I'm a while off getting any live stock but I still need to plan what I want; I definitely want clown fish, but to my horror ive been reading that they are quite aggressive and nasty little things!
What species of clown is more innately peaceful, so far tomato clowns seem to be the worse from what i've read.
Also how are clowns supposed to draw blood? Do they have teeth?
James N
Yes, they have teeth
Skunk Clowns are supposed to be the least aggressive, and Maroons are by far the most aggressive with Tomato's, Clarkii next. Generally, most Clownfish are peaceful tankmates, but a pair will protect their area, especially around an anemone or other host object, most Clowns have no fear of people, my Clarkiis didn't and they were quite young.
If you are worried, definitely start off with a more placid species, such as Occelaris/Percula or Skunks. What you will always hear though are people who had them and found them aggressive, and someone who had typically aggressive species who were really nice fish
It all depends on the fish. But generally, the ones metioned i.e. Skunks will be fine if you are worried.
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