Cost

Homemade dog treats can be high quality and cost effective. Healthy homemade dog treats (and food) can be very economical. Healthier commercial dog treats and food are often expensive, and understandably so. They usually contain high quality ingredients and/or higher quantities of “the good stuff” and less low quality ingredients. It can be very cost effective to use quality ingredients to make your own excellent treats. You can also make good use of excess or leftover foods from family meal prep or the garden.

Making Homemade Treats is Great Together Time

Our dogs love (absolutely love love love) watching me in the kitchen. They always know when I’m making something special for them. Noses on high alert, drool on max, my sous chefs are always on standby for clean up duty and taste testing. It’s great quality time.

Making Dog Treats is Quick and Easy

Treat making can be super easy if you pick a simple recipe. Common ingredients and a few minutes (plus hands-off time for baking, setting, freezing, or dehydrating) are all that’s required for many treats.

Making Dog Treats is Fun

Treat making can be an opportunity for you to have a little fun. The kids can have fun making treats for their furry bestie or you can have a little fun of your own experimenting with shapes and colours. The dogs only care about the yum factor, but I still love playing with cute cookie cutters, stamps, and moulds just for my own enjoyment. And the extra kitchen time amps up the excitement for my sous chefs.

Homemade Dog Treats Might be Lower Waste, but Not Necessarily

Commercial treats are made in bulk, which may be more efficient. Different product will have different footprints depending on ingredients, sources, location of manufacture vs. purchase, packaging, retail, and shipping. With homemade treats, it depends on your individual ingredients, their footprints, and how you store the treats.

Homemade Doesn’t Automatically Mean Healthy

Some dog treat recipes are very heavy on low value ingredients and light on quality. A whole lot of flour with a little binder and flavour may bake well and be happily eaten, but doesn’t offer much nutritional value for the calories.

Not all Human Foods are Safe for Dogs

When making dog treats, ensure that you use only dog safe ingredients. If unsure, double or triple check (or just skip it altogether). Read all ingredient labels, and watch out for hidden hazards like salt, sugar, and artificial sweeteners.Be aware that recipes may include ingredients that are disputed (for example, garlic is a common disagreement) and perhaps even some that not suitable for dogs. That said, there are lots of awesome recipe resources out there, so just take the time to choose with care and make informed choices for you and your individual dog.Ingredients that I use for our boys are checked using reputable references, like the AKC, SPCA, Dogs Naturally, and others, however, it’s important to note that expert opinions may vary, differ, and/or evolve over time.

Not all Treats are Suitable for all Dogs

This potential pitfall applies equally to bought or homemade treats, but it’s still worth a mention. Different animals will have different preferences (likes and dislikes) and dietary needs. Some pets may have special dietary requirements and/or food allergies or intolerances.Avoid any known medical contradictions, and introduce new foods slowly and in moderation. If you are ever in doubt or have questions about what’s suitable for your dog, have a chat with your trusted vet. You can also consult with a dog nutritionist for advice.

Homemade Dog Treat have a Limited Shelf Life

Unlike preservative packed and/or commercially dried treats, shelf life is limited for most homemade dog treats. Depending on the type of treat, they’re typically best used within a few days and frozen for longer storage. I freeze most of our treats.

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (3)

Different Types of Homemade Dog Treats

There are many different ways to make homemade dog treats, depending on your preferences and your pet. If you’re just starting out, treats can be simple, use common ingredients, and kitchen equipment that you likely already have on hand. Experiment. Then if you (and your dogs) are enjoying things, you may want to take the plunge and expand your cookie cutter collection, invest in a few new small appliances, and experiment with special ingredients. Here are some common types of homemade dog treats and a few of our favourites.

Raw and Ready-to-Serve Foods as Dog Treats

These are more sharing foods than actual homemade treats. Well, with a few exceptions like uncooked bones. You’re probably not keen to share those! There are lots of human foods that dogs enjoy in moderation. Our boys particularly enjoy fruits and berries, carrots, cheese, yogurt, kefir, coconut oil, nut butters, etc. I use many of these as ingredients in prepared homemade dog treats, but sharing is nice too. A fresh carrot from the garden or a lick of a spoon is considered a treat-like prize. They raid our garden berry patch, too. Cheeky rascals.

Dehydrated Dog Treats

Dehydrated jerky dog treatswith lean meat and fish are simple to make using a dehydrator (or oven). Our dogs love them and they have great nutritional content. You can also experiment with dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and other dog-friendly foods.

Baked Dog Treats

I have to confess that I love baking dog treats! There is always an assortment of dog biscuit treats in our freezer. I defrost them in small batches for ready use. You’ll find all sorts of different biscuit treat recipes (and crazy decorating ideas) here at Dalmatian DIY. I also bake dog-friendly meatballs and meatloaf-style special occasion dog cakes. Carrying on the cake tradition from my first homemade treats.

