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December 7, 2005

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il,l,I,I II,ll,ll II,I,ill,i,i,I,li ALL FOR ADC 980 1919 09-06-10 76PSMALL TOWN PAPAS5026 CALIFORNIA AVE SWSEA~'I~LE WA 98136-12~8 57S* *C~6 ID @ISE @ITYI)ETAfL,- ] -Y=X GigSEE " ;' ' S 7Vol. 108 No. 33 Deaths-Page Three .formerly, The Cimarron News ,Bo e City, Cimarron County OK 73933 Wednesday December 7, 2005 I I I III IRead The Boise City News on-line at: www.boisecitynews.orgFreda (Gayleen) Perkins -50James Keith Perkins - 53Richie (Rick) Caleb- 37Today in HistoryNov. 30 1732" The Covent GardenTheatre opens in London,England. 1787: Delaware is the first state to ratify the Constitu- tion. 1917: The United States de- clares war on Austria-Hun- gary. 1941: The Japanese bomb 9earl Harbor, Hawaii. 72: Apollo 17, the sixth and last of the Apollo land- tug missions, is successfully launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Born on Nov. 23 Willa Cather, American writer (1873) Noam Chomsky, American linguist, educator, and activ- ist (1928) Johnny Bench, American baseball player (1947) Tom Waits, American singer, songwriter, and ac- tor (1949)-Something to think about-n ~!ulm u IThe ihree R's: Respect for self; Respect for oth- ers; and Responsibility forall your actions.-Attention--Correction-In the Nov. 30 issue of TheBoise City News, I reportedthat Charles Tricheli hadbeen charged with posses-sion of a firearm. Boise CityPolice Chief Dale Harpercorrectly pointed out to methat it isn't against the lawto possess a firearm inOklahoma. I should havereported that Tricheil wasarrested for the possessionof a unlawfully concealedweapon.-Ed. Cimarron County Jail BlotterDec. 2Stan Alexander-Domestic ~dispute Jimmy Morris- Domestic disputeBOISE CITY WEATHER Lo PrecTues. Nov. 29 14~ed. Nov30. 65 24Thurs. Dec. 1 66 24 Fri. Dec. 2 5724Sat. Dec. 3 3821 traceSun. Dec. 4 4807Mon. Dec. 5 3406 MARKETS Wheat $3.21 $3.00 Corn $1.99(spot prices Tuesday subject to change)~OO0: E-A blaze in stubble races across a field, as two crews of Boise City Firefighters try to contain iton Monday afternoon. The fire broke out southwest of Boise City, there were no known struc-ture damages. Cimarron county, as well as the rest of Oklahoma are under a fire ban.Milner molestation by C.F. David Charles Trichell, and Charles tainer of alcohol, a controlled dan-Bedenbender, both of Grove, La " gerous substance, (methamphet-charges are dismissedpied to misdemeanor charges ofpossession of a controlled sub-stance, (marijuana), before Dis-trict Judge Ron Kincannon onwere arrested on Nov.23e, when a Cimarron County)uty, Chip Jones, stoppedTrichell as he was driving his 1996Chevrolet pickup in violation ofseatbelt laws. While ticketing Trichell, Jonesdetected the smell of alcohol, andreceived permission to search thevehicle. In the subsequent search,he found marijuana, an open con- I i amine), drug paraphernalia and an unlawfully concealed weapon. With the plea, the two Louisi-anal men received suspended sen-tences of one 'year, (with sevendays already served in the Cima-rron County Jail), fines and court costs. The duo also forfeited a Smith &Wesson .44 caliber magnum pistol and $2,824 found in the ve- hicle. By taking the plea, the two avoided the possibility of going to prison on the variety of felony charges. i ii i i i by C.F. David Charges of molestation against Monty Milner of rural Cimarron County have been dismissed with- out prejudice. Without prej udice is a legal term meaning that the charges could be re-filed shouldthedistrict rney' office'see fitto do so. Milner was arrested and charged in July, 2005, on suspicionthat he had molested a juvenilefemale under the age of 16. Thecharges stemmed from a com-plaint filed by the juvenile'smother. According to the court order, Milner will pay his court costs.on a sentence by C.F. David Stephanie Ann Vincent, sen-tenced in April of 2005, for theJan. 1, 2004 vehicular death ofBrandon Abrahamson, 20, ofBorger, Texas, has been releasedfrom the Texas County DetentionCenter until March 16, 2006.In a Nov. 2 I, 2005, court docu-ment, Vincent's attorney, CreigRittenhouse pointed out thatVincent, 40, has been a model in-mate, and is pregnant with a duedate of Jan. 13.I Rittenhouse continued that Vincent was not a danger to thepublic and that [due to the preg-nancy] the sentence modificationResignation was in the best interest of justice. Another document filed by at-torney David Petty called forVincent's complete release, stat-ing that Vincent had expressedremorse to him [Petty] forAbrahamson's death. In pleading guilty in January of2005, Vincent admitted that shehad been drinking for severalhours before she got behind thewheel of her pickup, withAbrahamson as one of two pas-sengers. She also pied to thetransportation of an open con-tainer, (whiskey), and a loadedhandgun when her truck over-turned northwest of Boise City, pinning and killing Abrahamson. In the document Vincent signedfor her release on personal recog-nizance, she agreed to appear incourt on March 16, 2006 at 1:30p.m and abide by the orders ofthe court. At that time she wouldserve the balance of her sentencein the Cimarron County jail dayfor day for 147 days, and that shewould pay the balance of jail andcourt costs within 60 days of herrelease from the Cimarron CountyJail. The document also stipulatesthat Vincent, while on her mater-nity release, will abide by all therules and conditions of her origi-nal probation agreement. by C.F. David After meeting behind closeddoors for one half hour in an ex-ecutive session, the Boise CitySchool Board formally acceptedthe resignation of music DirectorErwin Elms. Though Elms had sup-porters at the meeting, theyseemed confused and none offeredany opinions during the offered citizen's comments. In other business, SherryRobinson told the board that anofficer from Texhoma had pre-sented an in-service on gang ac-tivity and had offered to return toaccepted that Highway Patrol Trooper Boyd Perry had demonstrated to the Gifted and Talented Students how to calibrate a Radar Gun, and gave them the chance to do the calibration too. Principal Newton told the board that the special ed students would travel to the nursing home to decorate the residents doors. Newton continued by sayingthat he had been in contact withindividuals in an effort to get theschool net weather site operat-ing again. Superintendent Dan Faulknergive an opinion if gang activity was told the board that with effortsa problem in the Boise City byRep.GusBlackwellaformulaSchools. to figure state help with energy Principal Kim Jenkins told the:board that the Acaderhic BowlTeam was in competition andwould compete atNorthern Okla-homa University in Tonkawa, onJan. 