Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (2024)

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Data Last Updated: August 1, 2024

  2. New Mexico Zip Codes
  3. Bernalillo County
  4. Sandia Park, NM

ZIP Code: Sandia Park, NM has only 1 Standard ZIP assigned to it by the U.S. Postal Service.87047 (Standard)
County: The County, Parish, or Boroughs that ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM at least partially reside in. These can be completely inside County, or they can cross into several counties.Bernalillo County, NM
Area Code: Telephone Area Code that are associated with Sandia Park, NM. These are used in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to facilitate phone routing.505
Time Zone: Time zone designation. Please note that not all areas in the U.S. observe daylight saving time which can affect actual local time.Mountain (GMT -07:00)
Local Time: The current local time for Sandia Park, NM. If more than 1 time zone for this area, all local times will be shown. Keep in mind that areas can cross time zones, so more than 1 may be shown.12:00:00 AM
Census Place Population: The number of people in Sandia Park CDP; New Mexico from the U.S. Census 2020 Place Data. Included are U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, temporary migrants, and undocumented individuals. The total represents people who live in the area, not just those present while the Census was being completed. This only includes population for the incorporated limits of this place and not individuals from the greater area.265 [More Details]
Population of ZIP Code: The population of the ZIP which covers the Sandia Park, NM area. These are usually small towns or a collection of small towns, but the USPS groups them together for the delivery of mail.5,460 [More Details]
Statistical Area: A Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) is the recognized term for a region that functions around an urban core with a population of at least 10,000 people, according to the standards set by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).Albuquerque, NM
Coordinates: The latitude/longitude centroid coordinates for this area.35.2579, -106.2726
Land Area: The approximate amount of land area covered by all ZIPs for Sandia Park, NM in square miles. The Land Area is based on geographic boundaries that include the mainland, islands, inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial waters associated with each geography.139.20 sq miles (ZIP Code)
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Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code Map

Important Sandia Park, NM Information

Sandia Park, NM has only 1 Standard (Non-Unique) ZIP Code. It covers a total of 139.20 square miles of land area and 0.00 square miles of water area.This includes the Golden and San Antonitoareas. A full list of ZIP Codes is below, including type, population and aliases for each.

The population for the ZIP Code is 5,460. Population Density is 39.28 persons per square mile. Average Household Size is 2.37 persons and Average Family Size is 2.70 persons. The Census Designated Place population for Sandia Park CDP; New Mexico is 265. More Demographics are available below, including charts showing racial comparison, gender breakdown, population over time, average income, average house value, income over time, and more.

Bernalillo County is the only county which covers this area. 505 is the only area code for this area. Sandia Park is also located in the Mountain (GMT -07:00) timezone and the current local time is shown above.

Sandia Park is part of the Albuquerque, NM Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA). Its CBSA Code is 10740.It is classified as a metro area, which means the combined population is 50,000 or more (at its core).

CBSAs are defined by the OMB as geographic areas that have at least one core with a population of 10,000 or more (for a micro area) and adjacent territory with a high degree of social and economic integration. CBSA codes are commonly used to accurately file Medicare claims and to verify applicable incentives using a patient's ZIP Code.

The ZIP Code in Sandia Park, NM has 2,260 Residential mailboxes and 23 Business mailboxes.There are 76 businesses with a total of 183 employees. That is an average of 2.4 employees per business. Annual payroll for these businesses is $7,245,000. Other Demographics

Sandia Park, NM Demographic Profile

Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (1)

Population & People

Total Population


More | See by Race

Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (2)


Median Household Income


See Chart

Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (4)


Without Healthcare Coverage


See Chart

Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (5)

Business & Economy

Total Businesses



Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (6)


Total Households



Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (7)


Employment Rate


See Chart

Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (8)


Bachelor's Degree or Higher


Sandia Park, NM has 1 ZIP Code

ZIP CodeTypePopulation% of PopulationAlias Names
87047Standard5,460100.00%Golden, San Antonito

Sandia Park, NM Demographic Information

There are two kinds of demographics shown in the charts for Sandia Park, NM. Each covers a different geographic boundary and has different criteria for what is included. Learn More

