14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (2024)

Orange cats have a captivating appearance due to their fur color, which is why they are highly desired. It’s difficult to resist their charm! However, it’s important to note that although all orange cats are tabby cats, not all tabby cats have orange fur.

There are various kinds of cats that can have orange fur, and each breed is unique in terms of their size, personality, and how much they shed.

If you want to bring home an orange cat, it’s a good idea to do some extra research on the personalities and care needs of the various breeds. This will help you choose the perfect cat that suits your lifestyle.

1. Abyssinian

These gorgeous cats with orange fur are easier to take care of because they have short hair.

When Abyssinian kittens are born, their fur appears much darker, but it gradually becomes lighter during the first few months of their life. So, don’t worry if your Abyssinian kitten doesn’t have bright orange fur when you bring them home.

Abyssinians are much longer and slimmer than other cat breeds and usually have a strong curiosity and desire to play.

Once they reach adulthood, these cats usually weigh around eight to twelve pounds, and if you’re looking for a purebred Abyssinian kitten, you can expect to pay between $900 and $1,500.

2. American Bobtail

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (1)

This type of cat is not very common and has only existed since the 1960s, so it’s a fairly new breed of cat. They are famous for their short, bobbed tails and their thick, fluffy bodies.

These cats have gorgeous fur and usually get along well with families that have kids. Your American Bobtail can stay with your family for around 15 years. Because this breed is not very common, it can be quite expensive, costing over $1,000 to adopt and bring one home.

3. British Shorthair

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (2)

British Shorthair cats have cute round faces and thick fur. They are the ideal cat breed for anyone who wants an orange tabby cat with a great fur style.

Nevertheless, the thickness of their fur makes them more demanding to take care of compared to other orange cats. If you decide to adopt a British Shorthair, be prepared to groom your cat on a daily basis. These cats have regular body proportions and are generally a healthy breed.

The British Shorthair is not known for being the most cuddly cat and may not enjoy sitting on your lap for long periods of time. Although they love their owners, they also need their alone time and prefer having their own personal space.

This results in a cat that requires very little effort to take care of, as they are content to do their own thing and only seek attention occasionally.

The Persian breed has been around for a really long time, since 43 CE in England. They have been around for centuries and typically live longer than other cats, with an average lifespan of 14-20 years. If you want to buy one of these cats, it will cost you around $800.

4. Maine Coon

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (3)

The Maine Coon cats are among the largest and most fluffy cats available! As their name suggests, they are the official cat of Maine and have adapted to endure the tough winter climate in Maine.

The “Gentle Giant” is a cat breed that is known for being very independent.

If you decide to get a Maine Coon, keep in mind that it takes them a couple of years to grow to their full size and they can weigh up to 25 pounds when they are fully grown. These cats are quite talkative and they make various sounds like singing and chirping, in addition to meowing often.

The Maine Coon cat breed typically has a lifespan of around 13 or 14 years, and if you decide to buy one from a breeder, it will be quite expensive, costing over a thousand dollars.

5. Persian Cat

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (4)

Persian Cats are easily identifiable due to their distinctive features such as round flat faces and glossy fur coats. This particular breed is highly sought after and widely favored among cat enthusiasts in the United States.

The Persian cat is highly popular for a good reason. Despite their elegant appearance, they are actually quite easy to take care of.

These cats are laid-back and don’t require a lot of attention from their owners. They may not be the smartest cats, but they more than make up for it with their lovable nature!

Although the breed is popular, it is also in high demand, which means that buying a purebred Persian cat can be quite costly, with prices typically ranging from $1,000 to $2,000.

6. Manx

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (5)

The main characteristic of a Manx cat is that it may not have a tail all the time! This breed is known as a show cat breed, and the purebred Manx cat will have short hind legs and a round body.

Unfortunately, Manx cats frequently experience numerous health issues due to their purebred breeding. If they receive the no-tail gene from both their mother and father, it is improbable that they will have a long lifespan.

