Panda Moor Goldfish: A Beginner's Care Handbook (2024)


The origin of the Panda Moor Goldfish can be traced back to China, where it was first bred and developed. Selective breeding of goldfish species, including the telescope and the lionhead goldfish, produced the breed.

A tough and attractive species quickly became popular among pet fish owners. The Panda Moor Goldfish spread to other countries and has become a popular choice for home aquariums worldwide. The species is now widely available in pet shops and on the internet.

Appearance & Size

The Panda Moor Goldfish’s appearance makes it stand out from other goldfish species. As its name suggests, this fish is distinguished by its black and white markings, arranged in a distinct pattern on its body and fins. Black markings are found on the head, back, and tail, while white markings are found on the belly and fins. These markings lend the Panda Moor Goldfish a distinct, panda-like appearance that is both appealing and endearing.

The Panda Moor Goldfish is known for its elegant and flowing fins, in addition to its markings. This species’ fins are long, flowing, and delicate, giving it a graceful and beautiful appearance while swimming. The fins are also important for the fish’s overall health and well-being because they aid in balance and maneuvering in the water.

The Panda Moor Goldfish is a plump, full-bodied species with a round body. It has a large, distinct head with a prominent forehead and small, almond-shaped eyes. The body is typically a dull white or yellow, contrasting sharply with the black markings.

The size of the Panda Moor Goldfish is one of its most notable characteristics, as it can grow quite large in captivity. When fully mature, this species can grow as long as 8 inches or more, making it one of the larger goldfish species. However, it is important to note that the size of the Panda Moor Goldfish can vary greatly depending on various factors such as diet, water quality, and living conditions. Pet fish owners must remember that the Panda Moor Goldfish is a slow-growing species that can take several years to mature.


The gender of a Panda Moor Goldfish is not always easily distinguishable, as male and female fish of this species can look very similar in appearance. Some subtle differences can assist pet fish owners in determining the gender of their fish.

Male Panda Moor Goldfish have more pronounced and thicker dorsal and anal fins, which they use to attract a female mate during breeding. During the breeding season, males may have breeding tubercles, which are small white bumps on the gill covers and fins. Female Panda Moor Goldfish, on the other hand, tend to be plumper in the abdominal area, especially during breeding season when they are bursting at the seams with eggs.


The behavior of the Panda Moor Goldfish is one of its most fascinating and endearing characteristics. This species is known for its peaceful and social nature. The Panda Moor Goldfish is a social species that travel in wild groups. This tendency to socialize is frequently retained in captive populations. These fish are active and playful in a well-kept tank, spending their days swimming and exploring their surroundings. They are also quite intelligent and can learn to recognize their caregivers.

In terms of behavior, the Panda Moor Goldfish is active both during the day and at night, but they are most active during the day. They are not aggressive or territorial but have distinct personalities and may exhibit individualized behaviors. Some Panda Moor Goldfish, for example, maybe more shy and reclusive, whereas others may be more outgoing and curious.


When choosing tankmates for the Panda Moor Goldfish, it’s important to consider the different species’ sizes, temperaments, and other compatibility factors. While Panda Moor Goldfish are generally peaceful and non-aggressive, they can still be lively and active, so it’s important to choose tankmates that can keep up with them.

Here are a few good tankmates options for the Panda Moor Goldfish:

  • Other goldfish breeds, such as fantail or comets
  • Some species of koi
  • Certain types of shubunkins
  • Plecostomus or other peaceful bottom-dwelling species

Tank conditions

When it comes to keeping the Panda Moor Goldfish in a home aquarium, it’s essential to provide them with the proper tank conditions. This fish is tough and adaptable but requires a few specific needs to thrive.

First and foremost, the tank should be large enough to allow for fish growth and plenty of swimming space. It is recommended that at least 20 gallons of water be provided per fish. In addition, the tank should have a filtration system to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated and a heating system to keep the water temperature consistent.

The Panda Moor Goldfish prefers water with a pH between 7.0 and 7.5 and a hardness between 10 and 20 dKH. The water temperature should be between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with a slight drop at night to mimic natural conditions.

It’s also important to provide the Panda Moor Goldfish with a varied and well-rounded diet and to avoid overfeeding. Regular water changes and maintenance of the tank’s filtration system can help to maintain water quality and keep the fish healthy.


When it comes to the diet of the Panda Moor Goldfish, it’s important to provide them with a well-balanced and nutritious meal plan. These fish are omnivores that feed on various plants, insects, and small crustaceans in the wild. It is important to recreate this varied diet to ensure optimal health and growth in captivity.

A balanced diet for the Panda Moor Goldfish should include high-quality dry pellets or flakes, fresh or frozen vegetables, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms. Feeding them various foods will keep them healthy, stimulate their minds, and keep them from becoming bored.

It’s essential to avoid overfeeding the Panda Moor Goldfish, as they are prone to overeating, which can lead to health problems, such as swim bladder disorders. Instead, it’s best to feed them small portions two to three times a day, removing any uneaten food to prevent water quality problems.


Breeding Panda Moor Goldfish is a challenging but rewarding process that requires proper preparation and a suitable environment. These fish are egg layers and will lay their eggs on a flat surface, such as a spawning mop or slate.

It’s important to provide a stress-free environment with optimal water conditions, proper nutrition, and plenty of hiding places to breed Panda Moor Goldfish. A breeding tank or pond should be at least 100 gallons in size, with a temperature range of 68°F to 72°F and a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.

Having a good breeding pair of Panda Moor Goldfish is also important. These fish reach sexual maturity around the age of two years, and it’s best to select fish that are in good health and of similar size and age.

Once established, the breeding pair will typically breed in the spring and lay their eggs on a flat surface. Within 3 to 5 days, the eggs will hatch, and the fry can swim and feed on their own within another week.


Panda Moor Goldfish are relatively hardy fish, but like all living creatures, they can be prone to certain diseases without proper care.

It is important to provide proper water conditions, nutrition, and living spaces for your Panda Moor Goldfish to prevent and treat these diseases. Regular water changes, proper filtration, and avoiding overstocking the tank can prevent infection.

Panda Moor Goldfish: A Beginner's Care Handbook (2024)
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