Total Population: Total number of people from the 2020 U.S. Census for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM. This reflects the exact count of this area at that point in time, not future estimates, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. It is intended to count all persons living within the geographic area, not just those present on the day of the census.5,460
Total Households: Total number of Households from the 2020 U.S. Census for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM. A Household includes everyone living in a residential housing unit. This includes families, roommates in a single residence, or a person living alone.2,301
Total Housing Units: The total number of Housing Units is the number of occupied units + the number of vacant units. Ownership is defined by whether the unit is occupied by an owner or by a tenant. Owner occupancy means that the owner lives in the unit. This value comes from the 2020 U.S. Census and is not a projection or estimate.2,602
Average Household Size: The Average Household Size, is obtained by dividing the number of people in Households (excluding those in group quarters, nursing home, prisons, and dorm rooms) by the number of Households. A Household includes everyone living in a residential unit. Those who do not live in a household are classified as living in group accommodation. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.2.37
Average Family Size: Average Family Size is calculated by dividing the number of people in a Family Household by the number of Family Households. The U.S. Census Bureau defines family households as households consisting of two or more individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. They also may include other unrelated people. Non-family households consist of people who live alone or who share their residence with unrelated individuals. The Average Family Size only looks at the households classified as Family Households. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.2.70

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Total Population: Total number of people from the 2020 Census. This reflects the exact count of the Census Place at that point in time, not future estimates, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. It is intended to count all persons living within the geographic area, not just those present on the day of the census.265
Total Households: Total number of Households from the 2020 U.S. Census. A Household includes everyone living in a residential housing unit. This includes families, roommates in a single residence, or a person living alone.118
Total Housing Units: The total number of Housing Units is the number of occupied units + the number of vacant units. Ownership is defined by whether the unit is occupied by an owner or by a tenant. Owner occupancy means that the owner lives in the unit. This value comes from the 2020 U.S. Census and is not a projection or estimate.138
Average Household Size: The Average Household Size, is obtained by dividing the number of people in Households (excluding those in group quarters, nursing home, prisons, and dorm rooms) by the number of Households. A Household includes everyone living in a residential unit. Those who do not live in a household are classified as living in group accommodation. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.2.25
Average Family Size: Average Family Size is calculated by dividing the number of people in a Family Household by the number of Family Households. The U.S. Census Bureau defines family households as households consisting of two or more individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. They also may include other unrelated people. Non-family households consist of people who live alone or who share their residence with unrelated individuals. The Average Family Size only looks at the households classified as Family Households. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.3.82

Data for the U.S. Census Place.

Pie Chart & Table (ZIPs)Comparison ChartPie Chart & Table (Place)

Population by Race

White: The number of individuals who selected White as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including White. This count includes all who selected White/Caucasian in their response, even if they selected another race as well.4,31673.95%
Black: The number of individuals who selected Black as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Black or African American. This count includes all who selected Black or African American in their response, even if they selected another race as well.380.65%
Hispanic: The number of individuals who selected Hispanic is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were first asked for their Ethnicity, including if they were from Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, including Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other ethnic origin. This count includes all who affirmed that they were part of this ethnic origin. Respondents who selected this option were also asked to select a race separately and would be counted once in this number as well as the race they chose. From the U.S. Census definition, Hispanic is an ethnic origin and not a race.1,08818.64%
Asian: The number of individuals who selected Asian as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. On the U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, or Other Asian. This count includes all who selected one of these options in their response, even if they selected another race as well.470.81%
American Indian: The number of individuals who selected American Indian and Alaska Native as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including American Indian and Alaska Native. This count includes all who selected American Indian and Alaska Native in their response, even if they selected another race as well.661.13%
Hawaiian: The number of individuals who selected Hawaiian or Pacific Islander as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. This count includes all who selected either Hawaiian or Pacific Islander in their response, even if they selected another race as well.40.07%
Other: The number of individuals who selected Other as their race on the 2020 Census. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, and this includes all individuals who did not select one of the races above.2774.75%

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Pie Chart showing Population by Race: White [4,316, 73.95%], Black [38, 0.65%], Hispanic [1,088, 18.64%], Asian [47, 0.81%], Hawaiian [4, 0.07%], American Indian 66, 1.13%], and Other [277, 4.75%] for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, New Mexico. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC

Comparison Bar Chart showing Population by Race that compares all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM, the U.S. Census Place, Bernalillo County, the State of New Mexico, and the United States National Average. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC

