Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2024)

Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers relating to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure.

Skyscale Trainer Dyanne

Wizard's Ascent
(Skywatch Archipelago)
Astral Ward

Interactive map

Skyscale Trainer Dyanne is a human skyscale trainer in Wizard's Ascent.


  • 1 Location
  • 2 Items offered
    • 2.1 Skyscale Egg Enchantments
    • 2.2 Skyscale Food
  • 3 Dialogue
  • 4 Related achievements
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 References


Horn of Maguuma
  • Skywatch Archipelago
    • Wizard's Ascent

Items offered[edit]

Skyscale Egg Enchantments[edit]

  • Optional method of progressing the collection instead of going to various locations across Tyria.
  • The items below require the achievement Skyscale Egg Infusions.
Skyscale of Water100+100+250
Skyscale of Fire100+100+250
Skyscale of Ice100+100+250
Skyscale of Earth100+100+250
Skyscale of Air100+100+250
Skyscale of Life100+100+2
Skyscale of Blood100+100+250
Skyscale of Growth100+250+250
Skyscale of Death100+100+250
Skyscale of Spirit100+100+2
Skyscale of Fear100+100+250
Skyscale of Courage100+100+250

Skyscale Food[edit]

  • The items below require the achievement Skyscale Growing Comforts.
Piece of Skyscale Food1+2+5+25
Skyscale Treat12