5. Jenkins continued by explaining and fuel prices would aid those schools with large districts. Faulkner continued that the Ag program is in trouble due to low student numbers, discussions are underway with Felt and Keyesto possibly co-op the classes. by C.E David Cimarron Memorial Hospital'sboard met on Nov. 30, with finan-cial officers of Clayton NewMexico's Farmers & StockmansBank, to discuss the possibility ofa loan restructure. The Cimarroncounty commissioners were alsoin attendance. Larry Fluhman and Mark Funk, met with the board, and listened as Chief Executive Officer Patsy Shields and Board Member Dwilene Holbert explained the need for a restructure in an effort to catch up on payroll. Holbert explained that in 2004, when the payroll was "met", sev- eral things hadn't been included, such as the employee's health in- surance, worker's comp, retire- ment and etc. "So when it came time for Rod,(former CEO Rod Burrus), to pay those things we fell behind on payroll again," Holbert said. "We are at the same place we were in 2004, it's exas- perating," Holbert said."We are very fortunate to have the em- ployees we have," she added. "Frankly we are a little con- cerned," Fluhman said. "'We knew this [the previous loan] wasn't going to work overnight. We are here to help, and we hope to come up with a solution," he added. Fluhman then explained that five years ago, the Union County Hospital in Clayton had been in a similar situation, and that with fi- nancial help from the bank, and some managerial changes, the situation had been reversed. Fluhman made note of the "re- volving door problem" in the CEO's office, and asked if the problem had been solved. The board replied that they felt, with the hiring of Shields, the right fit had been tbund. Then a collective groan rose from the board and observers when Fluhman advised the need for a consulting company. Holbert and Board ChairmanFrank Lynch told Fluhman thatpast experiences with Castlerockand Cypress had left a bad tastein the community's mouth. Fluhman told the board that he had been alarmed by the financials he'd seen but that the present loan or the restructure was not under any risk as long as the hospital had the community's support. "This hospital is the life blood of this community," he added. "We want to help, but we don't want to do it without a plan," Fluhman said. Shields told Fluhman that thehospital had changed auditors, andthat a double entry problem hadbeen found that should lower theaccounts receivables he'd seen. 'The biggest problem we've had is that we've never had a budget," Lynch said. "Is the billing being kept up?" Funk asked. "We are cleaning up accounts to get a clearer picture.' Holbert said. "We've cleaned up the ARs,'" Shields said. Shields explained that she hadthree more interviews with poten-tial nurse practitioners, hoping tohave a new hire soon for the clinic,and that a firm had been hired tofind doctors and surgeons. Fluhman reiterated that the bank would loan the additional money," but that'a plan was needed. Fluhman looked at Shields, "We need to sit down with you and your Chief Finan- cial Officer and go through the finer details." Nursing Home Director Donna Cain told the board, bank- ers and commissioners that the employees needed a representa- tive on board when the plan was created. "They need to feel like they are part of this [the plan].'" Cain said.Keyes Council accepts only bidsubmitted for old locker by Correspondent Sheriff Keith Borth and Birdie Walker Council Members present: Chris Townsley and Scott Arthaud. The Town Council received and opened one bid on the Old Locker Plant. The Council accepted the bid from Melvin Hammontree for the property owned by the City of Keyes. Fire Chief, Glen Copeland re-ported that they had no fire runsfor the month. They are lookingfor new truck for possible pur-Deputy Larry Taylor discussedthe possibility of asking KeyesTown Council to trade the CityPolice car, a Ford Expedition, fora Ford Crown Victoria ownedby the County Sheriffs Office. Scott Arthaud made the mo- tion to allow the trade with ap- proval of the Cimarron County Commissioners. Council discussed applying forGrant to curb and gutter twochase, blocks and to seal approximatelyEMS Director, Willie Shellyre- ten blocks with oil and rock.ported one ambulance run during In the Utility Meeting Naturalthe past month. The Council approved theHave you seen this schedule for Meeting dates andtimes for the Calendar year of man?? 2006 for City, EMS and Fire De- partment. J. C. Moser discussed the pos- sibility of the City purchasing new computers for the office. The Council voted to have him find and purchase a new Desk Top Com- puter and a new laptop. Gas Prices were discussed but no action was taken at this time. Prices have been about the same as last month. Council voted to donate to the annual Senior Citizens Christmas dinner and to purchase Candy and Fruit for the treat Sacks for the Christmas Program. Also topurchase Turkeys or Hams forthe City employees for Christ- mas. State Speaker, would be Lt. Governor, Republican Todd Hiett, of Kellyville. Oklahoma's State Speaker ofthe House, Todd Hiett, aRepublican from Kelleyville,(that's in Creek CountySouthwest of Tulsa), gets asecond turn in the barrel becauseThe Boise City News received an e-mail last Friday that Hiett was wrapping up his statewide RED1 taskforce. Statewide should mean all 77 counties. We don't think he's been in the Panhandle, and we are sure he wasn't in Cimarron County. Hiett recently unveiled, (about the time he decided to announcefor Lt. Governor), his RuralEconomic Development Initiative,or REDI. Since then Hiett andothers have been traipsing overmost of the state showing off hislong term plan to revitalize rural Oklahoma. As best we can tell the nearest he traveled to Cimarroncounty was Woodward. Hiett, like other politicos from Oklahoma City, and Tulsa, have no real clue that Oklahoma even has a Panhandle. If he desires to be Lt. Governor, perhaps he should visit the now forgotten "No Man's Land." The Boise City News will pay$50 to anyone that can prove Hietthas been in Cimarron Countytrying to revitalize our rural area.