White: The number of individuals who selected White as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this U.S. Census Place. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including White. This count includes all who selected White/Caucasian in their response, even if they selected another race as well.21775.87%
Black: The number of individuals who selected Black as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this U.S. Census Place. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Black or African American. This count includes all who selected Black or African American in their response, even if they selected another race as well.20.70%
Hispanic: The number of individuals who selected Hispanic is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this U.S. Census Place and is not an estimate or future projection. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were first asked for their Ethnicity, including if they were from Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, including Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other ethnic origin. This count includes all who affirmed that they were part of this ethnic origin. Respondents who selected this option were also asked to select a race separately and would be counted once in this number as well as the race they chose. From the U.S. Census definition, Hispanic is an ethnic origin and not a race.5218.18%
Asian: The number of individuals who selected Asian as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this U.S. Census Place, not future projections. On the U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, or Other Asian. This count includes all who selected one of these options in their response, even if they selected another race as well.00%
American Indian: The number of individuals who selected American Indian or Alaska Native as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this U.S. Census Place and not estimates for the future. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including American Indian and Alaska Native. This count includes all who selected American Indian and Alaska Native in their response, even if they selected another race as well.20.70%
Hawaiian: The number of individuals who selected Hawaiian or Pacific Islander as their race is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this U.S. Census Place and are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. This count includes all who selected either Hawaiian or Pacific Islander in their response, even if they selected another race as well.00%
Other: The number of individuals who selected Other as their race for this U.S. Census Place. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, and this includes all individuals who did not select one of the races above.134.55%

Data for the U.S. Census Place.

Pie Chart showing Population by Race: White [217, 75.87%], Black [2, 0.70%], Hispanic [52, 18.18%], Asian [0, 0%], Hawaiian [0, 0%], American Indian 2, 0.70%], and Other [13, 4.55%] for the U.S. Census Place. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC Places

Pie Chart & Table (ZIPs)Comparison ChartPie Chart & Table (Place)

Gender Breakdown

Males: The # of Males from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. This information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.2,76650.66%
Females: The # of Females from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. This information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.2,69449.34%
Median Age: The Median Age of all persons from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the people are older than the average age and half area younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic area is compared to others.55.6 years
Male Median Age: The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.56.0 years
Female Median Age: The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.55.3 years

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Pie Chart showing population of Males [2,766, 50.66%] vs Females [2,694, 49.34%] for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, New Mexico. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC

Comparison Bar Chart showing Gender (male vs female) Population that compares all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM, the U.S. Census Place, Bernalillo County, the State of New Mexico, and the United States National Average. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC

Males: The # of Males from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. This information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.14253.58%
Females: The # of Females from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. This information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.12346.42%
Median Age: The Median Age of all persons from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the people are older than the average age and half area younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic area is compared to others.62.8 years
Male Median Age: The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.64.8 years
Female Median Age: The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.57.3 years

Data for the U.S. Census Place.

Pie Chart showing population of Males [142, 53.58%] vs Females [123, 46.42%] for the U.S. Census Place. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC Places

Population by Age & Gender

Median Age: The Median Age of the Total Population from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the people area older than the average age and half are younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic area is compared to others. 55.6

Male Median Age: The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth. 56.0

Female Median Age: The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth. 55.3

Line Chart showing the population by Age Group and Gender of all ZIPs in Sandia Park, New Mexico. One line shows the Total population in that age group, another line shows the Male population for that age group, and the last line shows the Female population for the given age group. A table also provides the same information. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2020) DHC

Group< 55-910-1415-1920-2425-2930-3435-3940-4445-4950-5455-5960-6465-6970-7475-7980-8485+

Average Income per Household

Bar Chart showing Average Income per Household for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM, the U.S. Census Place, Bernalillo County, the state of New Mexico, and the United States National Average. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Income Estimate Over Time

Line Chart showing Median Income Estimates from 2011 until 2021 of Median Household Income, Median Family Income, Median Nonfamily Income, Median Male Income, and Median Female Income for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, New Mexico. A table also provides the same information. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2011-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Income Type20112102201320142015201620172018201920202021
Median Household Income$72,708$72,566$75,452$75,294$77,147$81,181$84,091$87,500$96,203$92,043$99,591
Median Family Income$88,667$91,518$95,671$93,158$96,555$97,431$97,206$97,417$112,344$99,592$108,281
Median NonFamily Income$38,333$41,020$40,000$39,375$43,654$48,934$52,000$57,610$54,167$60,581$55,441
Median Male Income$55,000$65,708$66,722$67,386$66,875$68,194$66,750$68,000$69,615$80,085$83,722
Median Female Income$46,609$46,458$46,724$49,589$57,434$63,152$65,536$67,279$69,550$53,472$53,528

Average House Value

Bar Chart showing Average House Value for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, New Mexico, the U.S. Census Place, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, and the United States National Average. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Population Estimate Over Time