Good to see you again. You've got the look of someone who comes to life when they soar high above the clouds. What can I do for you?
(Before finding the abandoned skyscale egg in A New Friend)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (58) Where can I find a skyscale egg?
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Look around any of the islands here or in Amnytas. Skyscales tend to nest in out-of-the-way locations, so look for craggy nooks and solitary islands.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (59) Thanks, I think I can take it from here.
(After finding the abandoned skyscale egg in A New Friend)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (60) I found an abandoned skyscale egg.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: What's that you have? Ah, poor little one.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: You have found the egg abandoned, I assume? Let's take a look.
(If the player has not previously unlocked a skyscale through Living World Season 4)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: You've never handled one before, have you? You're delicate with your posture.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: If you'd like, I can help you with hatching and raising the little darling.
(If the player already owns a skyscale)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: You've raised one before. I can tell by your posture. Confident. You know how to handle a baby.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Unfortunately, I'm down a trainer. I could use an extra pair of hands hatching the child and preparing it for flight...
(both unlocked and locked a skyscale)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: We're embarrassingly short on supplies here—just about everything is needed in Amnytas.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: I have a list of tasks—short, I promise. I'll give you the details. (unlocks Skyscale Egg Infusions, Skyscale Growing Comforts, and Skyscale Saddle Materials)
(After unlocking Skyscale Egg Infusions)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (61) I need help with infusing the egg.
It's possible to provide the magical infusions with elemental enchantments, but they are very expensive. Gather materials for enchantments, or bring the egg to natural sources of power on the list.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (62) Show me the enchantments.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (63) Can you show me the list again?
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (64) Thanks, I'll take it from here.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (65) Thanks, I think I can take it from here.
(After unlocking Skyscale Growing Comforts)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (66) I need help with the food, treats, and toys.
I can help you prepare food. Trade it to me when you have enough. You'll have to do some hunting for the treats. For the toys, you'll need to buy them from merchants. Check for the list for details.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (67) Let's talk skyscale food.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (68) Can you show me the list again?
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (69) Let me get back to you.
(After completing Skyscale Egg Infusions)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (70) I have infused the skyscale egg.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Outside of the Mists, the skyscales don't have the same elemental exposure.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: We need to do it ourselves to make sure they thrive. And this little one should be more than prepared.
(After gathering the Skyscale Growing Comforts)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (71) I gathered the foods, treats, and toys.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Babies—human, charr, or skyscale—need to eat. And a skyscale hatchling needs even more.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Even in a moment of war, keeping the little ones fed should be one of our primary goals.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: How could we expect to navigate Amnytas—this landscape—without them?
(After unlocking Skyscale Saddle Materials)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (72) I need help with the saddle materials.
Luckily, the local fractal islands have many of the resources you'll need. Search each island for the materials; some local provisioners may be able to help.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (73) Can you show me the list again?
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (74) Let me get back to you.
(After gathering the Skyscale Saddle Materials)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (75) I gathered the saddle materials.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Wonderful. This should be everything I need to craft a saddle—don't worry, I'm quite good with a needle.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Once the little one has filled out, it'll fit like a glove. Excellent work.
(Upon checking back on the Skyscale after turning in the food)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (76) How is our friend doing?
(Before completing all previous steps of A New Friend or before finishing Flight Mastery)
The little one is still growing. They eat well and training is coming along. But you too must keep up with your training. Return when you've finished your Flight Mastery.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (77) Aw, shucks.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Don't fret, you and your new companion are almost airbourne.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: A little more mastery of the art, and you'll be among the clouds. Keep practicing.
(Upon return after completing all of the previous steps of A New Friend)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Belly...robust. Wings, strong. I think our friend is ready to take to the skies of Tyria.
(If the player has not previously unlocked a skyscale through Living World Season 4)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Can you feel the pull? From hatchling to warrior, you two are bonded now. Take care of each other.
(If the player already owns a skyscale)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Some Rift Hunter is going to be very, very lucky. You did well.
(After Arcane Osmogrifier has been unlocked)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (78) What's your idea?
I need you to restore te arcane osmogrifier and channel the Heart of the Obscure's power through it into the skyscale. It's the last thing I can think of that might help.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (79) What's an arcane osmogrifier?
It's a very old artifact, made long ago. I happened to read about it during... Never mind, not relevant. It used a unique approach to essence manipulation, and I think it could help us.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (80) So where do I find it?
That's the hard part. You'll need to restore it. The original creator of the arcane osmogrifier destroyed it in a fit of pique. Shards of it can be found in arcane chests all over here and Amnytas.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (81) Thanks, I think I can take it from here.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (82) Thanks, I think I can take it from here.
(After Arcane Osmogrifier has been completed but before completing the A New Look collection)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (83) I've restored the arcane osmogrifier!
Then what are you waiting for? Quickly! Use it on our sick friend before they worsen!
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (84) Thanks, I think I can take it from here.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (85) Tell me more about skyscales and their abilities.