Orange cats also have a tendency to experience issues with their spine and spinal cord development. Their average lifespan is relatively short, typically around nine years. The price of a Manx cat can vary greatly depending on whether or not they have a tail.

Although these cats are really nice and affectionate towards humans and make great companions, it’s important to do thorough research before adopting a Manx cat to ensure they come from a healthy family line.

7. Turkish Angora

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (6)

The Turkish Angora is an old type of cat that started in Turkey. Just like other cats, this breed comes from the African wildcat.

These cats are adorable and calm pets that are usually friendly towards strangers and children. They can weigh anywhere from 6 to 12 pounds, depending on whether they are male or female.

Turkish Angoras are cats of medium size and have a more muscular build compared to other orange cat breeds. You can expect to pay around $900 for a Turkish Angora.

8. Oriental Shorthair

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (7)

These little cats have sleek, shiny, short-haired fur. They are among the most unique-looking cat breeds, featuring big pointy ears and a triangular face shape. These cats are also quite vocal! They are very talkative and have a tendency to meow often.

Oriental shorthairs are also really curious cats that enjoy exploring their home environment, and they are on the more energetic side of the orange cat range.

Oriental shorthair cats usually have a lifespan of 12-14 years, but they are prone to various health problems, particularly as they age. If you decide to buy an Oriental Shorthair from a breeder, it will generally set you back around $1,000.

9. Egyptian Mau

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (8)

The Egyptian Mau cat has a natural coat with orange fur and black spots, making them look like a mini cheetah.

These cats are not very big and are often said to move gracefully, similar to Siamese cats. Your Egyptian Mau will likely have eyes that are green or amber in color.

The Egyptian Mau, unlike regular tabby cats, is known for its incredible speed and holds the title of the fastest domestic cat breed, reaching speeds of up to 30 miles per hour!

These cats, which originated in Egypt, are quite rare to come across. They are highly sought after due to their unique natural spots, a feature that is not commonly found in cats. On average, they have a lifespan of 9-13 years and are known for being one of the more active and energetic cat breeds.

10. Munchkin

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (9)

The breed’s name gives you all the information you need! These cats are small with really short legs that make them stay close to the ground. They have cute faces with large, innocent-looking eyes and a super fluffy fur coat.

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The Munchkin cat is a fairly new breed that was accidentally bred in 1983. Despite their short legs, these adorable cats are generally healthy and have a typical lifespan for a cat.

However, unlike many other cats, they might find it difficult to leap onto tall surfaces or move around as effortlessly on their own.

These cats are super friendly and love snuggling up in people’s laps. Depending on where you live, owning a Munchkin can be quite expensive, costing you a few thousand dollars, since they are a rare breed of cat.

11. Devon Rex

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (10)

The Devon Rex cat breed is not commonly found and looks different from other cats. They have very little fur and their coat is thin and wavy. These cats have long ears that point upwards and are sometimes called the “alien cat” because of their face shape.

Orange cats are most suitable for living indoors because they don’t have fur. They are among the more energetic breeds of orange cats, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still loving.

Although they are not officially hypoallergenic, this breed of cat is ideal for people with allergies or those who prefer a cat that doesn’t shed much.

These cats are famous for their silly or goofy nature and their love for playing and showing off. They are a joy to have in the house and will definitely bring laughter to the entire family.

If you’re looking to get a Devon Rex, don’t expect to find one at an animal shelter. You’ll need to buy from a reputable breeder, and it can cost you around $600-$1,000.

12. Chartreux

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (11)

The Chartreux is a cat with short fur that can be orange or other colors. You can easily recognize them by their bright gold or orange eyes.
The Chartreux is a big and strong cat, and they are famous for being great hunters. They were originally bred to catch mice and have fur that repels water. All of these qualities make them a very robust cat breed.

If you want a cat that is really quiet, the Chartreux breed is perfect for you. They don’t meow like other cats, but they might make soft chirping sounds instead.

Typically, cats of this breed have a lifespan of around 12 years and tend to be prone to weight gain because of their sturdy physique and impressive ability to catch mice!