Line Chart showing Population Estimates from 2011 until 2021 for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, New Mexico and Decennial U.S. Census lines for 2010 and 2020 actual population. A table also provides the same information. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2011-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. DP05. DEMOGRAPHIC AND HOUSING ESTIMATES

Population Estimate--5,0775,1664,6354,3904,3194,1594,2164,4024,6654,5544,545
Decennial Census4,894%>------------------5,460--

Pie Chart & Table (ZIPs)Comparison ChartPie Chart & Table (Place)

Employment Status

Employed: Employed includes all civilians 16 years old and over who were either (1) "at work" -- those who did any work at all during the reference period as paid employees, worked in their own business or profession, worked on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers on a family farm or in a family business; or (2) were "with a job but not at work" -- those who did not work during the reference period but had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent due to illness, bad weather, industrial dispute, vacation, or other personal reasons.2,02753.44%
Unemployed: All civilians 16 years old and over are classified as unemployed if they (1) were neither "at work" nor "with a job but not at work" during the reference period, and (2) were actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks, and (3) were available to accept a job. Also included as unemployed are civilians who did not work at all during the reference period, were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, and were available for work except for temporary illness.912.40%
Not In Labor Force: Not in labor force includes all people 16 years old and over who are not classified as members of the labor force. This category consists mainly of students, housewives, retired workers, seasonal workers interviewed in an off season who were not looking for work, institutionalized people, and people doing only incidental unpaid family work (less than 15 hours during the reference period).1,67544.16%

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Pie Chart showing Employment Status of those Employed [2,027, 53.44%], Unemployed [91, 2.40%], and Not In the Labor Force [1,675, 44.16%] for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM. A table also provides the same information. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Bar Chart showing Employment Status that compares all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM, the U.S. Census Place, Bernalillo County, the State of New Mexico, and the United States National Average. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Employed: Employed includes all civilians 16 years old and over who were either (1) "at work" -- those who did any work at all during the reference period as paid employees, worked in their own business or profession, worked on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers on a family farm or in a family business; or (2) were "with a job but not at work" -- those who did not work during the reference period but had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent due to illness, bad weather, industrial dispute, vacation, or other personal reasons.18369.85%
Unemployed: All civilians 16 years old and over are classified as unemployed if they (1) were neither "at work" nor "with a job but not at work" during the reference period, and (2) were actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks, and (3) were available to accept a job. Also included as unemployed are civilians who did not work at all during the reference period, were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, and were available for work except for temporary illness.00.00%
Not In Labor Force: Not in labor force includes all people 16 years old and over who are not classified as members of the labor force. This category consists mainly of students, housewives, retired workers, seasonal workers interviewed in an off season who were not looking for work, institutionalized people, and people doing only incidental unpaid family work (less than 15 hours during the reference period).7930.15%

Data for the U.S. Census Place.

Pie Chart showing Employment Status of those Employed [183, 69.85%], Unemployed [0, 0%], and Not In the Labor Force [79, 30.15%] for the U.S. Census Place. A table also provides the same information. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS (Places)

Gross Rent Paid

Less than $500: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.) fuels. This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid under $500 per month.73.02%
$500 to $999: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid between $500 to $999 per month.8034.48%
$1,000 to $1,499: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid between $1,000 to $1,499 per month.8637.07%
$1,500 to $1,999: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid between $1,500 to $1,999 per month.3314.22%
$2,000 to $2,499: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid between $2,000 to $2,499 per month.2611.21%
$2,500 to $2,999: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid between $2,500 to $2,999 per month.00.00%
$3,000 or more: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which paid $3,000 or more per month.00.00%
No Rent: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewer) and fuels (oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.). This shows the number of renter-occupied units paying cash rent (excluding one-family houses on ten or more acres) and percentage which pay no rent per month.00.00%

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Pie Chart showing Gross Rent Paid by renters for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM. A table also provides the same information. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table Table DP04. SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS

Pie Chart & Table (ZIPs)Comparison ChartPie Chart & Table (Place)

Health Insurance

Private Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with private health insurance for all ZIPs. Private health insurance is a plan provided through an employer or union; a plan purchased by an individual from an insurance company; or TRICARE or other military health coverage.3,49564.66%
Public Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with public health insurance for all ZIPs. Public coverage includes the federal programs Medicare, Medicaid and other medical assistance programs, VA and CHAMPVA Health Care; the Children?s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); and individual state health plans. The ACS questionnaire does not specifically ask about these types of coverage, but respondents who indicate these types of coverage are counted as having public coverage.1,66530.80%
No Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with no health insurance of any kind for all ZIPs. People whose only health coverage is Indian Health Service are uninsured as IHS is not considered comprehensive coverage.2454.53%