Chilled and Frozen Dog Treats

Dog-friendly liquids and purees can be used as chilled or frozen dog treats. We keep small coconut oil treats in the fridge and make cooling frozen treats in the warmer months. I’ll occasionally make truffle-style refrigerated treats as well.

Gelatin Gummy Dog Treats

Technically these are a chilled treat, but I love them so much that they deserve a special mention of their own in this list. Gelatin gummy dog treats are very easy to make and can be extremely healthy, depending on your added ingredients. The dogs consider these a treat, but I consider them more of a health supplement (shhh…don’t tell the dogs!). We always have a small batch of gummies on hand in the fridge. I also make bone broth. Definitely a dog favourite!

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (4)

Our dog treat recipe posts don’t include an estimated yield. This is because batch size for any given treat recipe idea will be very dependent on what the maker decides for shape, size, thickness, etc. when they’re making treats. Most of our treats are small to medium batch sizes, as you can probably guess from ingredient quantities. We like to have lots of variety in our treats. For folks who prefer baking bigger batches, it’s easy to double, triple, other otherwise multiply recipes into a bigger batch.

Shortcuts for Quick and Easy Dog Treat Making

Homemade Dog Treat Ingredient Shortcuts and Time Savers

  • Broth or stock can be frozen in cubes and store for ready use. We’ve shared all the details in a previous post about making and storing homemade stock and broth for dog treats. Yummy, convenient, and best of all it’s virtually free!
  • Pre-cooked ingredients like pumpkin, kumara (sweet potato), bacon, meat, etc. can be prepared in bulk (or kept from leftovers) and frozen for convenient ready use. To help with small quantity use, freeze cooked chunks or shreds on lined tray, then transfer to a container for free-flow frozen ready-use. Soft ingredients can be pureed and frozen in measured quantities or in ice cube trays.
  • Shredded raw ingredientslike carrot or apple can be processed in bulk and frozen, but will have a different texture than fresh. This softness can be helpful for handling in doughs. Extra moisture may affect the required amount of flour and/or baking characteristics.
  • Fruits and veggies for pureecan be fresh or frozen (self-stored or purchased). Frozen is often more economical, depending on seasonal availability. Defrost prior to pureeing. If you’re a tad short on the measurement and don’t want to defrost and puree more, unsweetened applesauce makes a handytop-up for pureed fruit. You can also puree in bulk and freeze in cubes for future ready use. It’s great for shopping sales, prepping while things are in local season, or if you have excess fruits or veggies from the garden. Or just want to avoid washing the food processor every time. No? Just Me? Haha!

Homemade Dog Treat Making Shortcuts and Time Savers

  • Although we share a lot of cute treats, thedogs don’t care about looks.
  • Don’t want to cut shapes? For baking, instead of the muss and fuss of rolling and cutting, hand forming into small balls and pressing to flatten is quick and cute. Alternatively, simply pressing into a lined pan and cutting or scoring is a super fast way to make baked treats. See oursimple shortcuts for making baked dog treats in any size for ideas and tips.
  • Baking in bulk (whether a single big batch or several different small batches) consolidates the prep, oven energy use, and clean-up. Treats can then be stored frozen for later use.
  • Alternatively, some treat doughs can be frozen and thawed for baking at a later date. Wrap well, thaw and warm to ambient temperature before working. Beware that there may be changes in texture or other characteristics, depending on the ingredients.
  • Manyfrozen treats and gummies are inherently easy. Just prep, pour, and set. The actual hands-on time can be very short, but there will be a wait for the treat to freeze or set. If you don’t have silicon moulds, ice cube trays are a good substitute for frozen treat making. Gummies can also be set in a container or pan, and then sliced into bite-sized pieces.
  • Dehydrated treatscan also be easy and most of the drying time is hands-off. Just slice things up and let your dehydrator (affiliate link) do the hard work! Note that some ingredients may benefit from blanching, marinating, or a food-safety pre/post-heat. These steps take a little extra time, but are still not a big effort.

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (5)

Keen to Try a Few Treats?