13. Toyger

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (12)

Toyger cats are a type of cat breed that have orange fur and darker stripes, which look like the fur pattern of a tiger. The main purpose of breeding this breed was to generate more public interest in the protection of wild tigers.

These cats are extremely uncommon, with only around 35 breeders of Toyger cats worldwide. Because it is difficult to find this breed, getting one as a pet can be quite expensive, costing approximately $6,000.

Toyger cats have shorter fur, which makes them a great choice for people with allergies to pet dander. They are easier to take care of compared to other cat breeds with fluffier fur and don’t need a lot of grooming. These cats are lively and sociable with both humans and other animals.

14. Scottish Fold

14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (13)

Scottish Fold cats are named after their adorable ears that fold over and their history as cats from Scottish farms.

Scottish Folds are famous for their large eyes and round faces. People often compare them to owls because of their small folded ears. Their popularity has increased in recent times, especially after pop star Taylor Swift adopted two Scottish Fold cats.

Orange cats are usually friendly and loving cats that develop a strong connection with their favorite human. They have an average lifespan of 11 to 15 years, which is typical for cats.

The cost of a Scottish Fold cat varies depending on whether you purchase one from a breeder or adopt from a shelter.

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The cost of a Scottish Fold cat can vary greatly depending on your location and where you choose to get one, ranging from $75 to several hundred dollars.

How Many Orange Cat Breeds Are There

There isn’t an exact count of orange cat breeds, but approximately 14 breeds of orange cats are the most well-liked and easy to find. Numerous cat breeds can have an orange coat and their kittens may have different fur colors.

Are Orange Cats Rare

Orange cats are seen as one of the rarer cat colors. An interesting thing about orange cats is that 80% of male cats are orange tabbies.

There is a scientific explanation for this too. The way the chromosomes align makes it more probable for male cats to have the orange fur gene. While it might not be uncommon to have an orange tabby cat, it would be unusual to come across a female orange tabby cat.

Do Orange Cats Have More Health Problems

Contrary to popular belief, orange tabby cats do not have a higher likelihood of experiencing health issues compared to other colored tabby cats. Nevertheless, tabby cats in general may encounter different health problems, ranging from minor to more serious.

Orange hair tabby cats, like other tabbies, have a tendency to gain weight because they enjoy eating, and many of them already have thick, fluffy fur. They are also at risk of developing diabetes and urinary tract infections.

Do Orange Cats Live Longer

The color of your cat’s fur being orange does not affect its lifespan. The breed of your cat, not the color of its fur, is the main factor that determines how long it will live.

If your cat is generally healthy, maintains a good weight, and stays indoors, you can anticipate them living for about 10-15 years. While some cats may live longer, 10 years is typically the minimum lifespan for most tabby cats.

Do Orange Cats Get Along With Other Cats

Orange cats are generally friendly and sociable with other cats. The orange tabby breed is famous for its loving and calm nature, and they are not known for being overly active.

Orange tabby cats are usually friendly and get along with other cats and pets in your home. Generally, you don’t have to be concerned about them being a violent breed, although there may be some exceptions.

Things To Consider

Orange cats are often adored because they are usually very affectionate cats! There’s nothing more enjoyable than snuggling up with a large, fluffy orange cat on your lap.

These cats are super sweet and great if you don’t want a really energetic or overly excited pet. The cartoon cat Garfield is a pretty accurate example of an orange tabby: he adored eating, adored his owner, and adored taking naps.

If you want to make sure you have a loving cat, the biggest thing that affects their personality is how they are treated when they were a baby cat. It’s really important to build good relationships with other animals and people.

When a cat is young, it’s important for them to get used to interacting with other people. Additionally, it’s crucial to choose a cat breed that matches your lifestyle because each breed has different needs for attention and affection.

Be sure to spend plenty of time cuddling and holding your kitten, as this will make them enjoy affection even when they grow up. These adorable furry companions are so lovable that finding time to show them affection throughout the day is effortless!

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14 Orange Cat Breeds – A Furry Rainbow! | Cat Says Meow (2024)
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