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Pie Chart showing Civilian non-institutionalized people with Private [3,495, 64.66%], Public [1,665, 30.80%], or No Health Insurance [245, 4.53%]coverage of individuals for all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM. A table also provides the same data. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Stacked Column Chart showing Civilian non-institutionalized people with Private, Public, or No Health Insurance coverage that compares all ZIPs in Sandia Park, NM, the U.S. Census Place, Bernalillo County, the State of New Mexico, and the United States National Average. Load Chart

Source: 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS

Private Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with private health insurance for this U.S. Census Place. Private health insurance is a plan provided through an employer or union; a plan purchased by an individual from an insurance company; or TRICARE or other military health coverage.30975.55%
Public Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with public health insurance for this U.S. Census Place. Public coverage includes the federal programs Medicare, Medicaid and other medical assistance programs, VA and CHAMPVA Health Care; the Children?s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); and individual state health plans. The ACS questionnaire does not specifically ask about these types of coverage, but respondents who indicate these types of coverage are counted as having public coverage.10024.45%
No Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with no health insurance of any kind for this U.S. Census Place. People whose only health coverage is Indian Health Service are uninsured as IHS is not considered comprehensive coverage.00.00%

Data for the U.S. Census Place.

Pie Chart showing Civilian non-institutionalized people with Private [309, 75.55%], Public [100, 24.45%], or No Health Insurance [0, 0%] coverage for individuals in the U.S. Census Place. A table also provides the same data. Load Chart

Source: U.S. Census 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS (Places)

Other Sandia Park Demographics

# Residential Mailboxes: The number of active residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types.2,260
# Business Mailboxes: The number of active business delivery mailboxes and centralized units. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types.23
Total Delivery Receptacles: The total number of delivery receptacles. This includes curb side mailboxes, centralized units, PO Boxes, NDCBU, and contract boxes. This count is for Residential and Business combined.2,866
Single Family Delivery Units: Total count of single family mail delivery receptacles; generally analogous to homes.379
Multi Family Delivery Units: Total count of multifamily mail delivery receptacles; generally analogous to apartments.0
# of Businesses: The total number of Business Establishments. Data taken from Business Census 2021.76
1st Quarter Payroll: The total payroll for the first quarter. Data taken from Business Census 2021.$1,221,000
Annual Payroll: The total annual payroll . Data taken from Business Census 2021.$7,245,000
# of Employees: The total number of employees for all ZIP Codes in this City. Data taken from Business Census 2021.183

All ZIP Codes assigned this City name by the USPS.

Cities near Sandia Park, NM

  1. Algodones, NM (~9.12 miles)
  2. Placitas, NM (~9.88 miles)
  3. Cedar Crest, NM (~10.62 miles)
  4. Cerrillos, NM (~10.92 miles)
  5. Albuquerque, NM (~13.96 miles)
  6. Edgewood, NM (~14.94 miles)
  7. Tijeras, NM (~17.58 miles)
  8. Stanley, NM (~19.09 miles)
  9. Corrales, NM (~19.87 miles)
  10. Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM (~20.82 miles)
  11. Bernalillo, NM (~22.23 miles)
  12. Lamy, NM (~22.65 miles)
  13. Rio Rancho, NM (~23.06 miles)
  14. Santa Fe, NM (~23.91 miles)
  15. Pena Blanca, NM (~24.47 miles)
  16. Cochiti Lake, NM (~27.27 miles)
  17. Peralta, NM (~32.08 miles)
  18. San Ysidro, NM (~34.32 miles)
  19. Ponderosa, NM (~34.89 miles)
  20. Bosque Farms, NM (~35.66 miles)


  1. U.S. Postal Service [Last Updated: 8/1/2024],
  2. Internal Data Creation [Last Updated: 8/1/2024],
  3. U.S. Geological Survey [Updated as needed],
  4. U.S. Census [Updated Yearly],
  5. U.S. Census 2020 [Decennial] [Last Updated: 5/25/2023],
Sandia Park, NM ZIP Code, Map and Demographics (2024)


Is Sandia Park, New Mexico a good place to live? ›

Sandia Park is in Bernalillo County and is one of the best places to live in New Mexico. Living in Sandia Park offers residents a rural feel and most residents own their homes. Residents of Sandia Park tend to be conservative. The public schools in Sandia Park are highly rated.

