INTP Personality Type [The Architect] (2024)

What INTP stands for?
Other Names for the INTP Personality Type
How to Recognize an INTP
Interests, Hobbies and Learning Style
One Special Thing About INTP
Dating, Love, and Relationships
Decision-Making Style
Random Facts About INTP
How to Get an INTP Like You
Careers for INTP
INTP Job List (101 Job Titles)
INTP as Leaders
Adjectives to Describe “The Architect” Personality Type
INTP’s Warning Label
Famous People with INTP Personality Type
INTP Characters (Fictional)

INTP is one of the 16 personality types developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers in the first part of the twentieth century.

It’s important to mention that their goal was to identify 16 healthy personality types; hence no personality type is deemed to be inferior to others.

If you would like to get more information on the background of their theory, check out our Jung’s personality typology page, which includes some necessary disclaimers.

Back to Myers-Briggs work: Each personality type possesses unique gifts and inclinations that serve an important role in society; each personality is unique in its own way.

People with the INTP personality type account for less than 5 percent of the general population, with some sources citing even lower numbers.

While it would be impractical even to attempt to find exact numbers, nobody will argue that INTPs are rare.

Are you an independent and original INTP? You can take this test to find out.

INTP Meaning

INTP stands for “introverted” (I), “intuitive” (N), thinking (T), perceiving (P). Introversion is a preference to focus internally and spend a good portion of your time alone in quiet surroundings.

Being intuitive means that you pay more attention to general concepts, abstract ideas, and interpretations; facts and details are secondary to you.

Your inclination to use your thinking faculty instead of feelings makes you a highly rational person who prioritizes logic and reason.
Having a perceiving style means you are a flexible and spontaneous person.

Other Names for the INTP Personality Type

The INTP personality type has other names given by Myers-Briggs and those who later expanded on their theory.

Authors of the official Myers-Briggs assessment tool refer to this type as “Objective Analyst”.

David Keirsey in his books “Please Understand Me” and “Please Understand Me II” called this type “The Architect”, which is a little confusing because Myers-Briggs used this nickname for INTJ, another personality type whom Keirsey called “The Mastermind”.

To make it even more confusing, he sometimes used the word “Engineers” when talking about INTPs.

Linda Berens, in her book “The Sixteen Personality Types: Descriptions for Self-Discovery”, called this type “Designer Theoriser”.

Alan Brownsword, the author of “It Takes All Types”, called it “Builder of Theories”.

Jonathan P. Niednagel, the author of the brain typing theory based on Jung’s and Myer-Briggs’s works, called this personality type “Creative Logician”.

Some online sources made up their own names for INTP: Logician, Rational Philosopher, The Inventive Logician.

INTP is similar to Phlegmatic-Choleric temperament (primary: Phlegmatic, secondary: Choleric) in the four temperaments model.

How to Recognize an INTP

People with an INTP personality type often appear lost in their intellectual world.

Although they are great at organizing thoughts and concepts, they usually neglect the physical world, which may make them seem messy and disorganized.

Just like other introverts, they dislike the superficial and don’t bother with small talk.

On the other hand, they enjoy talking about abstract concepts, science, technology, mathematics, which usually results in technical and complex speech that cannot be easily understood by others.

Another important INTP trait is that they are more interested in underlying structures of things and principles that seem to govern these things rather than the things themselves.

Because INTP’s thoughts are precise and organized, their language is accurate too.

They pick up on inconsistencies in others’ speech very quickly and can be truly devastating in a debate.

Because they believe that one of their primary functions is the search for understanding, they will typically point out logical flaws, no matter the opponent.

Debates aside, INTPs often appear shy due to their preference to work quietly and alone.

Their natural reserve may be challenging to penetrate, and except for a few close friends, INTPs don’t really open up to anyone and are often underestimated.

INTP Interests, Hobbies and Learning Style

INTPs are very much interested in design and architecture.

These people possess fantastic spatial skills, and from an early age, they are preoccupied with concepts of space and orientation.

A typical INTP is obsessed with technology and will usually choose to study science.

INTPs enjoy studying broad theoretical concepts that stimulate their mind.

Although they regularly spend a considerable amount of time learning non-compulsory materials, they prefer to explore at their own pace, which allows them the freedom to choose topics of interest on their own.

When it comes to hobbies, INTP favorites are

  • strategy games such as chess, checkers, dominoes, Go (“Go” or “Baduk” is an ancient Chinese game. Nowadays, it is widely popular in China, Japan, and Korea). Also Axis and Allies, Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, Dungeons and Dragons, Civilization, and similar board and video games.
  • reading,
  • writing,
  • photo manipulation,
  • cultural events such as exhibitions,
  • hiking,
  • travel.