Skyscales are wonderful creatures! They're capable of providing so much for us, and we must give back all the love and respect they give us. What specifically do you want to know more about?
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (86) How does it fly? Can it hover?
With it's[sic] wings of course! Unlike most birds, skyscales can hold their position in midair for an unlimited amount of time, provided you're not wearing the poor thing out with elevation gain.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (87) How high can it fly? (Same as "How high can it fly" below)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (88) I have other questions.
Certainly. What else do you what to know more about? (Same as "Skyscales are wonderful creatures!" from previous)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (89) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (90) How high can it fly?
Skyscales wings get tired from too much elevation gain—after you've gained enough height, your skyscale will need to rest before being able to climb higher. There are exceptions to this, however!
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (91) What exceptions?
Your skyscale can digest certain magic throughout areas of the world that replenish its energy enough to gain height without needing rest. There's even some of that magic around us right now!
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (92) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (93) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (94) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (95) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (96) What does dashing forward accomplish?
Your bond with a skyscale allows them to dash forward on your command for a boost of speed. If you're brave enough, you can even dash through some objects in the sky—who knows what'll happen?
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (97) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (98) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (99) Can it cling to walls?
It sure can! Your skyscale can latch its claws into most of the walls around the world for a momentary break—and allow it to use some of its energy for a small boost upward when it lets go!
(if Wall Launch mastery is already trained)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (100) My skyscale learned how to launch from walls while in Elona, though.
That's fantastic! I imagine as your bond continues to grow with your skyscale, its ability to launch from walls will grow even stronger.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (101) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (102) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (103) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (104) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (105) How can it spit fireballs?
The Astral Ward worked hard to train our skyscales to combat threats from the air—which was no easy task, mind you. They charge up a fireball on your command, and then unleash it at your target!
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (106) How does it work?
Order your skyscale to charge and hold in a fireball. Then aim where you want that fireball to go. Let your skyscale know where to fire, and there you go! Hits targets in the sky and on the ground!
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (107) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (108) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (109) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (110) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (111) Are there any special ways to mount a skyscale?
From the start, you can mount on the ground. But as you grow your bond with your skyscale and expand your mastery of the skies, you'll be able to mount while in the air, or even in combat!
(if Air Rescue mastery is already trained)
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (112) My skyscale learned how to mount midair while in Elona, though.
That's fantastic! I imagine as your bond continues to grow with your skyscale, its ability to rescue you midair will grow even stronger.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (113) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (114) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (115) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (116) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (117) Anything else I should know?
There are many abilities to learn as your bond with your skyscale grows, including the ability to ride updrafts of wind, or even into ley-lines, and more—the sky's the limit! Literally!
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (118) I have other questions.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (119) That's all for now.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (120) I think I've learned everything I need to know.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (121) I'll check back later!
Starting A New Look
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: You've returned! Good. I've developments from our research team that I'd like to share with you.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: We've detected some...magical signature in the skyscales that is evocative of Kryptis readings. Yours included.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: I'd like to investigate this quickly to make sure we're healthy and happy.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: It could be that they're both creatures of the Mists, but... Given what we know of the Kryptis, let's be safe.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: I've reached out to Lyhr in advance—he knows you're coming.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: With enough materials, he can craft you a device that should help us better trace the Kryptis influence.
After bringing the collected data to her
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Thank you for coming so quickly, I... I've some news to share.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: The readings are worse than I thought. I think our friend is...sick.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Rather than face possession, the skyscales seem to react to Kryptis influence by becoming quite ill.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: I don't know how potent the disease is, but we need to move quickly, in case...
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: There are ingredients we need. Follow my directions exactly.
After bringing the collected medical supplies to her
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: There... The smell might be strong, but that tells me we're on the right track. The skyscale certainly won't mind.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: You administer the cure. You two are bonded—I don't hold that same trust.
Administer the medicine to the skyscale
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Drat... Drat! It's not working. The influence is too potent. What else, what else...
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: I have one more idea. I'm not sure if it'll work, but we have little choice.
Use the Arcane Transmogrifier on the sick skyscale
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: What blessed timing. Thank goodness you found everything...
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: We were able to stop the influence—but not completely expunge it. I...
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Well, I only have good news. Our friend is going to live. That's what counts.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: The more curious—but still good—news... They're part Kryptis now. I suspect Kralkatorrik's essence played a role in that.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: Instead of succumbing, the Skyscale absorbed the Kryptis influence. I can barely explain it myself.
Skyscale Trainer Dyanne: All I know is that our vitals are clear. We're healthy, if not more...spiky.