We have all sorts of treat related posts here on the blog. You can sniff around our DIY dog recipes, use our categories and tags to navigate, or use the internal search function to look for specific types or treats or treat ingredients. You can also hop over to ourDIY Dog Treat Recipes board on Pinterestfor ideas from here and all around the web. We’ve also started aPet Chef Help board on Pinterest with handy links on things like ingredients, substitutions, conversions, tinting, and more. Check out the full mini-series topic for an introduction to the main categories of different homemade dog treats we make and share here on the blog:

  • Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats
  • Frozen and Chilled Homemade Dog Treats
  • Homemade Gelatin Gummy Dog Treats
  • Homemade Dehydrated Dog Treats
  • Homemade Birthday and Special Occasion Dog Cakes
  • Homemade Baked Biscuit (Cookie) Dog Treats
  • Decorating Homemade Baked Biscuit Dog Treats
  • Homemade Baked Dog Treat Shelf Life and Storage

Hungry for more tasty treats? There are all sorts of homemade dog treat ideas in our blog archives. You can also use the category and tag labels to find recipes that might be of interest or use our internal search tools to find something specific. Remember, treats (bought or homemade) are for spoiling your pup in moderation. We share ideas from treats that we’ve made ourselves for our pets, but different animals have different preferences (likes/dislikes), just like people. Some pets may have special dietary requirements and/or food allergies/intolerances. If you are ever in doubt or have questions about what’s suitable for your pet, have a chat with your trusted vet.

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (6)

Why (and How) to Make Homemade Dog Treats - Dalmatian DIY (2024)


What treats are safe for Dalmatians? ›

Apple, Carrot, Hard Cheese (Cheddar) and hard boiled eggs make great low Purine treats and are great for titbits while training your Dalmatian. There are many recipes for making your own purine free dog treats available online.

What is the best raw food for Dalmatians? ›

We advise to feed Raw Chicken or Turkey with 10% Bone and Green Tripe, which will make up 75-80% of their diet. You can feed wings, legs and carcasses etc too which are all fantastic. But you just need to remember that these are all approximately 40% bone.

What is the best protein for Dalmatians? ›

We generically recommend for most Dalmatians foods with the protein source of chicken and turkey, with protein levels in the range of 20-24%. No one food is good for all dogs, but with this range it should cover most dogs.

What fruit is safe for Dalmatians? ›

Small pieces of dog-safe fruits, such as apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, mangoes, and blueberries, make delicious and healthy treats for small puppies. However, keep in mind that treats shouldn't make up more than 5% of your puppy's diet, so they should only be given in small amounts and on occasion.

Is peanut butter OK for Dalmatians? ›

' The good news is that regular peanut butter is safe to give your dog as a treat. Just make sure to avoid peanut butter with Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in lower or sugar-free products.

What are Dalmatians sensitive to? ›

The Dalmatian is an exuberant and fun-loving dog with high exercise needs. She is sensitive to her family and craves human companionship.

Is cheese bad for Dalmatians? ›

While cheese can be safe to feed to your dog, there are some things to remember. Cheese is high in fat, and feeding too much to your dog regularly can cause weight gain and lead to obesity. Even more problematic, it could lead to pancreatitis, a serious and potentially fatal illness in dogs.

Do Dalmatians get sick easily? ›

Just like any other breed, Dalmatians are susceptible to developing a number of health issues. The most common ones include: Atopy – sensitivity to certain allergens like pollen and dust mites. Epilepsy – a brain disorder which cause seizures.

What do Dalmatians drink? ›

Water is the most important nutrient for all animals, and it is crucial to make sure your Dalmatian is drinking and stays hydrated. Generally, dogs need to drink about the amount of water in millilitres (mL) as the number of calories they eat each day.

Is celery good for Dalmatians? ›

Yes, celery is generally considered to be a safe food for dogs. Although it's not part of the usual dog food menu, celery can be fed in moderation as a snack if your dog seems particularly taken with this crunchy vegetable.

Are carrots good for Dalmatians? ›

4) Carrots are a low calorie, low-fat treat for dogs.

Carrots are low calorie and low fat—with only about four calories per baby carrot— making them a healthy treat option.

What dry food is good for Dalmatians? ›

Suitable for adult Dalmatians over 15 months old, Royal Canin Dalmatian Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your adult dog in mind to help support its overall health and wellbeing.

What is the best diet for a Dalmatian? ›

Fruit, vegetables, cheese and potatoes are good ingredients but need to be balanced alongside the nutritional requirements of the dog, i.e. include some poultry or white fish and carbohydrate for energy and stamina.

What is the best dog food for Dalmatians? ›

Ideal for Dalmatian owners who prioritize their dog's heart health and skin care, Royal Canin Dalmatian Adult Dry Dog Food is the perfect choice. If you want to provide your purebred Dalmatian with a specialized diet that meets all their nutritional needs, try Royal Canin today.

Can Dalmatians have sweet potatoes? ›

Good news: vets give the OK when it comes to dogs and sweet potatoes! In fact, sweet potatoes are considered a healthy treat for dogs and offer lots of nutritional value for your pooch.

Can Dalmatians eat ice cream? ›

It's best to avoid giving your dog ice cream. While it's not toxic or seriously harmful, dogs actually have a hard time digesting dairy as, after they're weaned as puppies, they lose the enzyme needed to digest the lactose in milk.

Can Dalmatians have bananas? ›

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They're high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium, but because of their high sugar content, bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog's main diet.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.