The Boise City News December 7 Page 1 (2024)


What is Boise City, OK known for? ›

Boise City is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Autograph Rock. Cimarron Heritage Center. Boise City Bomb Memorial.

What county is Boise City, Oklahoma in? ›

Boise City CCD, Cimarron County, Oklahoma is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Cimarron County, Oklahoma.

What is the nickname of Boise? ›

Boise began to earn its City of Trees nickname in this period with a popular focus on a range of tree planting projects. Thomas J. Davis planted several thousand fruit trees in 1864 and several other early businessmen either founded nurseries or orchards of their own.

What town in Oklahoma was bombed in ww2? ›

Boise City's prosperity in the 1930s, like that of Cimarron County generally, was severely affected by its location at the heart of the Dust Bowl region. Boise City was the location of an unusual event during World War II when it was mistakenly bombed by a friendly U.S. bomber crew during training.

What county in Oklahoma touches 4 states? ›

Cimarron County has the unique distinction of being the only county in the United States that borders four states: Kansas, Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. Prior to 1890, the county was part of No Man's Land, a land with no laws or jurisdiction located in today's current Oklahoma panhandle.

What county in Oklahoma touches 5 states? ›

Cimarron is the only county in the United States that touches five states: Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and its own, Oklahoma. Kenton, in the far northwestern corner, is the only Oklahoma community on Mountain Time. The county is served by U.S. Highways 56/65/412 east and west and 287/385 north and south.

What is special about Boise? ›

As one of the best mid-sized cities in the U.S., the capital of Idaho offers a low cost of living, lots of fun outdoor activities, and a robust arts and culture scene.

Why is Boise famous? ›

Boise is also known as the City of Trees, the home of the famous Boise State Broncos football team, and it's stately capitol building. But these are just a few of the things that set Boise apart from other cities.

Why do people like Boise so much? ›

The area has many rivers, lakes, streams, hills, and trails and not to forget, the Rocky Mountains. Giving you access to some exceptionally beautiful and diverse mountain beauty. Boise is also more or less paradise for people who love to ski as the area has beautiful slopes with ample amounts of snow.

Is Boise City a good place to live? ›

Idaho's population is growing at the fourth-fastest rate in the country, and Boise was recently ranked as one of the best state capitals in America. Now, Boise can add another accolade to its list: a new ranking as one of the best places to live in the U.S.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.