What is the crime rate in Sandia Park NM? ›

Just one in 10000. Sandia Park's violent crime rate is just 0 per 1,000 residents.

What is the most expensive zip code in Albuquerque? ›

The three ZIP codes 87025 in Jemez Springs, 87544 Los Alamos and 87122 in Albuquerque were the only ZIP codes in New Mexico at or above $70,000 per capita income.

What are the best zip codes to live in Albuquerque? ›

Ranking: These are the best zip codes to call home in Albuquerque
  • 87109. Updated Aug 8, 2024. ...
  • 87109 map. Updated Aug 6, 2024.
  • 87104. Updated Aug 8, 2024. ...
  • 87104 map. Updated Aug 6, 2024.
  • 87114. Updated Aug 8, 2024. ...
  • 87114 map. Updated Aug 6, 2024.
  • 87048. Updated Aug 8, 2024. ...
  • 87048 map. Updated Aug 6, 2024.
Aug 12, 2024

What is the safest area to live in Albuquerque NM? ›

Safe, Affordable Neighborhoods in Albuquerque
  • Bear Canyon.
  • Huning Castle.
  • Nob Hill.
  • Taylor Ranch.
  • Ventana Ranch.
Jul 26, 2024

What is the nicest city to live in New Mexico? ›

1. Santa Fe, NM. A historic, outdoor haven nestled within the massive Sangre de Cristo mountains, Santa Fe tops our list as the best place to live in New Mexico.

What city in New Mexico has the least crime? ›

Los Alamos is the safest city in New Mexico, reporting just 71 total crimes among its population of nearly 20,000. 3 cities reported no murders: Los Alamos, Corrales, and Anthony.

Is Santa Fe safer than Albuquerque? ›

Santa Fe vs Albuquerque Crime Rates

When comparing the total crime rate between the two cities, Santa Fe is a safer place to live than Albuquerque. While the violent crime rate is higher than the national average in Santa Fe, it's still a safer city overall due to the lower crime stats.

What is the elevation of Sandia Park, NM? ›

What zip code has the most millionaires? ›

The 20 richest ZIP codes in America
  • 98039 (Medina, Washington) ...
  • 60043 (Kenilworth, Illinois) ...
  • 10577 (Purchase, New York) ...
  • 90067 (Century City, California) ...
  • 94301 (Palo Alto, California) ...
  • 33480 (Palm Beach, Florida) ...
  • 94027 (Atherton, California) ...
  • 33109 (Fisher Island, Florida) Richard Cavalleri / Shutterstock.

What is the richest zip code in New Mexico? ›

Richest New Mexico Zip Codes (2024)

The richest zip code in New Mexico is 87122 with an average household income of $199,446 and 18,592 people according to the most current Census data available (citation).

What side of Albuquerque is best? ›

A: The neighborhoods of Huning Castle, Nob Hill, and Ventana Ranch are among the safest neighborhoods in Albuquerque. Q: What area of Albuquerque is best to live in? A: The westside and northeast areas of ABQ are considered to be among the best, due to the lovely natural views and upscale modern amenities.

Where is the best place to raise a family in Albuquerque? ›

Nob Hill

Nob Hill offers lots to do for young people and families including restaurants, coffee shops, and parks in the area. It's known for being very fun and lively. The public schools here are above average and Nob Hill is listed as the best neighborhood to live in in Albuquerque.

Is it worth moving to Albuquerque? ›

Along with low property taxes, state income tax is 31% lower than the national average, making Albuquerque an affordable place to live. As with any city, some areas are more cost-effective than others, but fortunately, a variety of safe, affordable neighborhoods in ABQ are available to choose from.

What is the safest part of New Mexico to live? ›

The safest place to live in New Mexico is Corrales. This small town is located in southern New Mexico in Sandoval County. With a population of 8,329, Corrales has a total crime rate that is 79% lower than the national average. Corrales is great for those looking for a relaxed lifestyle with plenty of natural scenery.

What area of Albuquerque is best to live in? ›

Here are the best neighborhoods in Albuquerque to consider when buying a house.
  • Uptown.
  • Four Hills.
  • Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.
  • Glenwood Hills.
  • Huning Castle.
  • Bear Canyon.
  • Ventana Ranch.
  • Taylor Ranch.

Where is the most expensive place to live in New Mexico? ›

The priciest city in New Mexico is Los Alamos, where the cost of living is 8% higher compared to the state average and 3% higher than in the rest of the U.S. The cheapest major city in New Mexico is Las Cruces, with a cost of living 5% lower below the state average and 10% lower than the national average.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.