Related achievements[edit]

  • Horn of Maguuma: A New FriendRaise a skyscale by completing skyscale collections for Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.(5)
    • Horn of Maguuma: Skyscale Egg InfusionsInfuse your skyscale egg with all the necessary magics, then bring it to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.(5Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (127))
    • Horn of Maguuma: Skyscale Growing ComfortsCollect all the food, treats, and toys to raise a skyscale, and bring them to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.(5Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (130))
    • Horn of Maguuma: Skyscale Saddle MaterialsCollect all the materials for a skyscale saddle and bring them to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.(5Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (133))
  • Horn of Maguuma: A New LookHelp Skyscale Trainer Dyanne investigate what's happening to your skyscale mount.(10Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (136))



After return and asking about the food, she says that the player needs to return when they've completed Flight Training Mastery. However she will say this even if the player already has that mastery completed, but they haven't finished the other skyscale collections.


  • Dyanne is voiced by Jennifer Hale[1]
  • Dyanne was modeled after ArenaNet employee Matthew Medina's wife [2]


Retrieved from ""

Skyscale Trainer Dyanne - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2024)


Is Griffon or Skyscale easier? ›

I would get the Griffon first, it makes it easier to get the Skyscale without having to take a rental every time. Griffon is faster over distance, but the skyscale has more versatility. The Griffon all told, can be obtained after a few hours and 250g.

How long does it take to complete Skyscale? ›

This collection requires a minimum of 3 days to complete and up to a maximum of 12 days as it requires 12 Charged Quartz Crystal. Upon entering Sun's Refuge you will see Raise your skyscale hatchling (80) in the Content Guide telling you what steps have yet to be taken for the day.

How to permanently unlock Skyscale GW2? ›

After completing the final part of War Eternal, players will receive a mail from Gorrik. Visiting him in the Skyscale Eyrie will start the collections that eventually unlock the skyscale.

How often do abandoned skyscale nests respawn? ›

Visiting nests until you find the egg, completes the "Find an abandoned skyscale egg" step. The nests respawn with the weekly reset on Sundays. Already visited nests can still give the egg.

Do I need Jackal for Skyscale? ›

Considering how long the grind for Skyscale is, you should be able to farm the Jackal mastery track while doing the many parts of the Skyscale grind that don't require the mastery itself until you get there. Even if you never use the Jackal even once, getting it and filling the mastery line is unbelievably worth it.

Is Skyscale mount worth it? ›

It's the ultimate mount. Griffon is more fun but limited. Skyscale is the best utility in the game. So yes, worth it.

Does Secrets of the Obscure give skyscale? ›

There are two independent methods of unlocking the Skyscale. The original way is available through the Living World Season 4 content, and the alternative path through the Secrets of the Obscure expansion. The Secrets of the Obscure method is commonly thought to be much shorter and easier.

How many Skyscale treats do you need? ›

You can only feed your skyscale hatchling with four of these per day for the Skyscale Care collection. For the Skyscale Growing Comforts collection you use the 12 to purchase 12 Skyscale Treats which the trainer feeds to the skyscale without your further involvement.

How many provisioners tokens for skyscale? ›

Receipt for Skyscale Saddle Parts

Talk to Dyanne after obtaining every other item in this collection. In total, you'll need 29 Provisioner Tokens, 375 Static Charges, 375 Pinches of Stardust, and 500 Essences of Despair.

What are the odds of getting an egg in skyscale? ›

You have a 1/remaining nests chance of getting the egg to progress the collection. So the denominator is changing with each clear. 1/20 chance for first nest, 1/19 for second, 1/18 for third, and so on till last nest is 1/1 chance in other words a 100% chance.

How to get a skyscale egg? ›

Find Abandoned Egg

The first step on the collection is to find an abandoned egg. You can do this by interacting with Abandoned Skyscale Nests around Skywatch Archipelago or Amnytas. Check the maps with the locations below. NOTE: The egg drop is random and once you interact with a nest it will dissapear.

How much gold does it take to unlock Griffon gw2? ›

The griffon is a hidden mount that costs a total of 250 gold to unlock and requires you to travel across the Crystal Desert to complete collections, so you can prepare by saving up and fully exploring Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire zones.

How do you get Griffon fast in gw2? ›

Players must reach the Sunspear Sanctuary after completing the Path of Fire story. There, they can interact with the Remains of the Last Spearmarshal and answer "I'll see what I can do." This unlocks the "Open Skies" collections which, once completed, unlocks the griffon mount.

Do you need a Griffon for vision gw2? ›

As the name implies, you need a griffon on the course. However, if you're working on a Vision, then you need a Skyscale. Hope this helps.

Can Skyscale fly? ›


Unlike the Griffon, a skyscale is able to hover in the air indefinitely, and can freely ascend and descend in place (for example, ascending by 500 units will cost around 37% of the green flight meter above the Endurance bar, then descending 500 units will refill that same 37% of the flight meter).

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.