One Special Thing About INTP

People with INTP personality type look at the world a little differently than most of us; they see the world as a raw material — something they could influence, change or re-design according to their mental sketch.

Masters of organization, not only do INTP people design physical systems such as machines, buildings, and bridges, they also excel at building theoretical systems such as corporations and curricula.

Although INTPs are keen on knowledge, they know how to concentrate on the issue at hand.

With this deep and narrow focus, they are often capable of reaching a better understanding of whatever they are trying to analyze than others.

INTP in Dating, Love, and Relationships

INTPs make great and committed partners.

Although they take their relationship very seriously, they sometimes may be forgetful of important anniversaries and appointments.

When an INTP person chooses to focus on their relationship, they may appear to have a relationship chip on their shoulder.

In a true INTP style, they will analyze everything about their partner and their relationship.

In general, INTPs do not enjoy social activities in their homes and would rather live in their intellectual world.

Their partners must be prepared to arrange and schedule everyday social rituals themselves; they may also have to pay courtesy visits to other people alone as their INTP partners can’t be bothered with this type of activity.

Another possible point of conflict is that INTP men and women tend to keep their emotions to themselves and may appear insensitive to feelings of other people.

Also, while being completely unaware of their partners’ emotions, they will usually ask for a logical basis for their partners’ words and actions.

Their partners need to realize that demanding the rationale is the INTP’s attempt to understand them and not an insult to their feelings.

INTP Decision-Making Style

When making a decision, INTPs carefully evaluate the problem at hand and consider all available options.

Because they tend to see many alternative solutions to the same problem, they might get caught up in analyzing the alternatives and postpone deciding until it’s too late.

Also, INTPs should realize that sometimes their decisions affect the lives of other people and, because INTPs are not very good at people reading, they may want to make sure that these decisions do not harm anyone.

Another potential problem with INTP decision-making is that they tend to get carried away in their thinking and might waste their time considering unrealistic options.

INTP Strengths

  • Independent thinking;
  • originality;
  • creative problem-solving;
  • ability to see patterns that are not obvious to others;
  • ability to see possibilities beyond obvious;
  • very high standards for performance;
  • striving for knowledge;
  • highly intelligent;
  • competent;
  • logical thinking.

INTP Weaknesses

  • Inability to communicate effectively;
  • lack of desire to lead or follow, which can be problematic in a corporate environment;
  • may be impractical;
  • lack of respect for others’ opinions;
  • may become eccentric.

Random Facts About INTP

  • People with INTP personality type typically are smart and solution-oriented but can and often do procrastinate.
  • Despite their in-depth knowledge of the given topic, they often struggle to explain it to others.
  • Although INTPs may seem arrogant and aloof, they often feel lonely.
  • Even though the INTP personality type generally strives for knowledge, they are only interested in specific topics and get easily bored if they are forced to deal with something they don’t care about.
  • INTPs tend to be a little single-minded, nerdy, and socially awkward; their spouses or families have to look after them like they look after children.
  • INTPs like to develop complex systems to keep their lives organized, then completely disregard them.
  • A lot of things INTPs do are only done half-way because once they figure out everything there is to a particular project, they lose their interest and switch to something else.
  • Sometimes INTPs don’t do the work they are supposed to do because they get carried away researching something else.
  • A person with an INTP personality type may seem very old and very young at the same time — a result of a unique combination of INTP’s mature and childish character traits.
  • INTP people feel disconnected from the world around them.
  • INTPs feel like scientists and artists at the same time.
  • If an INTP asks you how you are feeling, likes your social media posts and comments on them, compliments you for being smart, and explains his or her ideas to you, sure enough, they are in love with you because all these things are something they usually don’t do.
  • INTPs despise trends and fads simply because they are popular.
  • INTPs can be very romantic; unfortunately, this isn’t obvious to their potential partners.
  • INTPs secretly wish they could stick to one thing until they become good at it. Yet, they get bored with their pursuits once they reach an adequate level of mastery.
  • INTPs have no balance between “obsessed” and “not interested”.
  • If your INTP partner stops giving their opinions and explaining things to you, chances are they are giving up on you.
  • INTP people enjoy the recognition of their work but don’t know how to take compliments.
  • INTPs buy a lot of books but read only a few.

How to Get an INTP Like You

  • Learn to appreciate them for who they are and what they do;
  • Give them plenty of personal space;
  • Appreciate their sense of humor;
  • Talk about subjects they find interesting;
  • Don’t pressure them into participating in social activities;
  • Allow them to process their emotions and feelings without any pressure;
  • Play mentally stimulating games with them (see INTP interests and hobbies above);
  • Read their favorite books, then discuss these books with them;
  • Don’t scold them for being messy — just accept them as they are;
  • Don’t scold them for procrastinating — if you want to be with them, get comfortable with the idea that some things they promise you will never become a reality.

Careers for INTP

INTPs’ dream job allows them to work on one project at a time and is sufficiently intellectually stimulating for them to stay interested.

The type of job the INTP likes usually involves building elaborate systems and long-term planning.

To be completely happy at the job, the INTP wants freedom of action with little or no supervision and respectful colleagues.

Because INTPs are all about innovation and design, they thrive in high-tech fields with an artistic edge such as animation, graphic design, user interface design, video production / editing and architecture.

Due to their introverted nature, the INTP prefers to work alone or with a small group of colleagues he or she respects. Also see 19 INTP Careers to Avoid

INTP Job List

  • 3D Motion Designer
  • 2D Character Animator
  • Accountant
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Analyst
  • Animator
  • Anthropologist
  • Archaeologist
  • Architect
  • Artist
  • Astronomer
  • Atmospheric Scientist
  • Auditor
  • Author
  • Biochemist
  • Biologist
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Biophysicist
  • Cartoonist
  • Character Animator
  • Character Designer (Animation)
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Chemist
  • Chemist
  • Civil Engineer
  • College Instructor
  • College Professor
  • Composer
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Computer Network Architect
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Professional
  • Computer Software Designer
  • Computer Scientist
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Database Administrator
  • Database Manager
  • Development Specialist
  • Economist
  • Editor
  • Electrical
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Executive Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • Forensic Evaluator
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Geographer
  • Geological Engineer
  • Geoscientist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Historian
  • Hydrologist
  • Industrial Designer
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Investigator
  • Management Consultant
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Mathematician
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Medical Scientist
  • Microbiologist
  • Multimedia Artist
  • Musician
  • Network Administrator
  • Neurologist
  • Nuclear Engineer
  • Pharmacist
  • Photographer
  • Physician
  • Physicist
  • Plastic Surgeon
  • Political Scientist
  • Production Artist
  • Product Designer
  • Professor
  • Psychologist
  • Psychoanalyst
  • Physicist
  • Regional Planner
  • Research Specialist
  • Sales Engineer
  • Social Scientist
  • Sociologist
  • Software Developer
  • Strategic Planner
  • Survey Researcher
  • Systems Analyst
  • Technical Writer
  • Top Executive
  • UI Designer (User Interface Designer)
  • Video Editor
  • Videographer
  • Video Production Specialist
  • Video Producer
  • Web Developer
  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Writer
  • Zoologist

INTP as Leaders

Generally, INTP people don’t strive to lead, but if they end up in leadership positions, they prefer to focus on providing direction more than anything else.

In addition, they value individual knowledge and expertise over fancy titles and encourage input, which makes them very empowering leaders.

Because INTPs are highly independent themselves, they like people who can work independently as well. When faced with a specific problem, INTP leaders focus on understanding the underlying causes of the issue at hand and try to disseminate this knowledge to other members.

Adjectives to Describe INTP Personality Type

  • Smart,
  • creative,
  • innovative,
  • intelligent,
  • independent,
  • precise,
  • reserved,
  • introverted,
  • logical,
  • original,
  • aloof,
  • lonely,
  • skeptical,
  • cold,
  • unemotional,
  • messy,
  • autonomous,
  • speculative,
  • detached,
  • unemotional,
  • self-determined,
  • quiet,
  • content,
  • flexible,
  • adaptable
  • critical,
  • analytical,
  • solution-oriented,
  • demanding,
  • perfectionist,
  • knowledgeable,
  • curious,
  • theoretical,
  • focused.

The INTP’s Warning Label

Heidi Priebe, the author of the book “How You Will Do Everything Based on Your Personality Type”, wrote an entertaining post for “Thought Catalog”. In that post, she assigned warning labels to each of the 16 personality types.

The label for the INTP personality type reads:

May fact check literally everything you say and catch you in any attempt at a lie or exaggeration.

Famous People with INTP Personality Type

It’s highly probable that these famous people belong to INTP personality type:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Blaise Pascal
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Milton Friedman
  • Sergey Brin
  • Larry Page
  • Marie Curie
  • Socrates
  • Robert Rosen

INTP Characters (Fictional)

Following fictional characters exhibit INTP traits:

  • Master Luwin from Game of Thrones
  • Gandalf from The Hobbit
  • Rust Cohle from True Detective
  • Zhu Li from The Legent of Korra
  • Linus van Pelt from Peanuts
  • Fliburt from Rocko’s Modern Life
  • Carol from The Walking Dead

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INTP Personality Type [The Architect] (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.